# # For licensing see accompanying LICENSE file. # Copyright (C) 2020 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. # [pytest] # This determines where test are found testpaths = quant/ tests/ # Run pytest with these options by default # Enables: mypy, flake8, and coverage.py addopts = --mypy --flake8 --cov quant --cov-config coverage.ini --cov-report term # flake8 configuration options (plugin does not yet allow us to place it in its own file) flake8-extensions = .py flake8-ignore = __init__.py F401 # Ignore unused imports in __init__.py's tests/*.py D1 # Ignore documentation issues in tests D107 # Ignore lack of documentation in __init__ magic methods flake8-max-line-length = 100 markers = incremental: mark an incremental test, a test that performs a sequence of steps and stops when any step fails.