using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Splat; using Squirrel.Tests.TestHelpers; using Xunit; namespace Squirrel.Tests { public class DownloadReleasesTests : IEnableLogger { [Fact] public void ChecksumShouldFailIfFilesAreMissing() { Assert.False(true, "Rewrite this to be an integration test"); /* var filename = "Squirrel.Core."; var nuGetPkg = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", filename); var fs = new Mock(); var urlDownloader = new Mock(); ReleaseEntry entry; using (var f = File.OpenRead(nuGetPkg)) { entry = ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(f, filename); } var fileInfo = new Mock(); fileInfo.Setup(x => x.OpenRead()).Returns(File.OpenRead(nuGetPkg)); fileInfo.Setup(x => x.Exists).Returns(false); fs.Setup(x => x.GetFileInfo(Path.Combine(".", "theApp", "packages", filename))).Returns(fileInfo.Object); var fixture = ExposedObject.From( new UpdateManager("http://lol", "theApp", FrameworkVersion.Net40, ".", fs.Object, urlDownloader.Object)); bool shouldDie = true; try { // NB: We can't use Assert.Throws here because the binder // will try to pick the wrong method fixture.checksumPackage(entry); } catch (Exception) { shouldDie = false; } shouldDie.ShouldBeFalse(); */ } [Fact] public void ChecksumShouldFailIfFilesAreBogus() { Assert.False(true, "Rewrite this to be an integration test"); /* var filename = "Squirrel.Core."; var nuGetPkg = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", filename); var fs = new Mock(); var urlDownloader = new Mock(); ReleaseEntry entry; using (var f = File.OpenRead(nuGetPkg)) { entry = ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(f, filename); } var fileInfo = new Mock(); fileInfo.Setup(x => x.OpenRead()).Returns(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Lol broken"))); fileInfo.Setup(x => x.Exists).Returns(true); fileInfo.Setup(x => x.Length).Returns(new FileInfo(nuGetPkg).Length); fileInfo.Setup(x => x.Delete()).Verifiable(); fs.Setup(x => x.GetFileInfo(Path.Combine(".", "theApp", "packages", filename))).Returns(fileInfo.Object); var fixture = ExposedObject.From( new UpdateManager("http://lol", "theApp", FrameworkVersion.Net40, ".", fs.Object, urlDownloader.Object)); bool shouldDie = true; try { fixture.checksumPackage(entry); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().InfoException("Checksum failure", ex); shouldDie = false; } shouldDie.ShouldBeFalse(); fileInfo.Verify(x => x.Delete(), Times.Once()); */ } [Fact] public async Task DownloadReleasesFromHttpServerIntegrationTest() { Assert.False(true, "Rewrite this to not use the SampleUpdatingApp"); /* string tempDir = null; var updateDir = new DirectoryInfo(IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("..", "SampleUpdatingApp", "SampleReleasesFolder")); IDisposable disp; try { var httpServer = new StaticHttpServer(30405, updateDir.FullName); disp = httpServer.Start(); } catch (HttpListenerException) { Assert.False(true, @"Windows sucks, go run 'netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:30405/ user=MYMACHINE\MyUser"); return; } var entriesToDownload = updateDir.GetFiles("*.nupkg") .Select(x => ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(x.FullName)) .ToArray(); entriesToDownload.Count().ShouldBeGreaterThan(0); using (disp) using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out tempDir)) { // NB: This is normally done by CheckForUpdates, but since // we're skipping that in the test we have to do it ourselves Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(tempDir, "SampleUpdatingApp", "packages")); var fixture = new UpdateManager("http://localhost:30405", "SampleUpdatingApp", FrameworkVersion.Net40, tempDir); using (fixture) { var progress = new List(); await fixture.DownloadReleases(entriesToDownload, progress.Add); progress .Aggregate(0, (acc, x) => { x.ShouldBeGreaterThan(acc); return x; }) .ShouldEqual(100); } entriesToDownload.ForEach(x => { this.Log().Info("Looking for {0}", x.Filename); var actualFile = Path.Combine(tempDir, "SampleUpdatingApp", "packages", x.Filename); File.Exists(actualFile).ShouldBeTrue(); var actualEntry = ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(actualFile); actualEntry.SHA1.ShouldEqual(x.SHA1); actualEntry.Version.ShouldEqual(x.Version); }); } */ } [Fact] public async Task DownloadReleasesFromFileDirectoryIntegrationTest() { Assert.False(true, "Rewrite this to not use the SampleUpdatingApp"); /* string tempDir = null; var updateDir = new DirectoryInfo(IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("..", "SampleUpdatingApp", "SampleReleasesFolder")); var entriesToDownload = updateDir.GetFiles("*.nupkg") .Select(x => ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(x.FullName)) .ToArray(); entriesToDownload.Count().ShouldBeGreaterThan(0); using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out tempDir)) { // NB: This is normally done by CheckForUpdates, but since // we're skipping that in the test we have to do it ourselves Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(tempDir, "SampleUpdatingApp", "packages")); var fixture = new UpdateManager(updateDir.FullName, "SampleUpdatingApp", FrameworkVersion.Net40, tempDir); using (fixture) { var progress = new List(); await fixture.DownloadReleases(entriesToDownload, progress.Add); this.Log().Info("Progress: [{0}]", String.Join(",", progress)); progress .Aggregate(0, (acc, x) => { x.ShouldBeGreaterThan(acc); return x; }) .ShouldEqual(100); } entriesToDownload.ForEach(x => { this.Log().Info("Looking for {0}", x.Filename); var actualFile = Path.Combine(tempDir, "SampleUpdatingApp", "packages", x.Filename); File.Exists(actualFile).ShouldBeTrue(); var actualEntry = ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(actualFile); actualEntry.SHA1.ShouldEqual(x.SHA1); actualEntry.Version.ShouldEqual(x.Version); }); } */ } } }