Title (Goal) | Advanced Search |
Primary Actor | user |
Scope | access |
Level | High |
Story | This again borrows from UKWA Shine as we seek to bring functionality of Blacklight up to their platform! Researchers may want functionality beyond the simple faceted search provided on the main page of Warclight. For example, a user may want to find mentions of "Twitter" in sites excluding "," or may want to provide more granular date ranges ("public transportation" in July and August 2007, rather than just the year itself), or they may want to find pages that contain multiple words within x words of each other. The user would be overwhelmed if all the facets were provided in the main search, but they may want more granularity in an advanced search. |
Word Proximity:
One common example we used on was the word proximity. We searched for the word "Harper" and the word "fascist" within 25 words of each other, as a way to begin to find sites that may have used extreme rhetoric with the Conservative government. This allowed us to find Green Party blogs that characterized the Conservative government this way.
Here is the example from SHINE:
Right now in the main page, here are the list of facets for date for example:
For many users, this is enough! But people may want to use only a few months, or exclude certain date ranges (say if a crawl was corrupted, or if they were overwhelmed by a particular event and wanted to ignore it). It would be good to have date range search like so (again borrowing from Shine):