This repository centralizes the main processing steps to explore intra-event suspended sediment dynamics in a small proglacial river. It is meant to accompany a journal article (Tsyplenkov et al., 2020). This study is part of the ongoing Russian Science Foundation project No. 19-17-00181: «Quantitative assessment of the slope sediment flux and its changes in the Holocene for the Caucasus mountain rivers.»
For a deep introduction to the study, please refer to:
Tsyplenkov A, Vanmaercke M, Golosov V, Chalov S. 2020. Suspended sediment budget and intra-event sediment dynamics of a small glaciated mountainous catchment in the Northern Caucasus. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20 (8): 3266–3281 DOI: 10.1007/s11368-020-02633-z
Full text of the paper is available here.
To replicate main results, follow the instructions in R
directory and, of course, feel free to explore in depth the chunks of code or rise an issue, or write me a email.
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