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[ENG] Cartridges

Andre edited this page Jul 23, 2022 · 1 revision


wIgHelper allows analysing Cartridges (.gwc files). A Cartridge is the file you execute when playing a Wherigo. It contains everything which is displayed during the game. Images, sounds, texts, coordinates and so on.

The Cartridge analysis tries to read and re-construct all these information. This allows you to see all the content without playing the Wherigo.

List view

List view lists all Cartridges which at some point were imported to wIgHelper. You can import Cartridges by opening them with wIgHelper through other apps by the share menu, or by importing them from within wIgHelper by clicking the folder icon on the top right.

List view

The list view displays the Cartridge name, date and time of last analysis and file size. Swipe from right to left to delete an entry.

Click any entry to open the detail view.

Detail view

The detail view lists all information about the selected Cartridge. If the Cartridge is not yet analysed, there is a prompt telling you so:

Detail view not analysed yet

Start the analysis with the wrench button on the top tight.

While the analysis runs, there is a prompt informing about the current state:

Running analysis

Once the analysis finished, you can see all the results:

Detail view analysed

Cartridge Information

The top of the view now shows general information about the cartridge.

Analysis results

The analysis results are separated into four categories. Media files, Inputs, Zones and Texts.

Analysis results

Media files

This will list all images, sounds and so one, which are used by the Cartridge.


Inputs require user interactions during the game. This is for example a question the user needs to answer. The inputs view lists all the questions and the source code context in which the input appears. The source code context includes information about the solution of the input. However, sometimes the answers are encoded by a hash. You will see the hash value as the accepted answer then. How to get a suitable answer which matches the hash will be discussed in a later chapter in this article.



Zonen are places which occur in the Cartridge and which the user needs to visit to start an event or something. Sometimes not all zones are pre-defined. For example in Play Anywhere Wherigos zones are usually calculated based on the user position. In this case, zones can not be displayed in this section. This section only lists pre defined zones. Be aware: The final location of a Geocache is not always listed as a zone. Also not every zone named Final actually is the final location. Sometimes you need to calculate the final coordinates, or they are listed as text or images. Check the source code to be sure.

Besides the map view, which displays all the zones, there is also a list with plain zone names and coordinates. This list also includes a button to copy the coordinates to the general clipboard to use them somewhere else.



The last category lists all texts used in the Cartridge. You can search the list and also copy any text to the general clipboard.


Cartridge source code

The source code includes the complete structure of the Cartridge. All the logic and hidden elements and everything else is listed in here. The source code language is Lua. Sometimes the source code is protected by encrypting variable names and texts. wIgHelper got that covered by options to decrypt variables and texts. Encrypted variables will use the variable name for replacement. There are four main text colors. Green for plain text, violett for numbers, red for booleans and white for everything else. This is supposed to make reading source code easier.

Source code

Hash calculator

As mentioned in the chapter about Inputs, sometimes answers are only displayed with their hash value. If this is the case, the plain answer is not as important. Any answer which produces a matching hash will be accepted by the Cartridge as the correct answer. This hash calculator will calculate a matching answer by combining all answer possibilities.

You can also open the hash calculator from the Inputs view. Just use the hash symbol on the top right.

Here is an example where an answer with hash 3456 is needed. The hash calculator is set to only use numbers, a maximum answer of 5 characters and should list at most 10 matching answers. After the calculation took place, you can see there are two matching answers which would be accepted as the right answer.

Hash calculator

Hash calculator also has the option to change the values on which the calculation is based on. So far there is no Cartridge known which uses a different hash calculation method, but in case it is needed at some point, wIgHelper already got you covered.

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