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Modular grid powered by Lost and BEM


The easiest way:

  1. bower install --save sharps
  2. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

As plugin for postcss:

  1. npm i --save sharps
  2. Prepend your plugins with sharps
const postcss = require('postcss');
const sharps = require('sharps').postcss;

  columns: 12, // default
  maxWidth: '1100px',
  gutter: '10px',
  flex: 'flex'
})]).process('a {color: red}').then(function(result) {

As ENB module:

  1. npm i --save-dev sharps
  2. Add sharps in your ENB config
[require('sharps').enb, {
  config: {
    columns: 12, // default
    maxWidth: '1100px',
    gutter: '10px',
    flex: 'flex'

Note: If you have any css builder, you should change its target and add source to sharps parameters for preventing conflicts, like this:

[techs.stylus, {
  target: '?.no-grid.css', // there is the changed target
  sourcemap: false,
  autoprefixer: {
    browsers: ['ie >= 10', 'last 2 versions', 'opera 12.1', '> 2%']

[require('sharps').enb, {
  config: {
    maxWidth: '1100px',
    gutter: '10px',
    flex: 'flex'
  source: '?.no-grid.css' // there is the source

Easy example

<div class="row">
    <div class="row__col row__col_mw_6">left column</div>
    <div class="row__col row__col_mw_6">right column</div>
  block: 'row',
  content: [
      elem: 'col',
      elemMods: { mw: 6 },
      content: 'left column'
      elem: 'col',
      elemMods: { mw: 6 },
      content: 'right column'


Useful mods for row block:

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)al - align cols to left on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)ac - align cols to center on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)ar - align cols to right on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)vat - align cols vertically to top on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)vam - align cols vertically to middle on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)vab - align cols vertically to bottom on needed displays

Useful mods for col element:

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl) - auto width on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)w - width on needed displays, 0 hide col on this device

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)o - offset on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)of - order first this col on needed displays

  • (s|m|l|xl|xxl)ol - order last this col on needed displays



Please, talk about your ideas by GitHub issues.

MIT License