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2.3.27 Satellite: K6

av edited this page Nov 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Handle: k6
URL: http://localhost:34233

k6 is a modern load-testing tool. It's built to be powerful, extensible, and full-featured. The key design goal is to provide the best developer experience.

Harbor's k6 comes with a few additional features that make it useful for LLM-related tasks out of the box:

  • Pre-configured Influx and Grafana instances for metric collection and display
  • Built-in Grafana dashboard for OpenAI-compatible API stats
  • Built-in k6 helpers for OpenAI-compatible API clients

Harbor's custom OpenAI-API dashboard for K6


# [Optional] Pre-pull the images
harbor pull k6

# Run K6 CLI (connected to "k6 run" by default)
harbor k6 --help

Harbor mounts a local workspace located in $(harbor home)/k6 to the container. You can use it to store your scripts, configuration, and other data.

  • $(harbor home)/k6/scripts - K6 scripts
  • $(harbor home)/k6/dashboards - Grafana dashboards


In most instances, your workflow will be centered around editing and running performance testing scripts. You can find detailed guides on k6 functionality in the official documentation.

Here are a few helper commands to get you started:

# Open K6 scripts in VS Code
code $(harbor home)/k6/scripts

# Run a given script
# Note the forward slash - it's witihn a k6 container
# This will print Grafana URL to monitor the test
harbor k6 run /scripts/my-script.js

# Open Grafana dashboard
harbor open k6

The k6 CLI will start Grafana/InfluxDB if needed - they'll continue to be running in the background until stopped explicitly (meaning you can collect results for more than one test).

The DB storage is not permanent and the contents will be erased after stopping the service.

Harbor comes with a few example scripts to get you started:

OpenAI-compatible API scripting

Harbor's k6 has a built-in helper for OpenAI-compatible API clients. You can use it to easily create scripts that interact with the API.

import * as oai from './helpers/openaiGeneric.js';

const client = oai.createClient({
  // URL of the API, note that
  // "/v1" is added by the helper
  url: 'http://ollama:11434',
  options: {
    // A set of options that'll be added to every
    // request sent by this client. In other words -
    // a subset of the body of the request for the given endpoint
    model: 'qwen2.5-coder:1.5b-base-q8_0',

// /v1/completions endpoint
const response = client.complete({
  prompt: 'The meaning of life is',
  max_tokens: 10,
  // You can specify anything else supported by the
  // downstream service endpoint here, these
  // will override the "options" from the client as well.

// /v1/chat/completions endpoint
const response = client.chatComplete({
  messages: [
    { role: "user", content: "Answer in one word. Where is the moon?" },
  // You can specify anything else supported by the
  // downstream service endpoint here, these will
  // override the "options" from the client as well.

See the helper source for more details.

Standalone Setup

It's recommended to go with the Harbor setup, as it'll only use additional 6MB of disk space and will save you a lot of time. However, it's possible to use the setup standalone.


  • Docker with standalone compose plugin
  • Ability to run docker commands without sudo
  • Free disk space for K6, Grafana, InfluxDB docker images

Step 1: Check out the folder with k6 scripts and grafana resources

Here's an example one-liner that'll put into k6-oai-performance folder at the current location:

git clone --depth 1 /tmp/harbor-tmp && cp -r /tmp/harbor-tmp/k6 ./k6-oai-performance && rm -rf /tmp/harbor-tmp

Step 2: Run k6 compose service with docker compose:

# Start InfluxDB, Grafana
docker compose up -d

# Run example script
docker compose run k6 run /scripts/example.js

# After you're done with testing
docker compose down

The configuration and usage are otherwise identical the main documentation above, except that you'll also need to manually spin up any other services you'll be testing.

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