The repository is forked from []. For older tagged releases, refer to that repo.
BearID Project code repository. For more information, read the hypraptive blog.
- dlib (tested with version 19.16) - download and install somewhere. You should have OpenCV and CUDA and other packages which are helpful for dlib.
- boost (tested with version 1.58.0)
Uses cmake flow:
git clone
cd bearid-dlib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DDLIB_PATH=<path_to_dlib> ..
cmake --build . --config Release
How to run end-to-end inferencing using
or each of it's components individually.
Use the
python 3 script to predict the bear identities from a set of images.
script expects all of the binaries and networks to be in the same directory as the script. If, for example, you cloned and built bearid as ~/bearid and cloned the models as ~/bearid-models, you can:
mkdir ~/tools
cp ~/bearid/ ~/tools
cp ~/bearid/build/bear* ~/tools
cp ~/bearid-models/*.dat ~/tools
Then you can run:
~/tools/ <image_file/directories>
Intermediate results and log files will be written to the current working directory. Progress messages and final results are printed to standard out.
Use the imglab and the C++ bearid components:
- Imglab (from dlib) - create an XML file containing all source images
imglab -c <source_img_file> <image files/directories>
- Bearface - find bear faces and face landmarks
./bearface --infer <bearface_network_file> <source_img_file>
- Bearchip - align and crop bear faces and produce bear chips
./bearchip [-root <img_root_dir>] <face_metadata_file>
- Bearembed - generate a 128D embedding from bear chips
./bearembed --embed <bearembed_network_file> --anet <chip_metadata_file>
- Bearsvm - classify set of embeddings using SVM one-vs-one classifier
./bearsvm --infer <bearsvm_network_file> <embed_metadata_file>
There are python tools and scripts in the tools
directory for managing datasets and evaluating results.
For pre-trained network files, see: bearid-models.