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Chapter 5. Classes and Interfaces

Python is object-oriented language and supports full range of features, such as inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation.

Item 37: Compose Classes Instead of Nesting Many Levels of Built-in Types

Python's built-in dictionary type dict is wonderful for maintaining dynamic internal state over lifetime of a object. Dynamic means that we need to store an unexpected set if identifiers.

For example, we need to store grade of the students, with names aren't known in advance. We will define a new class for that:

class SimpleGradebook:
    def __init__(self):
        self._grades = {}
    def add_student(self, name):
        self._grades[name] = []
    def report_grade(self, name, score):
    def average_grade(self, name):
        grades = self._grades[name]
        return sum(grades) / len(grades)

book = SimpleGradebook()
book.add_student("Isaac Newton")
book.report_grade("Isaac Newton", 90)
book.report_grade("Isaac Newton", 95)
book.report_grade("Isaac Newton", 85)

print(book.average_grade("Isaac Newton"))

Dictionaries and other built-ins are so easy to use and it is very tempting to over extend them to write a brittle code. For example, we need to extend the SimpleGradebook class to also store a grades. We can do it by changing the _grades dictionary, to hold as a value inner dictionary with key as a subject and a value as a list of grades:

from collections import defaultdict

class BySubjectGradebook:
    def __init__(self):
        self._grades = {}                       # Outer dict
    def add_student(self, name):
        self._grades[name] = defaultdict(list)  # Inner dict

Methods, however, grew quiet complex to handle new functionality, but it is ok:

    def report_grade(self, name, subject, grade):
        by_subject = self._grades[name]
        grade_list = by_subject[subject]
    def average_grade(self, name):
        by_subject = self._grades[name]
        total, count = 0, 0
        for grades in by_subject.values():
            total += sum(grades)
            count += len(grades)
        return total / count

book = BySubjectGradebook()
book.add_student("Albert Einstein")
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Math", 75)
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Math", 65)
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Gym", 90)
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Gyn", 95)
print(book.average_grade("Albert Einstein"))

Now, imagine, we need to store weight of each score toward the overall grade in the class so that midterm and final exams are more important than other grades. We can do that by changing the innermost list to hold tuple of score and weight.

class WeightedGradebook:
    def __init__(self):
        self._grades = {}
    def add_student(self, name):
        self._grades[name] = defaultdict(list)
    def report_grade(self, name, subject, score, weight):
        by_subject = self._grades[name]
        grade_list = by_subject[subject]
        grade_list.append((score, weight))

Now, even that the report_grade method is change a little, the average_grade become more complicated:

    def average_grade(self, name):
        by_subject = self._grades[name]
        score_sum, score_count = 0, 0
        for subject, scores in by_subject.items():
            subject_avg, total_weight = 0, 0
            for score, weight in scores:
                subject_avg += score * weight
                total_weight += weight
            score_sum += subject_avg / total_weight
            score_count += 1
        return score_sum / score_count

book = WeightedGradebook()
book.add_student("Albert Einstein")
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Math", 75, 0.05)
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Math", 65, 0.15)
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Math", 70, 0.80)
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Gym", 100, 0.40)
book.report_grade("Albert Einstein", "Gym", 85, 0.60)
print(book.average_grade("Albert Einstein"))

It is hard to read and understand. If you come across complexity tike this, using and nesting (more than one level deep (like it is done here(in this sentence(I mean)))) multiple built-ins together, it is a sight that you should move to a hierarchy of classes.

As soon as your that your bookkeeping becomes complicated, break it all into classes. Then it is possible to provide clear interfaces that better encapsulates your data. This also enables you to create a layer of abstraction between your interfaces and your concrete implementations.

Refactoring to Classes

There are many approaches to refactoring.

Here we can start at the bottom of the dependency tree: a single grade. We used tuple to store (score, weight):

grades = []
grades.append((95, 0.45))
grades.append((85, 0.55))
total = sum(score * weight for score, weight in grades)
total_weight = sum(weight for _, weight in grades)
average_grade = total / total_weight

Underscore _ variable name is used for unused variable.

The problem with this code is that tuple instances are positional, which mean if we will need to store more information regarding grades, such us teachers comments, wi will need to rewrite our calculations with more _:

grades = []
grades.append((95, 0.45, "Great job"))
grades.append((85, 0.55, "Better next time"))
total = sum(score * weight for score, weight, _ in grades)
total_weight = sum(weight for _, weight, _ in grades)
average_grade = total / total_weight

To avoid this we can use namedtuple form collections built-in.

from collections import namedtuple

Grade = namedtuple("Grade", ("score", "weight"))

These classes can be constructed using positional or keyword arguments.

***Limitations of `namedtuple`***

* You can't define a default argument values for `namedtuple` classes.
* The attribute values are still accessible using numerical indexes.

Next, we cal create a class representing a single object containing set of grades:

class Subject:
    def __init__(self):
        self._grades = []
    def report_grade(self, score, weight):
        self._grades.append(Grade(score, weight))
    def average_grade(self):
        total, total_weight = 0, 0
        for grade in self._grades:
            total += grade.score * grade.weight
            total_weight += grade.weight
        return total / total_weight

Then, we can create a class to hold all the subjects that can be studied be a student:

class Student:
    def __init__(self):
        self._subjects = defaultdict(Subject)
    def get_subject(self, name):
        return self._subjects[name]
    def average_grade(self):
        total, count = 0, 0 
        for subject in self._subjects.values():
            total += subject.average_grade()
            count += 1
        return total / count

Finally, we write a container for all students:

class Gradebook:
    def __init__(self):
        self._students = defaultdict(Student)
    def get_student(self, name):
        return self._students[name]

Even though, this example is twice as long as the previous implementation, it is much easier to read and work with:

book = Gradebook()
albert = book.get_student('Albert Einstein')
math = albert.get_subject('Math')
math.report_grade(75, 0.05)
math.report_grade(65, 0.15)
math.report_grade(70, 0.80)
gym = albert.get_subject('Gym')
gym.report_grade(100, 0.40)
gym.report_grade(85, 0.60)

Item 38: Accept Functions Instead of Classes for Simple Interfaces

Many Python's built-in can accept function as a parameter's value. Like in list's sort method:

names = ['Socrates', 'Archimedes', 'Plato', 'Aristotle']
['Plato', 'Socrates', 'Aristotle', 'Archimedes']

This is possible because functions in Python are first class objects: they can be passed around and reference like any other value.

For example, we want to customize the behavior of the defaultdict class. Now it will print out a message each time missing key was called:

from collections import defaultdict

def log_missing():
    print("Key added")
    return 0

current = {"green": 12, "blue": 3}
increments = [
    ("red", 5),
    ("blue", 17),
    ("orange", 9),
result = defaultdict(log_missing, current)
print(f"Before: {dict(result)}")

for key, amount in increments:
    result[key] += amount

print(f"After: {dict(result)}")
Before: {'green': 12, 'blue': 3}
Key added
Key added
After: {'green': 12, 'blue': 20, 'red': 5, 'orange': 9}

Using such functions also makes tasting easier. For example, if we want to count missing values, we may achieve this by using closure:

def increment_with_report(current, increments):
    added_count = 0
    def missing():
        nonlocal added_count
        added_count += 1
        return 0
    result = defaultdict(missing, current)
    for key, amount in increments:
        result[key] += amount
    return result, added_count

result, count = increment_with_report(current, increments)
assert count == 2

This also can be done by storing state in class rather than in closure:

class CountMissing:
    def __init__(self):
        self.added = 0
    def missing(self):
        self.added += 1
        return 0

counter = CountMissing()
result = defaultdict(counter.missing, current) # Method ref
for key, amount in increments:
    result[key] += amount

assert counter.added == 2

It works well, but it is not clear for new reader what is the purpose of this helper class.

To clarify this situation Python has __call__ method. This method allows an object to called like a regular function. All objects that can be executed in this manner are called callables:

class BetterCountMissing:
    def __init__(self):
        self.added = 0
    def __call__(self):
        self.added += 1
        return 0

counter = BetterCountMissing()
assert counter() == 0
assert callable(counter)

result = defaultdict(counter, current) # Relies on __call__
for key, amount in increments:
    result[key] += amount

assert counter.added == 2

Item 39: Use @classmethod Polymorphism to Construct Objects Generically

In Python, not only objects support polymorphism, but classes do as well.

Polymorphism enables hierarchy of classes to implement their own unique versions of a method. THis mean that many classes can fulfill the same interface of abstract base class while providing different functionality.

For example, let's implement MapReduce functionality with a common class to represent a input date. Here is a such class with read method, which needs to be implemented by subclass:

class InputData:
    def read(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

Here is a subclass of InputData which reads data from a file on disk:

class PathInputData(InputData):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
    def read(self):
        with open(self.path) as f:

It is possible to have any number of subclasses, with each of them implementing their own version of read method.

Now, we want a MapReduce worker that consumes the input data in a standard way:

class Worker:
    def __init__(self, input_data):
        self.input_data = input_data
        self.result = None
    def map(self):
        raise NotImplementedError
    def reduce(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError

After that, we define a subclass of Worker to implement a specific MapReduce function - a simple new line counter:

class LineCountWorker(Worker):
    def map(self):
        data =
        self.result = data.count("\n")
    def reduce(self, other):
        self.result += other.result

It looks like th implementation is doing great. But we have come upon the biggest hurdle of all. What connects all of these peaces together?

The simplest approach is to manually build and connect the objects with some helper functions. Let's start with listing all files in directory and constructing a PathInputData instance for each file:

import os

def generate_inputs(data_dir):
    for name in os.listdir(data_dir):
        yield PathInputData(os.path.join(data_dir, name))

Now, we need to create LineCountWorker instance by using InputData instance:

def create_workers(input_list):
    workers = []
    for input_data in input_list:
    return workers

We execute Worker instance by fanning out the map step in multiple threads. Then call reduce repeatedly to combine the results into one final value:

from threading import Thread

def execute(workers):
    threads = [Thread( for w in workers]
    for thread in threads: thread.start()
    for thread in threads: thread.join()
    first, *rest = workers
    for worker in rest:
    return first.result

Finally, we connect of the peaces in a function to run each step:

def mapreduce(data_dir):
    inputs = generate_inputs(data_dir)
    workers = create_workers(inputs)
    return execute(workers)

Let' test how it works:

import os
import random

def write_test_files(tmpdir):
    for i in range(100):
        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, str(i)), "w") as f:
            f.write("\n" * random.randint(0,100))

tmpdir = "test_inputs"

result = mapreduce(tmpdir)
print(f"There are {result} lines")
There are 4600 lines

It works! But there is a huge problem, that is mapreduce function is not generic at all. If we would need to write another InputData or Worker we would need to rewrite generate_inputs, create_workers and mapreduce functions!

This problem boils down to the need of a generic way to construct an object. The best way to solve this problem is to use class method polymorphism.

Let's apply this idea to the MapReduce classes. We will extend InputData class with a generic @classmethod to create new InputData:

class GenericInputData:
    def read(self):
        raise NotImplementedError
    def generate_inputs(cls, config):
        raise NotImplementedError

We put a set of configuration parameters that the GenericInputData subclass need to interpret:

class PathInputData(GenericInputData):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
    def read(self):
        with open(self.path) as f:
    def generate_inputs(cls, config):
        data_dir = config["data_dir"]
        for name in os.listdir(data_dir):
            yield cls(os.path.join(data_dir, name))

Similarly, we can make create_worker helper part of the GenericWorker class. Here we use input_class parameter, which should be a subclass of the GenericInputData:

class GenericWorker:
    def __init__(self, input_data):
        self.input_data = input_data
        self.result = None
    def map(self):
        raise NotImplementedError
    def reduce(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError
    def create_worker(cls, input_class, config):
        workers = []
        for input_data in input_class.generate_inputs(config):
        return workers

Note that the call to input_class.generate_inputs in the class polymorphism that we are truing to achieve. Here create_worker calling cls() is a alternative way to construct GenericWorkers object. The effect of my concrete GenericWorker subclass is nothing more than changing its parent class:

class LineCountWorker(GenericWorker):
    def map(self):
        data =
        self.result = data.count("\n")
    def reduce(self, other):
        self.result += other.result

Rewriting the mapreduce function to the completely generic form:

def mapreduce(worker_class, input_class, config):
    workers = worker_class.create_worker(input_class, config)
    return execute(workers)

Running the new worker produces the same result:

config = {"data_dir": tmpdir}
result = mapreduce(LineCountWorker, PathInputData, config)
print(f"There are {result} lines")
There are 4600 lines

We can write other GenericInputData and GenericWorker subclass, without rewriting any glue code.

Item 40: Initialize Parent classes with super

The old to initialize parent class from a child class is to call parent's __init__ method in child instance:

class MyBaseClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

class MyChildClass(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self):
        MyBaseClass.__init__(self, 5)

This approach works in simple cases but brakes in cases with complicated inheritance.

If class is affected with multiple inheritance calling the superclasses' __init__ method directly can lead to unexpected behavior:

One problem is that the __init__ call order isn't specific across all subclasses. For example, here is two classes with value field:

class TimesTwo:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value *= 2

class PlusFive:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value += 5

This class define its parents ordering in one way:

class OneWay(MyBaseClass, TimesTwo, PlusFive):
    def __init__(self, value):
        MyBaseClass.__init__(self, value)

And constructing it produces a result that matches the parent class ordering:

foo = OneWay(5)
print(f"First ordering value is (5 * 2) + 5 = {foo.value}")
First ordering value is (5 * 2) + 5 = 15

Here is another class ordering it parents differently(PlusFive- first, TimesTwo - second):

class AnotherWay(MyBaseClass, PlusFive, TimesTwo):
    def __init__(self, value):
        MyBaseClass.__init__(self, value)

However, we lest the calls to the parent class constructor - PlusFive.__init__ and TimesTwo.__init__ - in the same order as before, which mean this class behavior doesn't match the order of the parent classes in its definition. THis types of conflict is hard to spot and it is especially difficult for new readers to understand:

bar = AnotherWay(5)
print(f"Second ordering value is {bar.value}")
Second ordering value is 15

Another problem occurs with Diamond inheritance. Diamond inheritance happens when a subclass inherits from two separate classes that have the same superclass somewhere in the hierarchy. Diamond inheritance cause the common superclass's __init__ method to run multiple times, causing unexpected behavior:

class TimesSeven(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, value):
        MyBaseClass.__init__(self, value)
        self.value *= 7

class PlusNine(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, value):
        MyBaseClass.__init__(self, value)
        self.value += 9

Then we define a child class which inherits from both of these classes, making MyBaseClass the top of the diamond:

class ThisWay(TimesSeven, PlusNine):
    def __init__(self, value):
        TimesSeven.__init__(self, value)
        PlusNine.__init__(self, value)

foo = ThisWay(5)
print(f"Should be (5 * 7) + 9 = 44 but is {foo.value}.")
Should be (5 * 7) + 9 = 44 but is 14.

The call to the second patent class's constructor, PlusNine.__init__, causes self.value to be reset to 5 again when MyBaseClass.__init__ get called a second time. The result of a calculation is completely ignoring TimesSeven.__init__ constructor. This behavior is surprising and very hard to debug in more complex cases.

Python have the super built-in function and standard method resolution order (MRO). super ensures that the common superclasses in diamond hierarchies are run only once. MRO ordering follows C3 lineariztion algorithm.

Let's try to use this super function:

class TimesSevenCorrect(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value *= 7

class PlusNineCorrect(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value += 9

Now super ensures that MyBaseClass.__init__ is run only once and the order in which parent classes are run is defined in class statement:

class GoodWay(TimesSevenCorrect, PlusNineCorrect):
    def __init__(self, value):

foo = GoodWay(5)
print(f"Should be 7 * (5 + 9) = 98 but is {foo.value}")
Should be 7 * (5 + 9) = 98 but is 98

THis seems backwards at first. Let's see what is happening. You can check the order by calling mro:

mro_str = "\n".join(repr(cls) for cls in GoodWay.mro())
<class '__main__.GoodWay'>
<class '__main__.TimesSevenCorrect'>
<class '__main__.PlusNineCorrect'>
<class '__main__.MyBaseClass'>
<class 'object'>

So, we we call GoodWay(5), it calls TimesSevenCorrect.__init__, which calls PlusNineCorrect.__init__. which calls MyBaseClass.__init__. After reaching the top of the Diamond, all of the initialization methods actually do their job in opposite order. MyBaseClass.__init__ assigns 5 to value. PlusNineCorrect.__init__ adds 9 to make value total 14. TimesSeven.__init__ multiplies by 7 to make it 98.

Besides, making multiple inheritance robust, the call super().__init__ is also much more maintainable. Later we can rename the MyBaseClass or have TimesSevenCorrect and PlusNineCorrect inherit from different superclass without having to update their __init__ methods to match.

super also can be called with two parameters:

  1. The type os class whose MRO parent view you're trying to access;
  2. The instance on which to access that view.

Using this two optional parameters in the constructor looks like this:

class ExplicitTrisect(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, value):
        super(ExplicitTrisect, self).__init__(value)
        self.value /= 3

However, this parameters are not required for object instance initialization.

class AutomaticTrisect(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, value):
        super(__class__, self).__init__(value)
        self.value /= 3

class ImplicitTrisect(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value /= 3

assert ExplicitTrisect(9).value == 3
assert AutomaticTrisect(9).value == 3
assert ImplicitTrisect(9).value == 3

Item 41: Consider Composing Functionality with Mix-in classes

It is better to avoid multiple inheritance.

Consider writing mix-ins instead of multiple inheritance.

Mix-in is a class that defines only a small set of additional methods for its child classes to provide. Mix-in classes don't define their own instance attributes not require their __init__ constructor to be called.

Mix-ins are easy to write and they can be composed and layered to minimize repetitive code and maximize reuse.

For example, we want to have a functionality to convert in-memory Python object to serializable dict representation. Here is a mix-in to accomplish that:

class ToDictMixin:
    def to_dict(self):
        return self._traverse_dict(self.__dict__)
    def _traverse_dict(self, instance_dict):
        output = {}
        for key, value in instance_dict.items():
            output[key] = self._traverse(key, value)
        return output
    def _traverse(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(value, ToDictMixin):
            return value.to_dict()
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            return self._traverse_dict(value)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            return [self._traverse(key, i) for i in value]
        elif hasattr(value, "__dict__"):
            return self._traverse_dict(value.__dict__)
            return value

Here, is a class which make a dictionary representation of a binary tree using our mix-in:

class BinaryTree(ToDictMixin):
    def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
        self.value = value
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

tree = BinaryTree(10, left=BinaryTree(7, right=BinaryTree(9)),
                    right=BinaryTree(13, left=BinaryTree(11)))
{'value': 10, 
'left': {'value': 7,
        'left': None,
                {'value': 9, 
                'left': None, 
                'right': None}}, 
        {'value': 13, 
            {'value': 11, 
            'left': None, 
            'right': None}, 
        'right': None}}

Behavior of mix-in can be easily overridden when required. For example, here is a subclass of BinaryTree that holds a reference to the parent. This circular reference would cause the default implementation of ToDictMixin.to_dict to loop forever:

class BinaryTreeWithParent(BinaryTree):
    def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None, parent=None):
        super().__init__(value, left=left, right=right)
        self.parent = parent
    def _traverse(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(value, BinaryTreeWithParent) and key == "parent":
            return value.value # Prevent cycling
            return super()._traverse(key, value)

We have overridden _traverse method, which now is inserting the parent's numerical value and otherwise defers to the mix-ins default implementation by calling super built-in.

Calling BinaryTreeWithParent.to_dict works fine now:

root = BinaryTreeWithParent(10)
root.left = BinaryTreeWithParent(7, parent=root)
root.left.right = BinaryTreeWithParent(9, parent=root.left)
{'value': 10, 
    {'value': 7, 
    'left': None, 
    'right': {'value': 9, 
            'left': None, 
            'right': None, 
            'parent': 7}, 
    'parent': 10}, 
'right': None, 
'parent': None

By defining BinaryTreeWithParent._traverse, also enabled any class that has an attribute BinaryTreeWithParent to automatically work with the ToDoMixin:

class NamedSubTree(ToDictMixin):
    def __init__(self, name, tree_with_parent): = name
        self.tree_with_parent = tree_with_parent

my_tree = NamedSubTree("foobar", root.left.right)
{'name': 'foobar', 
'tree_with_parent': {'value': 9, 
                    'left': None, 
                    'right': None, 
                    'parent': 7}}

Mix-ins can also be composed together. For example, we need a mix-in that provides JSON serialization for any class:

import json

class JsonMixin:
    def from_json(cls, data):
        kwargs = json.loads(data)
        return cls(**kwargs)
    def to_json(self):
        return json.dumps(self.to_dict())

Note how the JsonMixin defines both instance and class methods. And here is how it could be used:

class DatacenterRack(ToDictMixin, JsonMixin):
    def __init__(self, switch=None, machines=None):
        self.switch = Switch(**switch)
        self.machines = [
            Machine(**kwargs) for kwargs in machines]

class Switch(ToDictMixin, JsonMixin):
    def __init__(self, ports=None, speed=None):
        self.ports = ports
        self.speed = speed

class Machine(ToDictMixin, JsonMixin):
    def __init__(self, cores=None, ram=None, disk=None):
        self.cores = cores
        self.ram = ram
        self.disk = disk

serialized = """{
"switch": {"ports": 5, "speed": 1e9},
"machines": [
{"cores": 8, "ram": 32e9, "disk": 5e12},
{"cores": 4, "ram": 16e9, "disk": 1e12},
{"cores": 2, "ram": 4e9, "disk": 500e9}

deserialized = DatacenterRack.from_json(serialized)
roundtrip = deserialized.to_json()
assert json.loads(serialized) == json.loads(roundtrip)

Item 42: Prefer Public Attributes over Private ones

In Python there are only public or private class attributes:

class MyObject:
    def __init__(self):
        self.public_field = 5
        self.__private_field = 10
    def get_private_field(self):
        return self.__private_field

Public attributes can be accessed directly:

foo = MyObject()
assert foo.public_field == 5

Private attributes are with names started with double underscores __ and can be accessed through class's methods:

assert foo.get_private_field() == 10

But cannot be accessed directly:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'MyObject' object has no attribute '__private_field'

Class methods also have access to the private attributes of the same class:

class MyOtherObject:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__private_field = 71 
    def get_private_field_of_instance(cls, instance):
        return instance.__private_field

bar = MyOtherObject()
assert MyOtherObject.get_private_field_of_instance(bar) == 71

Subclasses cannot access parent's private fields:

class MyParentObject:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__private_field = 71

class MyChildObject(MyParentObject):
    def get_private_field(self):
        return self.__private_field

baz = MyChildObject()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in get_private_field
AttributeError: 'MyChildObject' object has no attribute '_MyChildObject__private_field'

However, the private attributes are implemented by simply transforming a attribute name. Because the field is defined in MyParentObject.__init__ it is named MyParentObject.__private_field. THis is why subclass method cannot access it, Python is looking for MyChildObject.__private_field.

So, knowing that, it is possible to access private attributes of any class from outside easily:

assert baz._MyParentObject__private_field == 71

We can look it up the following way:

{'_MyParentObject__private_field': 71}

That being said, it is better not to use private attributes when you want them to be hidden from outer world:

class MyStringClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.__value = value
    def get_value(self):
        return str(self.__value)

foo = MyStringClass(5)
assert foo.get_value() == "5"

This is wrong approach, one of the down sides is that if latter you decide to extend or subclass this class, it will make it more prone to errors and bags and just harder to write.

class MyIntegerSubclass(MyStringClass):
    def get_value(self):
        return int(self._MyStringClass__value)

foo = MyIntegerSubclass("5")
assert foo.get_value() == 5

In this case, if the class hierarchy changes, this classes will break:

class MyBaseClass:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.__value = value
    def get_value(self):
        return self.__value

class MyStringClass(MyBaseClass):
    def get_value(self):
        return str(super().get_value()) # Updated

class MyIntegerSubclass(MyStringClass):
    def get_value(self):
        return int(self._MyStringClass__value) # Not updated

foo = MyIntegerSubclass("5")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in get_value
AttributeError: 'MyIntegerSubclass' object has no attribute '_MyStringClass__value'

In general, it is better to document each protected field and explain why:

class MyStringClass:
    def __init__(self):
        # This stores the user-supplied value for the object.
        # It should be coercible to a string. Once assigned in
        # the object it should be treated as immutable.
        self.value = value

The only time when you should seriously consider private attributes is when your worried about naming conflicts with subclasses. It happens when of the child's attribute is the same:

class ApiClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self._value = 5
    def get(self):
        return self._value

class Child(ApiClass):
    def __init__(self):
        self._value = "hello"

a = Child()
print(f"{a.get()} and {a._value} should be different")
hello and hello should be different

This kind of problem are especially common in public APIs with common names (like value). In this situations you should use private attributes:

class ApiClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__value = 5        # Double underscore
    def get(self):
        return self.__value     # Double underscore

class Child(ApiClass):
    def __init__(self):
        self._value = "hello"   # OK!

a = Child()
print(f"{a.get()} and {a._value} should be different")

Item 43: Inherit from for Custom Container Types

Much of the programming in Python is defining classes that in one way or another stores some data and describes its relations to other objects. Every Python class is a container of some kind, encapsulating attributes and functionality together. Python provides built-in container types: lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries.

  • You can subclass a built-in list type with some additional methods for counting the frequency of its members:
class FrequencyList(list):
    def __init__(self, members):
    def frequency(self):
        counts = {}
        for item in self:
            counts[item] = counts.get(item, 0) + 1
        return counts

By subclassing list we get all the functionality and methods of it and have our own new method.

foo = FrequencyList(["a", "b", "a", "c", "b", "a", "d"])
print(f"Length is {len(foo)}")

print(f"After pop: {repr(foo)}")
print(f"Frequency: {foo.frequency()}")
Length is 7
After pop: ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'a']
Frequency: {'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 1}
  • Now imagine, we need an object like list that allows indexing but isn't list subclass. For example, in this binary tree:
class BinaryNode:
    def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
        self.value = value
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

How to make this class a sequence type? Python implement this type of behavior by calling __getitem__:

bar = [1, 2, 3]

This mean Python will call:


To make our class a sequence we can define this method in a subclass:

class IndexableNode(BinaryNode):
    def _traverse(self):
        if self.left is not None:
            yield from self.left._traverse()
        yield self
        if self.right is not None:
            yield from self.right._traverse()
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        for i, item in enumerate(self._traverse()):
            if i == index:
                return item.value
        raise IndexError(f"Index {index} is out of range")

tree = IndexableNode(10, 
                        15, left=IndexableNode(11)))

print(f"LRR is {tree.left.right.right.value}")
print(f"Index 0 is {tree[0]}")
print(f"Index 1 is {tree[1]}")
print(f"11 is in tree? {11 in tree}")
print(f"17 is in tree? {17 in tree}")
print(f"Tree is {list(tree)}")
LRR is 7
Index 0 is 2
Index 1 is 5
11 is in tree? True
17 is in tree? False
Tree is [2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15]

The problem is, __getitem__ alone does not implement other methods of a list type. The len() method needs to be implemented as well:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'IndexableNode' has no len()

Implementation on __len__ method:

class SequenceNode(IndexableNode):
    def __len__(self):
        for count, _ in enumerate(self._traverse(), 1):
        return count

tree = SequenceNode(10, 
                        15, left=SequenceNode(11)))

print(f"Tree length is {len(tree)}")
Tree length is 7

Unfortunately, it still isn;t enough for the class to have oll the perks of the list type, it missing things like count and index, and implementing them all is very difficult.

To solve this problem in Python, there is a module defines a set of abstract base classes that provide you with all the typical methods for each container. Also, when you subclass them and forget to implement required methods a exception will be raised:

from import Sequence

class BadType(Sequence):

foo = BadType()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class BadType with abstract methods __getitem__, __len__

When you implement all the required methods, it will provide all the additional methods for free:

class BetterNode(SequenceNode, Sequence):

tree = BetterNode(10, 
                        15, left=BetterNode(11)))

print(f"Index of 7 is {tree.index(7)}")
print(f"Count of 10 is {tree.count(10)}")
Index of 7 is 3
Count of 10 is 1

Benefits of inheriting from are even greater for types like set and MutableMapping.