This is a repository of projects related to manipulation of the Document Object Model with the help of JavaScript (including jQuery). With these projects, you can learn how to use JS to alter elements and behavior on your website.
This is a game where, each time the website gets refreshed, the dice will get rolled automatically. The player with the highest number wins! The number rolled is chosen randomly. DOM manipulation with JS.
This is a website where the user can play a sound by pressing the keyboard keys "w," "a," "s," "d," "j," "k," "l," or by clicking on a picture on the website. It is a fun way of creating music by randomly selecting elements. DOM manipulation with JS.
This game is based on the popular Simon game The user has to press any key to start the game, and then it will start showing you the tiles you have to click on, and every time you correctly press the pattern shown, it will move to the next level. Every level will have more complex patterns (always new random patterns) to follow to make it harder for the user to pass. This way, the game will increase in difficulty. At some point, if you choose the wrong tile, it will end the game. The sound effect will help the user identify whether the level was passed or failed and whether a tile was pressed. The website was developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Built with JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It randomly selects a Star Wars character, displays some of their information, cross-reference the name of this character with the starwars/databank website and shows the result.
After pressing the button GENERATE, random character data is fetched from an API called and depicted accordingly on the webpage. A status on the top of the page indicates if the process was successful or failed.
Pictures of the characters are fetched with help of API
Built with jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap 5. This webpage randomly selects a Star Wars character and fetches their information using the API. After pressing the button GENERATE, the results are shown on the webpage, as well as the status of the Ajax request. The project is similar to the Radnom_Star_Wars_Character_Webpage but the communication
with the API is done using jQuery in order to show the advantage of using this library.