Rapid Web Prototyping with Lightweight Tools (code that goes with the slides).
Your project still needs to be initialized with a virtualenv.
You will have a static, jQuery and Bootstrap enabled HTML template in static/index.html.
Use Bootstrap's table and label components to build up the basic user interface.
You will add some basic jQuery code for implementing a frontpage animation.
Use Bootstrap JavaScript component to add a modal dialog.
Add a slightest bit of dynamism via a public JSON-P Hacker News API.
Add a form for submitting new stories with Bootstrap.
Clickable prototype now complete; now to add a Python server!
Skeletal Flask application working with stub view functions.
Example Jinja2 templates bringing the app together.
Jinja2 templates upgraded using Bootstrap markup and scripts from prototype.
Beginnings of a form submission and multi-page flow.
Implement simple and complex Jinja2 filters for use in templates.