A collection of resources for learning Python from the ground up.
As suggested by u/ko773 on reddit, you can use Google Colab to view the notebooks online. Here is an in-depth video guide on how to do it:
Have a look here to know more about how to run the jupyter notebooks on a local machine.
Feel free to use the notebooks as a cheat-sheet or to learn more about python.
Feel free to open an issue (or even better, send a Pull Request) for any changes.
Have a look here before contributing, to make your pull request more likely to be merged.
Things to do:
Basic Python Syntax -
Loops and Recursion -
Strings, Lists, and Dictionaries -
Working with Files and Directories -
Working with CSV Files -
Regular Expressions - OOPS in Python
- Numpy cheat sheet
- Pandas cheat sheet
Feel free to add some beginner-friendly projects to the projects directory of the repository.
Here is a checklist to get things started:
Projects to add:
Caesar Cipher - Joke Telling Program
- Mad Libs Generator
- Dice Rolling Simulator
- Guess the Number
- Hangman