An Extensible Stack Virtual Machine written in Javascript. The Machine itself is completly extensible with facility to add custom operations to it with complete control over internal datastructures consisting of infinte stack and infinte memory to modify and transform it to your needs. It also allows you to create operations with parameters like push which can take variable arguments and also work with variable operands from the stack.
Operation | Operands | Behaviour |
push | - | Pushes a Value on the Stack |
pop | - | Pops a Value from the Stack |
add | 2 | Pops 2 Values from Stack adds them then pushes the sum |
substract | 2 | Pops 2 Values from Stack substracts them then pushes the diff |
divide | 2 | Pops 2 Values from Stack divides them then pushes the quotient |
multiply | 2 | Pops 2 Values from Stack multiplies them then pushes the product |
load | 1 | Pops a Value from the Stack goes to that location in the memory and pushes its value |
store | 2 | Pops 2 Values (value,location) from Stack goes to that location in the memory and stores the value |
jump | 1 | Pops a Value from the Stack and jumps to the location |
jz | 2 | Pops 2 Values (location,value) from Stack goes to that location if value is 0 |
jnz | 2 | Pops 2 Values (location,value) from Stack goes to that location if value is not 0 |
call | 1 | Pops a Value from the Stack store the current location in the Pointer Stack and jumps to the location popped |
ret | - | Pops a Value from the Pointer Stack and returns/jumps to that location |
swap | 2 | Pops 2 Values and pushing them in the reverse order which swaps them |
1 | Pops a Values from the Stack and prints it | |
halt | - | Halts the machine |
const m = new vMachina();[