import numpy as np import OpenGL from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * import glfw import time import random import keyboard as kbd import json import os from rigidbody import * from model import * from graphics import * from camera import * from terrain import * from ui import * from scenery_objects import * from sound import * from alerts import * from weapons import * from propulsion import * from city import * from airframe import * from encounter import * def read_industry(): airframe_files = os.listdir("./data/industry/airframes/") engine_files = os.listdir("./data/industry/engines/") airframes = {} engines = {} # READ AIRFRAMES for airframe_file in airframe_files: file = open("./data/industry/airframes/" + airframe_file) data = json.load(file) airframes[data['name']] = Airframe(data['name'], data['manufacturer'], data['mass'], data['cd'], data['effectiveness'], data['cargo_space'], data['price']) print("Loading airframe:", data['name']) # READ ENGINES for engine_file in engine_files: file = open("./data/industry/engines/" + engine_file) data = json.load(file) intake = Intake(np.array([0, 0, -1]), 0.1) compressor = Compressor(data['compressor_coeff'], 100) turbine = Turbine(data['turbine_coeff'], data['max_rpm']) nozzle = Nozzle(data['thrust_coeff']) throttle_range = [0, 100] efficiency = 0.6 air_fuel_ratio = 20000 # this is an air volume vs. fuel MASS ratio, so it is not going to agree with anything familiar of course max_fuel_rate = data['fuel_consumption'] APU_fuel_rate = data['APU_fuel_consumption'] engines[data['name']] = Turbojet(data['name'], intake, compressor, turbine, nozzle, efficiency, air_fuel_ratio, max_fuel_rate, throttle_range, APU_fuel_rate, data['price'], data['manufacturer']) print("Loading engine:", data['name']) return airframes, engines def main(): def window_resize(window, width, height): try: # glfw.get_framebuffer_size(window) glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(fov, width/height, near_clip, far_clip) glTranslate(main_cam.pos[0], main_cam.pos[1], main_cam.pos[2]) main_cam.orient = np.eye(3) main_cam.rotate([0, 180, 0]) except ZeroDivisionError: # if the window is minimized it makes height = 0, but we don't need to update projection in that case anyway pass # READ INDUSTRY DATA airframes, engines = read_industry() player_airframe = airframes["LM Bombcat"] player_engine = engines["SE 7000"] # INIT VESSELS print("Initializing vessels...") init_pos = np.array([0.0, 1000, 0.0]) # m init_vel = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 100.0]) # m s-1 init_accel = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # m s-2 init_orient = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) init_ang_vel = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # rad s-1 init_ang_accel = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # rad s-2 init_mass = player_airframe.mass # kg init_inertia = np.array([[6000.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 6000.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 3000.0]]) # kg m2 max_thrust = 5e3 # N throttle_range = [0, 100] # % throttle = 100 # % prop_mass = 150 # kg mass_flow = 0.001 # kg s-1 plane_model = Model("plane") init_CoM = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0]) cross_sections = np.array([8, 10, 2]) # m2 Cds = np.array([0.6, 0.8, 0.1]) * player_airframe.Cd Cdas = np.array([8, 20, 45]) angular_damping = np.array([0.4, 0.8, 0.8]) Cl = 1.2 lift_moment_arm = 0.15 # aileron, elevator, rudder control_effectiveness = np.array([1.8, 1.8, 2.5]) * player_airframe.effectiveness rear_gear_moment = 1000 # m N brake_force = 15e3 # N cargo_space = player_airframe.cargo_space rocket_pod = RocketPod(None, np.array([0.05, -0.1, 1.2]), 30, makesound=True) weapons = [rocket_pod] prop_mass = 150 AP = Aircraft(plane_model, init_CoM, init_pos, init_vel, init_accel, init_orient, init_ang_vel, init_ang_accel, init_mass, init_inertia, player_engine, prop_mass, cross_sections, Cds, Cdas, angular_damping, Cl, lift_moment_arm, control_effectiveness, rear_gear_moment, brake_force, cargo_space, weapons) rocket_pod.platform = AP AP.set_thrust_percent(0) bodies = [AP] # SCENERY OBJECTS print("Initializing scenery objects...") pylon_model = Model("pylon") pylon1 = SceneryObject(pylon_model, np.array([10,0,500])) pylon2 = SceneryObject(pylon_model, np.array([-10,0,500])) # scenery_objects = [pylon1, pylon2] scenery_objects = [] # cities city1 = City("Yazilikaya", "A moderately sized agricultural city.\n\nHome to Ousteem Aerospace, which specializes in lightweight airframes.\nHome to AG Power Works, which specializes in heavy-duty propulsion.", [airframes["OSB Serce"], airframes["OSB Kirlangic"], engines["APS 7K"], engines["APS 9K"]], {"Foodstuff": 8, "Water": 0.7, "Electronic Components": 300, "Computers": 1500, "Medicine": 380, "Household Machinery": 400, "Heavy Machinery": 120, "Raw Ore": 0.1, "Fuel": 25, "Construction Materials": 20, "Luxuries": 4000, "Precious Metals": 7000}, np.array([0, 0, 0]), 1, "death_mask") city2 = City("Numakawa", "A small industrial city.\n\nHome to Mitsabishii, which specializes in heavy-lift airframes.\nHome to Kobesaki, which specializes in fuel-efficient propulsion.", [airframes["MSB Fuji"], airframes["MSB Kinki"], engines["KS X7"], engines["KS X9"]], {"Foodstuff": 10, "Water": 1, "Electronic Components": 150, "Computers": 800, "Medicine": 410, "Household Machinery": 300, "Heavy Machinery": 80, "Raw Ore": 5, "Fuel": 60, "Construction Materials": 18, "Luxuries": 2500, "Precious Metals": 15000}, np.array([10000, 0, -30000]), 0.5, "jade_empire") city3 = City("Meadowview", "A large industrial metropolis.\n\nHome to Logheat Mardin, which specializes in serial production of airframes.\nHome to Special Electricity, which specializes in serial production of propulsion systems.", [airframes["LM Bombcat"], airframes["LM Wasp"], engines["SE 7000"], engines["SE 9000"]], {"Foodstuff": 12, "Water": 2, "Electronic Components": 180, "Computers": 1000, "Medicine": 550, "Household Machinery": 350, "Heavy Machinery": 100, "Raw Ore": 3, "Fuel": 40, "Construction Materials": 28, "Luxuries": 2900, "Precious Metals": 10000}, np.array([40000, 0, 12000]), 1.4, "trigger") cities = [city1, city2, city3] testructible = Testructible(np.array([150, 0, 0])) scenery_objects.append(testructible) # TERRAIN print("Initializing terrain...") floor = Flatland(0, Color(0.1, 0.8, 0.1)) # MISC PHYSICS gravity = np.array([0.0, -9.81, 0]) # SOUND print("Initializing sound (pygame.mixer)...") init_sound() # GRAPHICS print("Initializing graphics (OpenGL, glfw)...") window_x, window_y = 1600, 900 fov = 70 near_clip = 0.5 far_clip = 1e6 glfw.init() window = glfw.create_window(window_x, window_y, "Kelaynak 84", None, None) glfw.set_window_pos(window, 100, 100) glfw.make_context_current(window) glfw.set_window_size_callback(window, window_resize) gluPerspective(fov, window_x/window_y, near_clip, far_clip) glClearColor(0, 0, 0.3, 1) # CAMERA cam_pos = np.array([0, 0, 0]) cam_orient = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) main_cam = Camera("main_cam", cam_pos, cam_orient, True) glRotate(-180, 0, 1, 0) main_cam.lock_to_target(bodies[0]) main_cam.offset_amount = 60 def move_cam(movement): main_cam.move(movement) def rotate_cam(rotation): main_cam.rotate(rotation) # CAMERA CONTROLS cam_pitch_up = "K" cam_pitch_dn = "I" cam_yaw_left = "J" cam_yaw_right = "L" cam_roll_cw = "U" cam_roll_ccw = "O" plane_pitch_up = "S" plane_pitch_dn = "W" plane_roll_ccw = "Q" plane_roll_cw = "E" plane_yaw_right = "D" plane_yaw_left = "A" plane_throttle_up = "Z" plane_throttle_dn = "X" shoot = "space" brake = "B" APU_start = "T" APU_stop = "G" metric_key = "M" imperial_key = "N" first_person_ui = False cam_speed = 100 cam_rot_speed = 100 play_sfx("turbojet_fan", -1, 1, 0) play_sfx("wind1", -1, 2, 0) play_sfx("rumble", -1, 3, 0) rwr_snd = None print("Starting...") print("= = = = = =\n") dt = 0 ctrl_state = [0, 0, 0] velocity_conversion_factor = 1 altitude_conversion_factor = 1 pitch_trim = 0 encounter_chance = 0.01 current_encounter = None city_panel_shown = False hundred_cycle = 0 AP_city = None player_money = 1000000 player_cargo = {"Foodstuff": 0, "Water": 0, "Electronic Components": 0, "Computers": 0, "Medicine": 0, "Household Machinery": 0, "Heavy Machinery": 0, "Raw Ore": 0, "Fuel": 0, "Construction Materials": 0, "Luxuries": 0, "Precious Metals": 0} last_cam_pitch = 0 while not glfw.window_should_close(window): t_cycle_start = time.perf_counter() glfw.poll_events() # CONTROLS if kbd.is_pressed(cam_pitch_up): rotate_cam([cam_rot_speed * dt, 0, 0]) if kbd.is_pressed(cam_pitch_dn): rotate_cam([-cam_rot_speed * dt, 0, 0]) if kbd.is_pressed(cam_yaw_left): rotate_cam([0, cam_rot_speed * dt, 0]) if kbd.is_pressed(cam_yaw_right): rotate_cam([0, -cam_rot_speed * dt, 0]) if kbd.is_pressed(cam_roll_cw): rotate_cam([0, 0, cam_rot_speed * dt]) if kbd.is_pressed(cam_roll_ccw): rotate_cam([0, 0, -cam_rot_speed * dt]) for i in range(len(ctrl_state)): ctrl_state[i] = min(max(ctrl_state[i], -1), 1) if kbd.is_pressed(metric_key): # superior metric units for the superior people velocity_conversion_factor = 1 altitude_conversion_factor = 1 elif kbd.is_pressed(imperial_key): # inferior imperial units for Mars Climate Orbiter velocity_conversion_factor = 1.943844 # knots altitude_conversion_factor = 3.28084 # feet # AUTOPILOT ctrl_state = [0,0,0] # pull up! AP.engine.throttle = 1 AP.engine.APU = True if AP.pos[1] < 300 and[2], np.array([0, -1, 0]) > 0): max_orient_1 = np.linalg.norm( np.array([0, 1, 0]) -[2], np.array([0, 1, 0])) * player.orient[2] ) if[1], np.array([0, 1, 0])) < max_orient * 0.8: if[0], np.array([0, 1, 0])) < 0: AP.aileron(-0.8) ctrl_state[0] = -0.8 else: AP.aileron(0.8) ctrl_state[0] = 0.8 if[1], np.array([0, 1, 0])) > 0: AP.elevator(0.8) ctrl_state[1] = 0.8 # dogfight elif current_encounter: player = AP enemy = current_encounter.enemy enemy_actual_rel_pos = (enemy.pos - player.pos) enemy_actual_dist = np.linalg.norm(enemy_actual_rel_pos) enemy_rel_pos = (enemy.pos - player.pos) + enemy.vel * enemy_actual_dist / 600 enemy_dist = np.linalg.norm(enemy_rel_pos) enemy_dir = enemy_rel_pos / enemy_dist max_orient_1 = np.linalg.norm( enemy_dir -[2], enemy_dir) * player.orient[2] ) # lift vector not aligned with player? if[1], enemy_dir) < max_orient_1 * 0.94: # should I roll clockwise? if[0], enemy_dir) > 0: aileron_amount =[0], enemy_dir) player.aileron(0.8 * aileron_amount) ctrl_state[0] = 0.8 * aileron_amount else: aileron_amount =[0], enemy_dir) player.aileron(-0.8 * aileron_amount) ctrl_state[0] = -0.8 * aileron_amount # should I pitch? if np.linalg.norm(player.vel) < 100: elevator_scaler = (np.linalg.norm(player.vel) - 100) / 100 else: elevator_scaler = 1 elevator_amount = -([2], enemy_dir) - 1) * elevator_scaler player.elevator(elevator_amount) if[1], enemy_dir) > 0: if[2], enemy_dir) < 0.98: player.elevator(0.8) ctrl_state[1] = 0.8 else: player.elevator(0.3 * ([2], enemy_dir) - 0.98) / 0.02 + 0.5) ctrl_state[1] = 0.3 * ([2], enemy_dir) - 0.98) / 0.02 + 0.5 if[2], enemy_dir) > 0.96: player.weapons[0].shoot(bodies, enemy) # PHYSICS for b in bodies: if isinstance(b, Rocket): b.update_trail() b.guidance(dt) b.apply_accel(gravity) b.apply_drag() b.apply_aero_torque() b.drain_fuel(dt) b.apply_thrust() b.update(dt) b.check_target(bodies) if b.pos[1] < floor.height: bodies.remove(b) del b elif isinstance(b, Aircraft): if b.pos[1] <= floor.height + 1: if abs(b.orient[0][1]) < 0.3 and b.orient[1][1] > 0 and -0.1 < b.orient[2][1] < 0.6 \ and b.vel[1] >= -5: # horizontal and gentle enough b.state = "LANDED" else: # landed on its side or upside down, or too fast b.state = "CRASHED" else: b.state = "INFLIGHT" AP.engine.intake.air_intake_vector = -AP.orient[2] AP.drain_fuel(dt) AP.apply_aero_torque() AP.apply_angular_drag(dt) AP.apply_drag() AP.apply_lift() AP.apply_thrust(dt) AP.apply_brake() G = np.linalg.norm(AP.accel) / 10 AP.apply_accel(gravity) AP.update_weapons(dt) AP.update(dt) if np.linalg.norm(AP.vel): AoA = np.arccos(max(min(, AP.orient[2]) / np.linalg.norm(AP.vel), 1), -1)) AoA = np.rad2deg(AoA) else: AoA = 0 # hit flat ground for b in bodies: if b.pos[1] < floor.height + 1: b.pos[1] = 1 b.vel[1] = 0 b.vel = b.vel - b.vel * 0.05 * dt main_cam.move_with_lock(dt) # main_cam.rotate_with_lock(dt) if not current_encounter == None: current_encounter.update(gravity, bodies, dt) rwr_snd = current_encounter.rwr(bodies) if current_encounter.state == "DOWN": bodies.remove(current_encounter.enemy) current_encounter = None ## if AP_city == None: ## play_bgm("pluvious") ## else: ## play_bgm(AP_city.bgm) if rwr_snd and (not (rwr_snd == "rwr_new" or rwr_snd == "rwr_lost")) and not get_channel_busy(6): play_sfx(rwr_snd, -1, 6) if rwr_snd and (rwr_snd == "rwr_new" or rwr_snd == "rwr_lost"): play_sfx(rwr_snd, 0, 8) elif not rwr_snd or rwr_snd == "rwr_new" or rwr_snd == "rwr_lost": stop_channel(6) # ROTATE Cam if current_encounter: enemy = current_encounter.enemy player = AP cam_dir = -main_cam.orient[2] direction = -main_cam.orient[2] direction[1] = 0 direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) try: angle = np.arccos(min(max(, direction), -0.999), 0.999)) except: angle = 0 rotate_cam([-angle, 0, 0]) direction = enemy.pos - player.pos direction[1] = 0 direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) try: angle = np.arccos(min(max(, direction), -0.999), 0.999)) except: angle = 0 if[0], direction) > 0: angle = - angle rotate_cam([0, angle, 0]) direction = enemy.pos - player.pos direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) try: angle = np.arccos(min(max(, direction), -0.999), 0.999)) except: angle = 0 rotate_cam([angle, 0, 0]) # GRAPHICS glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) drawScene(main_cam, floor, bodies, cities, scenery_objects, ctrl_state, first_person_ui) alt_string = "Alt " + str(int(AP.pos[1] * altitude_conversion_factor)) vel_string = "Vel " + str(int(np.linalg.norm(AP.vel) * velocity_conversion_factor)) throttle_str = "Throttle " + str(int(AP.engine.throttle * 100)) rpm_str = " RPM " + str(int(AP.engine.compressor.rpm)) prop_str = "PROP " + str(int(AP.prop_mass)) if AP_city: city_str = else: city_str = "Wilderness" if AP.engine.APU: APU_str = "APU ACTV" else: APU_str = "APU DSBL" AoA_str = "AOA " + str(round(AoA, 2)) G_str = "G " + str(round(G, 2)) rockets_str = "RKT " + str(AP.weapons[0].num_rockets) magenta = Color(1, 0, 1) red = Color(1, 0, 0) AoA_color = magenta G_color = magenta vel_color = magenta alt_color = magenta throttle_color = magenta rpm_color = magenta APU_color = magenta rockets_color = magenta prop_color = magenta city_color = magenta if np.linalg.norm(AP.vel) < 50 and AoA > 10: vel_color = red AoA_color = red if AP.engine.throttle < 100: throttle_color = red if G > 9: G_color = red if AP.pos[1] < 1000 and AP.vel[1] < 0 and AP.pos[1] / -AP.vel[1] < 3: alt_color = red if AP.weapons[0].num_rockets <= 3: rockets_color = red render_AN(alt_string, alt_color, [4, 5], main_cam, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(vel_string, vel_color, [-7, 5], main_cam, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(throttle_str, throttle_color, [-8, -4.5], main_cam, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(rpm_str, rpm_color, [-8, -5], main_cam, font_size=0.05, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(AoA_str, AoA_color, [-7, 4.5], main_cam, font_size=0.05, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(G_str, G_color, [4, 4.5], main_cam, font_size=0.05, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(rockets_str, rockets_color, [2, -5.5], main_cam, font_size=0.05, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(APU_str, APU_color, [-8, -5.4], main_cam, font_size=0.05, fpu=first_person_ui) # render_AN(prop_str, prop_color, [-8, -5.8], main_cam, font_size=0.05, fpu=first_person_ui) render_AN(city_str, city_color, [0.5, -3.8], main_cam, font_size=0.08, fpu=first_person_ui) glfw.swap_buffers(window) set_channel_volume(1, AP.engine.compressor.rpm/AP.engine.turbine.max_rpm * 0.5) # engine set_channel_volume(2, min(np.linalg.norm(AP.vel) / 500, 1) * 0.5) # airflow set_channel_volume(3, min(G / 10, 1) * 0.5) # airflow disturbance do_warnings(AP, AoA, G) if AP.state == "LANDED" and np.linalg.norm(AP.vel) < 0.5 and AP_city and not city_panel_shown: render_AN("See the console window for city operations.", magenta, [-5, 2], main_cam, font_size=0.08, fpu=first_person_ui) glfw.swap_buffers(window) AP.vel = np.array([0, 0, 0]) AP.ang_vel = np.array([0, 0, 0]) AP.engine.compressor.rpm = 0 # welcoming to the city print("") print("Welcome to " + + "!") print("") print(AP_city.desc) in_city = True while in_city: print("\nPlease make a choice: 1) Buy Commodities, 2) Sell Commodities, 3) Buy Aircraft Components, 9) Leave City") choice = input(" > ") if choice: choice = int(choice) if choice == 1: for key in AP_city.commodities: print("\nYour cash:", player_money) print("\nFree cargo space:", AP.cargo_space - sum(player_cargo.values())) print("Commodity: " + key + "\nPrice: " + str(AP_city.commodities[key])) buy_units = input("How many units would you like to buy? > ") if buy_units: buy_units = int(buy_units) else: buy_units = 0 if buy_units * AP_city.commodities[key] > player_money: print("You do not have enough money to buy " + str(buy_units) + " units of " + key + "!") elif buy_units + sum(player_cargo.values()) > AP.cargo_space: print("You do not have enough cargo space to buy " + str(buy_units) + " units of " + key + "!") else: player_money -= buy_units * AP_city.commodities[key] player_cargo[key] += buy_units elif choice == 2: for key in player_cargo: if player_cargo[key] > 0: print("\nCommodity: " + key + "\nPrice: " + str(AP_city.commodities[key]) + "\nUnits in hold: " + str(player_cargo[key])) sell_units = int(input("How many units would you like to sell? > ")) if sell_units: sell_units = int(sell_units) else: sell_units = 0 if sell_units > player_cargo[key]: print("You do not have " + str(sell_units) + " units of " + key + " in your cargo hold!") else: player_money += sell_units * AP_city.commodities[key] player_cargo[key] -= sell_units print("Your cash:", player_money) elif choice == 3: for part in print("\nYour cash:", player_money) print("Component: " + + "\nManufacturer: " + part.manufacturer + "\nPrice: " + str(part.price)) buy_yn = input("Would you like to buy this component (y/N)? > ") if buy_yn.lower() == "y": if part.price <= player_money: if part.type == "airframe": if sum(player_cargo.values()) > part.cargo_space: print("The new airframe does not have enough cargo space to hold your cargo!") else: player_airframe = part print("Purchased " + + "!") elif part.type == "engine": player_engine = part print("Purchased " + + "!") player_money -= part.price AP.mass = player_airframe.mass AP.Cds = np.array([0.6, 0.8, 0.1]) * player_airframe.Cd AP.control_effectiveness = np.array([1.8, 1.8, 2.5]) * player_airframe.effectiveness AP.cargo_space = player_airframe.cargo_space AP.engine = player_engine else: print("You do not have enough money!") elif choice == 9: in_city = False city_panel_shown = True print("Please DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW. You may return to the flight screen.") if city_panel_shown and AP.state != "LANDED": city_panel_shown = False if hundred_cycle > 99: hundred_cycle = 0 # update which city the player is in city_found = False for c in cities: if np.linalg.norm(AP.pos + c.pos) < c.size * 1e4: city_found = True if not c == AP_city: AP_city = c ## ## if current_encounter == None: ## play_bgm(c.bgm) break if not city_found: if not AP_city == None: AP_city = None ## if current_encounter == None: ## play_bgm("pluvious") # ENCOUNTERS if AP.state == "INFLIGHT" and current_encounter == None: chance = random.uniform(0, 1) if chance < encounter_chance: current_encounter = Encounter(AP, "action", airframes, engines) bodies.append(current_encounter.enemy) hundred_cycle += 1 dt = time.perf_counter() - t_cycle_start glfw.destroy_window(window) stop_channel(1) stop_channel(2) stop_channel(3) stop_channel(4) stop_channel(5) stop_channel(6) fade_out_bgm() main()