Bug: k8s.gcr.io (registry) hardcoded for cluster-autoscaler #113
Expected Behaviour
No exception thrown, both old and new registry handled.
Current Behaviour
Snippet of the output when running eksupgrade drmaciej-cluster 1.26 ap-southeast-2 --preflight
Cluster Autoscaler exists
cluster-autoscaler pod is running
Error occurred while checking for the cluster autoscaler - Error: list index out of range
Pre flight unsuccessful because of the following errors: ['To upgrade please run the code with --force flag ', 'Error occurred while checking for the cluster autoscaler list index out of range']
Pre-flight check for cluster drmaciej-cluster targeting version: 1.26 failed!
It appears that the exception is thrown in
version = (
because my image is set to registry.k8s.io/autoscaling/cluster-autoscaler:v1.25.0
is about to be sunset and new images are not published there. For instance, the latest publish CA images are on the new registry already (see https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/releases)
Code snippet
Possible Solution
No response
Steps to Reproduce
Detailed in "Current Behaviour"
Amazon EKS upgrade version
1.25 to 1.26
Python runtime version
Packaging format used
Debugging logs
No response