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Speedy & easy way to rapidly iterate with conversation "bots"


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tl:dr; The speedy & easy way to launch a bot


Note: To jump right in, go here:


npx speedyhelper setup

Video instructions

In a nutshell

Speedybot is a "toolkit" to take you from zero to a non-trivial bot as quickly as possible w/ a buttery-smooth developer experience (live-reload, intelli-sense, etc). Dive in immediately and focus on the stuff that matters-- content, workflows/integrations, processing files, etc

Speedybot instruments on top of the incredibly useful webex-node-bot-framework and steps through the fastest path to a working bot and provides some convenience features

Speedybot also makes it easy to get up and running fast without worrying about tunneling, webhooks, etc.

Speedybot can also give your bot $uperpowers-- see here for details on $uperpowers

Adding a new chat handler

With Speedybot, all you need to worry about is the settings directory directory with two files:

1. config.json: This is where you'll put your bot access token and the "tunnel" (or webhost) where your bot is reachable from webhooks

2. handlers.ts: A list of "handlers" that respond to keywords

Example handler:

	keyword: ['hello', 'hey', 'yo', 'watsup', 'hola'],
	handler(bot, trigger) {
		// bot:
		// trigger:
		const reply = `Heya how's it going ${trigger.person.displayName}?`
	helpText: `**hello** A handler that greets the user`


Speedybot can also give your bot $uperpowers-- see here for details on $uperpowers

$uperpowers sample
import { $ } from 'speedybot'

export default 	{
    keyword: ['$', '$uperpowers', '$uperpower', '$superpower'],
    async handler(bot, trigger) {
        // ## 0) Wrap the bot object in $ to give it $uperpowers, ex $(bot)
        const $bot = $(bot)

        // ## 1) Contexts: set, remove, and list
        // Contexts persist between "turns" of chat
        // Note: contexts can optionally store data
        // If you just need to stash information attached to a user, see "$(bot).saveData" below
        await $bot.saveContext('mycontext1')
        await $bot.saveContext('mycontext2', { data: new Date().toISOString()})

        const mycontext2 = await $bot.getContext('mycontext2')
        $bot.log('# mycontext2', mycontext2) // { data: '2021-11-05T05:03:58.755Z'}

        // Contexts: list active contexts
        const allContexts = await $bot.getAllContexts() // ['mycontext1', 'mycontext2']
        bot.say(`Contexts: ${JSON.stringify(allContexts)}`)

        // Contexts: check if context is active
        const isActive = await $bot.contextActive('mycontext1')
        $bot.log(`mycontext1 is active, ${isActive}`) // 'mycontext1 is active, true'

        // Contexts: remove context
        await $bot.deleteContext('mycontext1')

        const isStillActive = await $bot.contextActive('mycontext1')
        $bot.log(`mycontext1 is active, ${isStillActive}`) // 'mycontext1 is active, false'

        // ## 2) Helpers to add variation and rich content

        // sendRandom: Sends a random string from a list

        // sendTemplate: like sendRandom but replace $[variable_name] with a value
        const utterances = ['Hey how are you $[name]?', `$[name]! How's it going?`, `$[name], it's been too long!`]
        const template = { name: 'Joey'}
        $bot.sendTemplate(utterances, template)

        // sendURL: Sends a URL in a clickable card
        $bot.sendURL('', 'Go Celebrate')

        // snippet: Generate a snippet that will render data in markdown-friendly format
        const JSONData = {a: 1, b:2, c:3, d:4}

        $bot.sendSnippet(JSONData, `**Here's some JSON, you'll love it**`) // send to room

        // Snippet to a specifc room or specific email
        // const snippet = $bot.snippet(JSONData)
        // $bot.send({markdown: snippet, roomId:trigger.message.roomId, text: 'Your client does not render markdown :('}) // send to a specific room
        // $bot.send({markdown: snippet, toPersonEmail:'', text: 'Your client does not render markdown :('}) // send to a specific person

        // ## 3) Conversation "chips"
        // These are like conversation shortcuts-- if you provide a handler function that will be invoked
        // rather than passing on the text as if the user uttered it
        $bot.sendChips(['hey','ping','pong', { label: 'my custom chip', handler(bot, trigger) { 
                bot.say(`Hello from 'my custom chip' handler: ${JSON.stringify(trigger, null, 2)}`)
        // ## 4) Save data between conversation "runs"

        interface SpecialUserData {
            specialValue: string;
            userId: String;
        const specialData:SpecialUserData = {
            specialValue: Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),
            userId: trigger.personId,
        // Save the data
        await $bot.saveData<SpecialUserData>('userData', specialData)
        // Retrieve the data (returns null if does not exist)
        const dataRes = await $bot.getData<SpecialUserData>('userData')

        if (dataRes) {
            // These are now "typed"
            const theValue = dataRes.specialValue
            const id = dataRes.userId
            $bot.log(`Your specal value was ${theValue} and your id is ${id}`)

            // destroy data

        // ## 4) Integrate with 3rd-parties: $bot.get, $, etc

        // ex. get external data
        // Opts are axios request config (for bearer tokens, proxies, unique config, etc)
        const res = await $bot.get('')
        bot.say({markdown: $bot.snippet(})

        // ## 4) Files & attachments

        // Send a local file
        // Provide a path/filename, will be attached to message
        // $bot.sendFile(__dirname, 'assets', 'speedybot.pdf') // settings/assets/speedybot.pdf will be sent to user

        // Send a publically accessible URL file
        // Supported filetypes: ['doc', 'docx' , 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'pdf', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png']

        // For an example involving fileuploads + spreadsheets (.xlsx), see here:

    helpText: 'A demo of $uperpowers'

Special keywords

There are a few "special" keywords you can use to "listen" to special events:

  • <@submit>: Handler that will run anytime data is submitted from an Adaptive Card

  • <@catchall>: Handler that will run on every message received (can be useful to dispatch messages to natural language services like DialogFlow or Lex)

  • <@fileupload>: Handler that will fire on every file-upload or file-attachment sent to the bot

  • <@help>: There is a built-in help handler by default (it will print out all of your custom handler's helpTexts from settings/handlers.ts), but use this if you want to make your own

  • <@spawn>: Gets called whenever a user adds your bot to a new space-- there are some caveats, however, to its behavior, so if you think you'll need this, see here, here or the resources page for all the details

  • <@despawn>: Opposite of spawn, see here for details

ex. Tell the bot "sendcard" to get a card, type into the card & tap submit, catch submission using <@submit> and echo back to user

import { SpeedyCard } from 'speedybot'
export default [{
        keyword: '<@submit>',
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            bot.say(`Submission received! You sent us ${JSON.stringify(trigger.attachmentAction.inputs)}`)
        helpText: 'Special handler that fires when data is submitted'
        keyword: 'sendcard',
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            bot.say('One card on the way...')
            // Adapative Card:
            const myCard = new SpeedyCard().setTitle('System is ๐Ÿ‘')
                                     .setSubtitle('If you see this card, everything is working')
                                     .setInput(`What's on your mind?`)
                                     .setUrl('', 'Take a moment to celebrate')
                                     .setTable([[`Bot's Date`, new Date().toDateString()], ["Bot's Uptime", `${String(process.uptime())}s`]])
                                     .setData({mySpecialData: {a:1, b:2}})
            bot.sendCard(myCard.render(), 'Your client does not currently support Adaptive Cards')
        helpText: 'Sends an Adaptive Card with an input field to the user'

CLI Instructions

Command Description
npx speedyhelper setup scaffold a starter speedybot project (requires git)
npx speedyhelper setup -t aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd scaffold a speedybot project using the value after setup as the token
npx speedyhelper help show basic CLI help info
npx speedyhelper web -q Kick off a web-based chat interface (use -q flag to interactively add token + roomId)
npx speedyhelper sendmsg Send a message to a room using bot access token
npx speedyhelper tunnel -p 8000 Start an nGrok tunnel, defaults to port 8000
(Global install using npm/yarn)

Rather than using npx, you can perform a global install which install speedyhelper to your path

npm i -g speedyhelper

yarn global add speedyhelper

Make sure all worked well by opening a new terminal and entering:

speedyhelper help


Speedy & easy way to rapidly iterate with conversation "bots"







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