Describe the bug
There is an integ.database.ts
integ test, but this test cannot actually be deployed to AWS.
❯ yarn integ test/integ.database.js --force
yarn run v1.22.21
$ integ-runner --language javascript test/integ.database.js --force
Verifying integration test snapshots...
UNCHANGED integ.database 1.152s
Snapshot Results:
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Running integration tests for failed tests...
Running in parallel across regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-2
Running test /Users/kazuhoshinozuka/git/aws-cdk/packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha/test/integ.database.js in us-east-1
✨ Synthesis time: 0.03s
aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-database: deploying... [1/1]
aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-database: creating CloudFormation changeset...
Failed resources:
aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-database | 12:36:28 AM | CREATE_FAILED | Custom::RedshiftDatabaseQuery | User/TablePrivileges/Resource/Resource/Default (UserTablePrivileges3829D614) Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Statement status was FAILED: ERROR: syntax error at or near "-" in context "SELECT ON clustereb0386a7-", at line 1
Position: 48
Logs: /aws/lambda/aws-cdk-redshift-cluster--QueryRedshiftDatabase3de-OKD1xpr2NRJ9
Position: 48
at waitForStatementComplete (/var/task/redshift-data.js:34:15)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async executeStatement (/var/task/redshift-data.js:18:5)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async grantPrivileges (/var/task/privileges.js:35:5)
at async handler (/var/task/privileges.js:11:9) (RequestId: 0de4c80b-c1c3-4d12-8ea9-45dc9b986515)
❌ aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-database failed: The stack named aws-cdk-redshift-cluster-database failed creation, it may need to be manually deleted from the AWS console: ROLLBACK_COMPLETE: Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Statement status was FAILED: ERROR: syntax error at or near "-" in context "SELECT ON clustereb0386a7-", at line 1
Position: 48
Generated template file is here.
Regression Issue
- Select this option if this issue appears to be a regression.
Last Known Working CDK Version
Expected Behavior
The integ test should be able to deploy.
Current Behavior
Failed to deploy.
Reproduction Steps
You can perform this integration test as follows.
cd packages/@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha
yarn build
yarn integ test/integ.database.js --force
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
No response
CDK CLI Version
Framework Version
No response
Node.js Version
Language Version
No response
Other information
No response
ashishdhingra commentedon Oct 21, 2024
Looks like grantPrivileges() > executeStatement() is failing while executing
GRANT ${actions.join(', ')} ON ${tableName} TO ${username}
.Syntax for GRANT allows to specify comma separated actions (
, etc.)ON [ TABLE ] table_name
where TABLE keyword is optional.Table name can use:
.In the issue, the error is
syntax error at or near "-" in context "SELECT ON clustereb0386a7-"
. So looks like table name somehow contains-
. Hence, the database-query-provider should either be updated to use delimited identifiers, OR, integration test should make sure not to use illegal characters in table names.5d commentedon Dec 10, 2024
Hi @badmintoncryer , after some investigation, we determined that this issue is a regression introduced by PR #24308. I am currently working on a workaround.
badmintoncryer commentedon Dec 11, 2024
@5d Thank you for your information!
fix(redshift-alpha): extract tableName from custom resource functions (…