You need two nodes with up-and-running CoroSync + Pacemaker to run the tests!
- The servers must be configured as 'node1' and 'node2'!
- The cluster must be named 'linuxha'!
- Execution
- You need to create a vars-file that contains the 'ansible_become_pass' and (if needed) 'ansible_ssh_pass' variables!
- Supply the full path to this vars-file to the test-script!
- The server configured as 'node1' in corosync.conf need to be passed as argument #1 to the test-script!
COL_PATH=0 # local path to collection to test or 0 to clone from github
bash "${COL_PATH}/scripts/test.sh" "$TEST_NODE1" "$TEST_NODE2" "$TEST_SECRETS" "$COL_PATH"
TEST='raw' # single test to run
CHECK_MODE=1 # additionally execute test-playbooks in check-mode
bash "${COL_PATH}/scripts/test_single.sh" "$TEST_NODE1" "$TEST_NODE2" "$TEST_SECRETS" "$COL_PATH" "$TEST" "$CHECK_MODE"
If you run into any errors - run the '_testenv.yml' tests! They will check your test-environment for basic config-errors!