from pebble import ProcessPool, ProcessExpired import os from argparse import ArgumentParser from multiprocessing import cpu_count import time import gzip import json import requests import sys import pickle as pkl from warcio.archiveiterator import ArchiveIterator import re MAX_PAGE_LEN = 100 * 1000 MAX_LINE_LEN = 1000 MIN_LENGTH = 150 MAX_PRECEED = 40 # PREFIXES = {'Col', 'Councillor', 'Dr', 'Lecturer', 'Maj', 'Mr', 'Mrs', 'Ms', 'Prof', 'Professor', 'Professsor'} # change back to set() COMMON_CRAWL_URL = '' parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('wetpaths', help='common_crawl date like 2017-43 (see ) *or* a path to a -wet.paths file') # parser.add_argument("-w", "--wetpaths", dest="wetpaths", # help="read paths from FILE", metavar="FILE") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output", help="write bios to OUT.pkl", metavar="OUT") parser.add_argument("-r", "--retries", dest="retries", type=int, default=2, help="number of retries per path") parser.add_argument("-p", "--parallel", dest="parallel", type=int, default=0, help="number of parallel threads", metavar="N") args = parser.parse_args() with open("freq_titles.json", "r") as f: freq_titles = json.load(f) lower_freq_titles = {t.lower(): normalized for t, normalized in freq_titles.items()} def re_escape_title(title): if title.isupper(): return re.escape(title) return "".join(f"[{c}{c.lower()}]" if c.isupper() else re.escape(c) for c in title) freq_titles_regex = re.compile( r"\b|".join( re_escape_title(title) for title in sorted(freq_titles) ) + r"\b" ) bad_regex = re.compile(r"\b(?:I|you|your|me|my|mine|myself|our|ours|us|we|ourselves)\b", flags=re.I) m_regex = re.compile(r"\b(?:mr|his|he|him|himself)\b", flags=re.I) f_regex = re.compile(r"\b(?:mrs|ms|hers|she|her|herself)\b", flags=re.I) sentence_end_regex = re.compile(r"\. +[A-Z]") def infer_gender(bio): if, bio): return None m_count = bool(, bio)) f_count = bool(, bio)) if f_count > 0 and m_count == 0: return "F" if m_count > 0 and f_count == 0: return "M" acceptable_prefixes = "adjunct|artist|assistant|associate|attorney|author|bio|biography|brief bio|brief biography|biographical sketch|br|brother|chancellor|chaplain|chapln|col|colonel|councillor|currently|description|director|doctor|dr|experience|facilitator|father|fr|gov|governor|host|image|instructor|lecturer|madam|madame|maj|miss|missus|mister|mme|monsieur|monsignor|mr|mrs|ms|msgr|note|now|pastor|plaintiff|pres|presenter|president|prince|principal|prof|professionally|professor|profile|rabbi|reader|rep|representative|respondent|rev|reverend|reviewer|rev|saint|sen|senator|senor|senora|senorita|sgt|sir|sister|speaker|sr|sra|srta|st|the hon|the honorable|today" lname_strip_regex = re.compile(r"^[^a-z]*(?:\b(?:[a-z]|"+ acceptable_prefixes +r")\b[^a-z]*)*", re.I) lname_kill_regex = re.compile(r"^(?:about|abstract|additionally|although|and|but|by|comments|example|he|plot|review|she|source|story|summary|synopsis|the|there|today|when|while|yes)\b", re.I) rname_regex = re.compile(r"(?:[\b(,\. ]+(?:\(eae\)|[a-z]|ab|abpp|aia|ao|apn|aprn|arnp|asid|asla|ba|bs|bsn|ca|cbe|ccrn|cde|cdn|cdw|ceo|cfo|cipd|clt|cnm|cnp|cpa|cpnp|crnp|csat|cso|cssd|dc|dds|djb|dmd|dnp|e\-?ryt[\- \d]*|edd|esq|faan|facs|faia|fca|fnp|fnp-bc|fnp-c|frcs|ii|iii|iv|jd|jg|jr|lac|ladc|lcpc|lcsw|ld|ldn|licsw|ll|llm|llp|lmft|lmhc|lmt|lp|lpc|ma|mba|mc|md|mfa|mft|mlc|mms|mn|mpas|mph|ms|msn|mw|ncarb|nd|np|np-c|pa-c|pa\-c|ph|phd|pla|pm|psy|psyd|ra|rcyt[\- \d]*|rd|rdn|riba|rla|rn|rn\-bc|ryt|sr)[\b\., )]*)*$", re.I) name_regex = re.compile(r"^([A-Z][a-zâêîôûŵŷäëïöüẅÿàèìòùẁỳáéíóúẃý]+(?:\-[A-Z][a-zâêîôûŵŷäëïöüẅÿàèìòùẁỳáéíóúẃý]+)*)( +[A-Z](?:\.|[a-zâêîôûŵŷäëïöüẅÿàèìòùẁỳáéíóúẃý]*))?((?: van)? +(?:Mc|De|O')?[A-Z][a-zâêîôûŵŷäëïöüẅÿàèìòùẁỳáéíóúẃý]+(?:\-[A-Z][a-zâêîôûŵŷäëïöüẅÿàèìòùẁỳáéíóúẃý]+)*)$") def extract_name(name): name = name[lname_strip_regex.match(name).end():] if lname_kill_regex.match(name): return None name = name[] match = name_regex.match(name) if not match: return None return tuple(g.strip().replace(".", "") if g else "" for g in match.groups()) def log(text): try: if not text.endswith("\n"): text += "\n" with open(log_fname, "a") as f: f.write(text) except Exception as e: print("*** Unable to log!") print(e) def extract_bios_from_page(page, URI, max_preceed=MAX_PRECEED, min_len=MIN_LENGTH): if "the" not in page: return [] # probably not English ISA = " is a " ISAN = " is an " n = len(ISA) + max_preceed matches = [] failures = [] for line_str in page.split('\n'): if len(line_str) >= min_len: if ISA in line_str[:n]: a = line_str.index(ISA) b = a + len(ISA) elif ISAN in line_str[:n + 1]: a = line_str.index(ISAN) b = a + len(ISAN) else: continue m = re.match(freq_titles_regex, line_str[b:]) # is an architect if not m: # try is an American architect (1 word before title) also catches boston-based architect c = line_str.find(" ", b) if c == -1 or line_str[c - 1] == ',': # avoid 'is a performer, architect blah ...' continue m = re.match(freq_titles_regex, line_str[c + 1:]) if not m: continue end = c + 1 + m.end() else: end = b + m.end() if m: # if "→" in line_str: # weird = line_str.index("→") # if weird MAX_LINE_LEN: continue m2 =, line_str[end:]) if not m2: continue start_pos = end + m2.start() + 1 body = line_str[start_pos:].strip() if len(body) < min_len: continue name = extract_name(line_str[:a]) if not name: continue matches.append( {"raw": line_str, "name": name, "raw_title": title, "gender": g, "start_pos": start_pos, "title": lower_freq_titles[title.lower()], "URI": URI}) return matches def dedup_exact(people): seen = set() return [p for p in people if not (p["raw"] in seen or seen.add(p["raw"]))] def bios_from_wet_url(url, verbose=False): try: time0 = time.time() log("TRYING "+url) r = requests.get(url, stream=True) assert r.status_code == 200, f"*** Got status code {r.status_code} != 200" if verbose: print(f"Status code {r.status_code} for {url}") it = ArchiveIterator(fileobj=r.raw) it.__next__() ans = dedup_exact([bio for record in it for bio in extract_bios_from_page(record.content_stream().read().decode()[:MAX_PAGE_LEN], record.rec_headers.get_header('WARC-Target-URI'))]) log(f"DONE {url} {time.time()-time0:.1f} seconds") return ans except Exception as e: print(f"*** Exception in {url}:", file=sys.stderr) print(f"*** {e}", file=sys.stderr) print(f"***", file=sys.stderr) print("", file=sys.stderr) return None def chunks(arr, n): n = max(n, 1) m = len(arr) return [arr[(m * i) // n:(m * (i + 1)) // n] for i in range(n)] def process_urls(paths, n_processes, prefix=COMMON_CRAWL_URL, max_failures=100, num_progress_reports=50): print(f"Using {n_processes} parallel processes") failed_paths = [] bios = [] time0 = time.time() path_name = (paths[0] + '///').split('/')[1] num_progress_reports = max(1, min(num_progress_reports, len(paths) // n_processes)) done = 0 pool = ProcessPool(n_processes) for i, paths_chunk in enumerate(chunks(paths, num_progress_reports)): ans =, [prefix + path for path in paths_chunk], timeout=1200) iterator = ans.result() for p in paths_chunk + ["done"]: try: a = next(iterator) assert p != "done" if a is not None: bios += [dict(path=p, **b) for b in a] continue except StopIteration: assert p == "done" break except Exception as error: print("--------------------\n"*10 + f"function raised {error}") failed_paths.append(p) done += len(paths_chunk) pct = (i + 1) / num_progress_reports eta = (time.time() - time0) * (1 / pct - 1) / 60 / 60 print( f"{eta:.1f} hours left, {done:,}/{len(paths):,} done ({pct:.0%}),", f"{int(len(bios)/pct):,} estimated bios, {path_name}" ) if len(failed_paths) > 0: print(f" {len(failed_paths):,} failed paths") if len(failed_paths) > max_failures: break pool.close() return dedup_exact(bios), failed_paths # dedup_exact is new! if __name__ == "__main__": if not args.wetpaths.endswith("wet.paths"): assert re.match(r"^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$", args.wetpaths), "Expecting wetpaths to be either xxxx-xx or to end with wet.paths" url = COMMON_CRAWL_URL + "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-{}/wet.paths.gz".format(args.wetpaths) r = requests.get(url, stream=True) assert r.status_code == 200 r.raw.decode_content = True # just in case transport encoding was applied gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=r.raw) paths = [line.decode().strip() for line in gzip_file] print("Got {:,} urls from {}".format(len(paths), url)) path_root = "CC-MAIN-{}-".format(args.wetpaths) else: with open(args.wetpaths, "r") as f: paths = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] path_root = args.wetpaths.replace("wet.paths", "") paths = paths if args.parallel == 0: c = cpu_count() args.parallel = c-c//10 output_fname = args.output or (path_root + "bios.pkl") assert output_fname.endswith("bios.pkl"), "Output filename must end with 'bios.pkl'" log_fname = output_fname.replace("bios.pkl", "log.txt") try: os.remove(log_fname) except: pass bios, failed_paths = process_urls(paths, n_processes=args.parallel) if len(failed_paths) < len(paths) / 10: for i in range(args.retries): if not failed_paths: break print("\n" * 5) print(f"*** Retry #{i+1} with {len(failed_paths)} failures") more_bios, failed_paths = process_urls(failed_paths, n_processes=args.parallel) bios += more_bios with open(output_fname, "wb") as f: print(f"Wrote {len(bios):,} bios to {output_fname}") pkl.dump(bios, f) if len(failed_paths) > 0: log("\nFailed paths:\n" + "\n".join(failed_paths)) print(f"*** Wrote {len(failed_paths):,} failures to {log_fname}")