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Folders and files

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FZF Mania

GitHub tag (latest by date) License

Powerful FZF setup in Lua for Neovim.

Neovim and FZF are awesome projects, and when they work together they can save you time by doing complex tasks very quickly.

This setup can be used as a whole, or parts can be disabled selectively or you can setup up an empty config with the config_empty function and enable the options you want.

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Mappings
  4. Commands
  5. Functions
  6. License


This library supports Neovim v0.7.0 or newer.

This library depends are the following libraries. Please make sure to add them as dependencies in your package manager:

Project Reason for using
arshlib.nvim common library
listish.nvim for sinking to lists
fzf-lua (Optional) for better ui
fd fast file find
bat colour scheme in previews


Use your favourite package manager to install this library.


  dependencies = {
    -- uncomment if you want a better ui.
    -- {
    --   "ibhagwan/fzf-lua",
    --   dependencies = { "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons" },
    -- },
  config = {
    -- frontend = "fzf-lua", -- uncomment if you want a better ui.
  event = { "VeryLazy" },


  requires = {
    -- uncomment if you want a better ui.
    -- {
    --   "ibhagwan/fzf-lua",
    --   requires = { "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons" },
    -- },
  after = { "listish.nvim", "fzf-lua" },
  config = function() require("fzfmania").config({
    -- frontend = "fzf-lua", -- uncomment if you want a better ui.
  event = { "UIEnter" }, -- best way to lazy load this plugin

Important Note

If you are using this plugin, you can't lazy load listish.nvim any more. Therefore your listing setup should not contain any after, keys, cmd, ft, or anything that marks it as an opt package.


If you don't pass anything to the config() function, it enable everything with their default. You can change individual settings by providing replacements, or disable them by setting them to false.

  frontend = "fzf-lua", -- uses fzf-lua for handling the ui
  mappings = {
    git_files = false,
    in_files = false,
  commands = false, -- completely disables creating commands

You may also use this form to only enable a few items. In this setup only in files search and listing files mappings are set:

  mappings = {
    in_files = "<leader>F", -- use this mapping for me
    files = true, -- use the default mappings

Note that you also want to set the fzf_actions, they will become disabled if you use the config_empty function.

Some mappings can be in form of a string or a table. If you provide a string, it only creates the map for when you can't filter by filenames. If you provide a table with two values, the first one doesn't filter by filenames, and the second one will do. In these cases, I have chosen the capitalised second letter for enabling file names filtering. For example:

in_files = {
  "<leader>ff", -- doesn't filter filenames as you type
  "<leader>fF", -- filters filenames too as you type.
-- or
in_files = "<leader>ff" -- only this version is available.

Here is a list of default configurations:

  fzf_history_dir = vim.env.HOME .. "/.local/share/fzf-history",
  frontend = "fzf.vim",                -- set to "fzf-lua" for handling the ui

  mappings = {
    commands = "<leader>:",            -- Show commands
    history  = "<leader>fh",           -- Show history
    files    = {                       -- show files in cwd
      filtered = "<C-p>",
      all = "<C-S-p>",                 -- fzf-lua only
    files_location = {                 -- Show files in home or given location
      loc = vim.env.HOME,              -- You can set to any location
      key = "<M-p>",                    -- Alt+p
    buffers            = "<C-b>",      -- Show buffers
    delete_buffers     = "<M-b>",      -- Delete buffers
    git_files          = "<leader>gf", -- Show files in git (git ls-files)
    buffer_lines       = "<C-_>",      -- CTRL-/ grep lines of current buffer
    all_buffer_lines   = "<M-/>",      -- Search in lines of all open buffers
    complete_dict      = "<c-x><c-k>", -- (Inser mode) dict completion
    complete_path      = "<c-x><c-f>", -- (Insert mode) path completion
    complete_line      = "<c-x><c-l>", -- (Insert mode) line completion
    spell_suggestion   = "z=",         -- Show spell suggestions
    in_files           = {             -- if it's a string, only the first mapping is made
      "<leader>ff",                    -- find in files
      "<leader>fF",                    -- find in files with filtering filenames
    in_files_force     = {
      "<leader>fa",                    -- find in files (ignore .gitignore)
      "<leader>fA",                    -- find in files (ignore .gitignore) with filtering filenames
    incremental_search = "<leader>fi", -- Incremental search with rg
    current_word       = {
      "<leader>rg",                    -- search for current word
      "<leader>rG",                    -- search for current word with filtering filenames
    current_word_force = {
      "<leader>ra",                    -- search for current word (ignore .gitignore)
      "<leader>rA",                    -- search for current word (ignore .gitignore) with filtering filenames
    marks              = "<leader>mm", -- Show marks
    tags               = "<leader>@",  -- Show tags
    fzf_builtin        = "<leader>t"   -- Invokes fzf-lua builtin popup

  commands = {
    git_grep     = "GGrep",
    git_tree     = "GTree",
    buffer_lines = "BLines",
    config       = "Config",
    todo         = "Todo",
    marks_delete = "MarksDelete",
    marks        = "Marks",
    args_add     = "ArgsAdd",
    args_delete  = "ArgsDelete",
    history      = "History",
    checkout     = "Checkout",
    work_tree    = "WorkTree",         -- git work-tree
    git_status   = "GitStatus",        -- only with fzf-lua frontend
    jumps        = "Jumps",            -- Choose from the jump list
    autocmds     = "Autocmds",         -- List autocmds
    changes      = "Changes",          -- Choose from change list
    registers    = "Registers",        -- View registers


Most actions can apply to multiple selected items if possible.

Mapping Description
<Ctrl-p> File list in current folder.
<Alt-p> File list in home folder.
<Ctrl-b> Buffer list.
<Alt-b> Delete buffers from the buffer list.
<Ctrl-/> Search in lines on current buffer.
<Alt-/> Search in lines of all open buffers.
<leader>@ Search in ctags or LSP symbols (see below).
<leader>: Commands
<leader>ff Find in contents of all files in current folder.
<leader>fa Find All disabling .gitignore handling.
<leader>fi Incrementally Find.
<leader>rg Search (rg) with current word.
<leader>ra Search (rg) disabling .gitignore handling.
<leader>ri Incrementally search (rg) with current word.
<leader>fh File History
<leader>gf GFiles
<leader>mm Marks
<Ctrl-x><Ctrl-k> Search in dictionaries (requires words-insane)
<Ctrl-x><Ctrl-f> Search in files
<Ctrl-x><Ctrl-l> Search in lines
<leader>t Invoke fzf-lua builtin popup

If you keep hitting <Ctrl-/> the preview window will change width. With Shift-/ you can show and hide the preview window.

When a file is selected, additional to what fzf provides out of the box, you can invoke one of these secondary actions:

Mapping Description
alt-/ To search in the lines.
alt-@ To search in ctags or lsp symbols.
alt-: To go to a specific line.
alt-q Add items to the quickfix list.
alt-w Add items to the local list.

Note that if a LSP server is not attached to the buffer, it will fall back to ctags.

Sometimes when you list files and sink with @, the LSP might not be ready yet, therefore it falls back to ctags immediately. In this case you can cancel, which will land you to the file, and you can invoke <leader>@ for LSP symbols.


Command Description
GGrep Run git grep
GTree Browse git commits
Marks Show marks with preview
MarksDelete Delete marks
Todo List todo/fixme lines
ArgsAdd Select and add files to the args list
ArgsDelete Select and delete files from the args list
Worktree Switch between git worktrees
BLines Search in current buffer
History Show open file history
Checkout Checkout a branch
GitStatus Show git status
Jumps Choose from jump list
Autocmds Show autocmds
Changes Show change list
Registers Show register contents


These functions can be imported from the fzfmania.util module.

Function Notes
ripgrep_search Ripgrep search
ripgrep_search_incremental Incremental Ripgrep search with fzf
delete_buffer Shows all opened buffers and let you delete them
lines_grep Incremental searches in the lines of current buffer
open_config Open one of your Neovim config files
marks Show marks with preview
delete_marks Show marks for deletion
git_grep Two phase search in all git commits
checkout_branch Checkout a branch
open_todo Search for all todo/fixme/etc.
add_args Find and add files to the args list
delete_args Choose and remove files from the args list
insert_into_list (Action) Populate quickfix/local lists with search results
goto_def (Action) Go to definition. In absence of LSP falls back to BTags


Licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.