Rapid Web Prototyping with Lightweight Tools (code that goes with the slides).
Your project still needs to be initialized with a virtualenv.
You will have a static, jQuery and Bootstrap enabled HTML template in static/index.html.
Use Bootstrap's table and label components to build up the basic user interface.
You will add some basic jQuery code for implementing a frontpage animation.
Use Bootstrap JavaScript component to add a modal dialog.
Add a slightest bit of dynamism via a public JSON-P Hacker News API.
Add a form for submitting new stories with Bootstrap.
Clickable prototype now complete; now to add a Python server!
Skeletal Flask application working with stub view functions.
Example Jinja2 templates bringing the app together.
Jinja2 templates upgraded using Bootstrap markup and scripts from prototype.
Beginnings of a form submission and multi-page flow.
Simple and complex Jinja2 filters for use in templates.
Basic form validation logic in the web app.
Utilizes Jinja2 filters to sort results in index page.
Click tracking using a new Flask route, redirect, and Jinja2 macro.
A first fabfile for automating server management and deployment.
A modified fabfile for dealing with a real-world deployment environment.