module L = Llvm module A = Ast module StringMap = Map.Make(String) module S = String let internal_if_flag = ref 0 let translate (globals, functions, structs) = let context = L.global_context () in let the_module = L.create_module context "GridLang" and i32_t = L.i32_type context and i8_t = L.i8_type context and i1_t = L.i1_type context and void_t = L.void_type context and array_t = L.array_type in let str_t = L.pointer_type i8_t in let new_global_builder = ref (L.builder context) in (*add all struct names to a hashtable*) let struct_types:(string, L.lltype) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1000 in let struct_names:(L.lltype,string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1000 in let add_empty_named_struct_types sdecl = let struct_t = L.named_struct_type context sdecl.A.sname in let _ = Hashtbl.add struct_types sdecl.A.sname struct_t in Hashtbl.add struct_names struct_t sdecl.A.sname in let _ = add_empty_named_struct_types structs in let rec ltype_of_typ = function A.Int -> i32_t | A.Bool -> i1_t | A.Void -> void_t | A.StructType s -> Hashtbl.find struct_types s | A.PlayerType -> ltype_of_typ((A.StructType "Player")) | A.String -> str_t | A.Array1DType (typ,size) -> array_t (ltype_of_typ typ) size | A.PointerType t -> L.pointer_type (ltype_of_typ t) | A.Array2DType (typ,size1,size2) -> array_t (array_t (ltype_of_typ typ) size2) size1 | A.GridType (rows, cols) -> ltype_of_typ (A.Array2DType ((A.StructType("GenericPiece")), rows, cols)) in let vars_global:(string, L.llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1000 in let rec create_rep_list this_list llvm_val count = (match count with 0 -> this_list |_ -> create_rep_list (llvm_val::this_list) llvm_val (count-1)) in let createThisGrid rows cols = let str_typ = ltype_of_typ (A.PointerType(A.StructType("GenericPiece"))) in let cell_init = L.const_pointer_null str_typ in let each_col_init = L.const_array str_typ (Array.of_list (create_rep_list [] cell_init cols)) in let ty_each_col = array_t str_typ cols in let init = L.const_array ty_each_col (Array.of_list (create_rep_list [] each_col_init rows)) in let grid_val = L.define_global "GridData" init the_module in let _ = Hashtbl.add vars_global "GridData" grid_val in grid_val in let other_global_vars (t,n) = let global_val = (match t with A.Int -> L.define_global n (L.const_int (ltype_of_typ (A.Int)) 0) the_module | A.Bool -> L.define_global n (L.const_int (ltype_of_typ (A.Bool)) 0) the_module | A.String -> L.define_global n (L.const_string context "") the_module | A.PlayerType -> let init = L.const_null (ltype_of_typ (A.PlayerType)) in L.define_global n init the_module | A.PointerType t1 -> let init = L.const_pointer_null (ltype_of_typ (A.PointerType(t1))) in L.define_global n init the_module | A.StructType (s)-> let init = L.const_null (ltype_of_typ (A.StructType(s))) in L.define_global n init the_module | A.Array1DType (typ,size) -> let each_cell = L.const_null (ltype_of_typ typ) in let init = L.const_array (ltype_of_typ typ) (Array.of_list (create_rep_list [] each_cell size)) in L.define_global n init the_module | _ -> raise(Failure("Invalid type of global declaration"))) in Hashtbl.add vars_global n global_val;global_val in let global_var_func (t, n) = match t with A.GridType (rows, cols) -> (*Allocate int rows and int cols in global context*) let row_val = L.define_global "rows" (L.const_int (ltype_of_typ (A.Int)) rows) the_module in let _ = Hashtbl.add vars_global "rows" row_val in let col_val = L.define_global "cols" (L.const_int (ltype_of_typ (A.Int)) cols) the_module in let _ = Hashtbl.add vars_global "cols" col_val in createThisGrid rows cols | _ -> other_global_vars (t,n) in ignore( global_var_func globals); let global_val = L.define_global "currentPlayerIndex" (L.const_int (ltype_of_typ (A.Int)) 0) the_module in Hashtbl.add vars_global "currentPlayerIndex" global_val; let populate_struct_type sdecl = let struct_t = Hashtbl.find struct_types sdecl.A.sname in let type_list = (fun(t, _) -> ltype_of_typ t) sdecl.A.sformals in let type_list = Array.of_list(type_list) in L.struct_set_body struct_t type_list true in ignore( populate_struct_type structs); let string_option_to_string = function None -> "" | Some(s) -> s in (* struct_field_index is a map where key is struct name and value is another map this second map, the key is the field name and the value is the index number basically index every field of struct so that they can be accessed later on *) let struct_field_index_list = let handle_list m individual_struct = let struct_field_name_list = snd individual_struct.A.sformals in let increment n = n + 1 in (*add each field and index to second map called struct_field_map*) let add_field_and_index (m, i) field_name = (StringMap.add field_name (increment i) m, increment i) in let struct_field_map = List.fold_left add_field_and_index (StringMap.empty, -1) struct_field_name_list in (*add struct_field_map to the main map*) StringMap.add individual_struct.A.sname (fst struct_field_map) m in List.fold_left handle_list StringMap.empty structs in (* Declare printf(), which the print built-in function will call *) let printf_t = L.var_arg_function_type i32_t [| L.pointer_type i8_t |] in let printf_func = L.declare_function "printf" printf_t the_module in (* Declare built-in prompt() function *) let prompt_t = L.function_type i32_t [| str_t |] in let prompt_func = L.declare_function "prompt" prompt_t the_module in (* Declare built-in abs() function *) let abs_t = L.function_type i32_t [|i32_t|] in let abs_func = L.declare_function "abs" abs_t the_module in (* Declare built-in print_endline() function *) let print_endline_t = L.function_type i32_t [||] in let print_endline_func = L.declare_function "print_endline" print_endline_t the_module in (* Declare built-in print_sameline() function *) let print_sameline_t = L.function_type i32_t [| str_t |] in let print_sameline_func = L.declare_function "print_sameline" print_sameline_t the_module in (* Declare built-in diceThrow() function *) let diceThrow_num_gen_t = L.function_type i32_t [||] in let diceThrow_num_gen_func = L.declare_function "diceThrow" diceThrow_num_gen_t the_module in (* Declare built-in getLen() function *) let getLen_t = L.function_type i32_t [| str_t |] in let getLen_func = L.declare_function "getLen" getLen_t the_module in (* Declare built-in print_int_sameline() function*) let print_int_sameline_t = L.function_type i32_t [| i32_t |] in let print_int_sameline_func = L.declare_function "print_int_sameline" print_int_sameline_t the_module in let main_func_map = StringMap.add "setup" "main" StringMap.empty in (* Define each struct function (arguments and return type) so we can call it*) let struct_function_decls = let function_decl m sdecl = let fdecl = sdecl.A.sfunc in let name = sdecl.A.sname ^ fdecl.A.fname and formal_types = Array.of_list ( (fun (t,_) -> ltype_of_typ t) fdecl.A.formals) in let ftype = L.function_type (ltype_of_typ fdecl.A.typ) formal_types in StringMap.add name (L.define_function name ftype the_module, fdecl) m in List.fold_left function_decl StringMap.empty structs in let function_decls = let function_decl m fdecl = let get_formal_types formal = let (t, _) = formal in match t with A.Array1DType (_,_) -> L.pointer_type (ltype_of_typ t) | A.Array2DType (_, _, _) -> L.pointer_type (ltype_of_typ t) | A.StructType _ -> L.pointer_type (ltype_of_typ t) | _ -> ltype_of_typ t in let name = try StringMap.find fdecl.A.fname main_func_map with Not_found -> fdecl.A.fname and formal_types = Array.of_list ( get_formal_types fdecl.A.formals) in let ftype = L.function_type (ltype_of_typ fdecl.A.typ) formal_types in StringMap.add name (L.define_function name ftype the_module, fdecl) m in List.fold_left function_decl StringMap.empty functions in (* Fill in the body of the given function *) let build_function_body the_function fdecl = let builder = L.builder_at_end context (L.entry_block the_function) in let int_format_str = L.build_global_stringptr "%d\n" "fmt" builder in let str_format_str = L.build_global_stringptr "%s\n" "mmt" builder in let vars_local:(string, L.llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1000 in (* Construct the function's "locals": formal arguments and locally declared variables. Allocate each on the stack, initialize their value, if appropriate, and remember their values in the "locals" map *) let local_vars = let add_formal (t, n) p = L.set_value_name n p; match t with A.Array1DType (_, _) -> Hashtbl.add vars_local n p | A.Array2DType (_, _, _) -> Hashtbl.add vars_local n p | A.StructType _ -> Hashtbl.add vars_local n p | _ -> let local = L.build_alloca (ltype_of_typ t) n builder in ignore (L.build_store p local builder);Hashtbl.add vars_local n local in let add_local (t, n) = let local_var = L.build_alloca (ltype_of_typ t) n builder in Hashtbl.add vars_local n local_var in let _ = List.iter2 add_formal fdecl.A.formals (Array.to_list (L.params the_function)) in add_local fdecl.A.locals in let local = L.build_alloca i32_t "repeat" builder in let _ = Hashtbl.add vars_local "repeat" local in (* Return the value for a variable or formal argument *) let lookup n = try Hashtbl.find vars_local n with Not_found -> try Hashtbl.find vars_global n with Not_found -> raise(Failure("Undeclared identifier "^n)) in let lookup_at_index s index builder= L.build_in_bounds_gep (lookup s) (Array.of_list [L.const_int i32_t 0; index]) "name" builder in let lookup_at_2d_index s index1 index2 builder= L.build_in_bounds_gep (lookup s) (Array.of_list [L.const_int i32_t 0; index1; index2]) "name" builder in let add_terminal builder f = match L.block_terminator (L.insertion_block builder) with Some _ -> () | None -> ignore (f builder) in let rec llvalue_expr_getter builder = function A.Id s -> lookup s | A.Array1DAccess (s, e) -> let index = expr builder e in lookup_at_index s index builder | A.Array2DAccess(s,e1,e2) -> let index1 = expr builder e1 and index2 = expr builder e2 in lookup_at_2d_index s index1 index2 builder | A.Dotop(e1, field) -> (match e1 with A.Id s -> let etype = fst( try List.find (fun t -> snd(t) = s) fdecl.A.locals with Not_found -> try List.find (fun t -> snd(t) = s) fdecl.A.formals with Not_found -> try let sval = lookup s in let llvm_type = L.type_of sval in let player_type = ltype_of_typ (A.StructType "Player") in (match llvm_type with player_type -> (A.PlayerType,s) | i32_t -> (A.Int, s) | _ -> let struct_name = Hashtbl.find struct_names llvm_type in (A.StructType(struct_name),s)) with Not_found -> raise(Failure("unable to find" ^ s ^ "in structure assignment")) ) in (match etype with A.StructType t-> let index_number_list = StringMap.find t struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let struct_llvalue = lookup s in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep struct_llvalue index_number "struct_lvalue" builder in access_llvalue | A.PointerType _-> let e' = expr builder e1 in let e_loaded = L.build_load e' "ptr_deref" builder in let e1'_lltype = L.type_of e_loaded in let e1'_struct_name_string_option = L.struct_name e1'_lltype in let e1'_struct_name_string = string_option_to_string e1'_struct_name_string_option in let index_number_list = StringMap.find e1'_struct_name_string struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep e' index_number "struct_lvalue" builder in let loaded_access = L.build_load access_llvalue "struct_ptr_lvalue" builder in loaded_access | A.PlayerType -> let t = "Player" in let index_number_list = StringMap.find t struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let struct_llvalue = lookup s in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep struct_llvalue index_number "player_lvalue" builder in access_llvalue | _ -> raise (Failure ("Couldn't match type of " ^s ^ " in structure assignment")) ) | _ as e1_expr -> (*Handles nested structs*) let e1'_llvalue = llvalue_expr_getter builder e1_expr in let loaded_e1' = expr builder e1_expr in let e1'_lltype = L.type_of loaded_e1' in let e1'_struct_name_string_option = L.struct_name e1'_lltype in let e1'_struct_name_string = string_option_to_string e1'_struct_name_string_option in let index_number_list = StringMap.find e1'_struct_name_string struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep e1'_llvalue index_number "nested_struct_lvalue" builder in access_llvalue ) | A.Unop(op, e) -> (match op with A.Deref -> let e_llvalue = (llvalue_expr_getter builder e) in let e_loaded = L.build_load e_llvalue "ptr_deref" builder in e_loaded |_ -> raise (Failure("Invalid Unop in llvalue_expr_getter")) ) |_ -> raise (Failure ("Invalid param to llvalue_expr_getter")) and expr builder = function A.Literal i -> L.const_int i32_t i | A.Null t -> L.const_pointer_null (ltype_of_typ(A.PointerType(A.StructType(t)))) | A.BoolLit b -> L.const_int i1_t (if b then 1 else 0) | A.Id s -> L.build_load (lookup s) s builder | A.GridAssign (e1, e2, e3) -> let struct_llvalue = expr builder e3 in let struct_type = L.type_of struct_llvalue in let struct_name = Hashtbl.find struct_names struct_type in (*Create a list node*) let struct_listnode_type = Hashtbl.find struct_types "GenericPiece" in let struct_val = L.build_alloca (struct_listnode_type) "newNode" builder in let _ = Hashtbl.add vars_local "newNode" struct_val in (*Assign newNode.owner as the left side of e3*) let owner_val_expr = (match e3 with A.Dotop(e1, _) -> (*Do a lookup of e1*) A.Unop(A.Ref,e1) | A.Id (_) -> A.Null("Player") | _ -> raise(Failure("Unknown type for GridAssign"))) in let dotoperator = A.Dotop(A.Id("newNode"), "owner") in let _ = expr builder (A.Assign(dotoperator, owner_val_expr)) in (*Fill in the appropriate structure inside listNode*) let correct_struct = let get_good_struct sdecl= sdecl.A.sname = "GenericPiece" in List.filter get_good_struct structs in let actual_listnode_struct = List.hd correct_struct in let name_type_pair_list = let is_correct_name struct_pair = let current_type = fst(struct_pair) in match current_type with | A.PointerType t -> (match t with A.StructType s -> s = struct_name | _ -> false) | _ -> false in List.filter is_correct_name actual_listnode_struct.sformals in let name_type_pair = List.hd name_type_pair_list in let var_name = (snd(name_type_pair)) in let dotoperator = A.Dotop(A.Id("newNode"), var_name) in let _ = expr builder (A.Assign(dotoperator, A.Unop(A.Ref,e3))) in (*Next thing is to assign the tagtype that was filled in*) let dotoperator = A.Dotop(A.Id("newNode"), "nametag") in let displayString = A.Dotop(e3, "displayString") in let _ = expr builder (A.Assign(dotoperator, displayString)) in let dotoperator = A.Dotop(A.Id("newNode"), "typetag") in let _ = expr builder (A.Assign(dotoperator, A.String_Lit(struct_name))) in expr builder (A.Call("addToGrid", [e1; e2; A.Unop(A.Ref, (A.Id("newNode")));])) | A.DeletePiece (e1, e2, e3) -> let tag_to_send = (match e3 with A.Id s -> s | A.Dotop (e1, field) -> let left_of_dot = (match e1 with A.Id(s) -> s | _ -> raise(Failure("Invalid dot operation in Delete Player"))) in left_of_dot ^ "." ^ field | _ -> raise(Failure("Invalid attempt to delete from grid")) ) in expr builder (A.Call("deleteFromGrid", [e1; e2; A.String_Lit(tag_to_send)])); | A.Dotop(e1, field) -> let e' = expr builder e1 in (match e1 with A.Id s -> let etype = fst( try List.find (fun t -> snd(t) = s) fdecl.A.locals with Not_found -> try List.find (fun t -> snd(t) = s) fdecl.A.formals with Not_found -> try let sval = lookup s in (*Check in globals*) let llvm_type = L.type_of sval in let player_type = ltype_of_typ (A.StructType "Player") in (match llvm_type with player_type -> (A.PlayerType,s) | _ -> let struct_name = Hashtbl.find struct_names llvm_type in (A.StructType(struct_name),s)) with Not_found -> raise(Failure("Unable to find" ^ s ^ "in Dotop expr")) ) in (try match etype with A.StructType t-> let index_number_list = StringMap.find t struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let struct_llvalue = lookup s in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep struct_llvalue index_number "dotop_terminal" builder in let loaded_access = L.build_load access_llvalue "loaded_dotop_terminal" builder in loaded_access | A.PointerType _-> let e_loaded = L.build_load e' "loaded_deref" builder in let e1'_lltype = L.type_of e_loaded in let e1'_struct_name_string_option = L.struct_name e1'_lltype in let e1'_struct_name_string = string_option_to_string e1'_struct_name_string_option in let index_number_list = StringMap.find e1'_struct_name_string struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep e' index_number "dotop_terminal" builder in let loaded_access = L.build_load access_llvalue "loaded_dotop_terminal" builder in loaded_access | A.PlayerType -> let t = "Player" in let index_number_list = StringMap.find t struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let struct_llvalue = lookup s in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep struct_llvalue index_number "dotop_terminal" builder in let loaded_access = L.build_load access_llvalue "loaded_dotop_terminal" builder in loaded_access | _ -> raise (Failure("No structype.")) with Not_found -> raise (Failure("unable to find" ^ s)) ) | _ as e1_expr -> let e1'_llvalue = llvalue_expr_getter builder e1_expr in let loaded_e1' = expr builder e1_expr in let e1'_lltype = L.type_of loaded_e1' in let e1'_struct_name_string_option = L.struct_name e1'_lltype in let e1'_struct_name_string = string_option_to_string e1'_struct_name_string_option in let index_number_list = StringMap.find e1'_struct_name_string struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep e1'_llvalue index_number "gep_in_dotop" builder in L.build_load access_llvalue "loaded_dotop" builder ) | A.Unop(op, e) -> let e' = expr builder e in (match op with A.Neg -> L.build_neg e' "Neg_op" builder | A.Not -> L.build_not e' "Not_op" builder | A.Deref -> L.build_load e' "Deref_op" builder | A.Ref -> (llvalue_expr_getter builder e) | _ -> raise(Failure("Invalid unary operation")) ) | A.Assign (lhs, e2) -> let e2' = expr builder e2 in (match lhs with | A.Array1DAssign (array_name, i, v) -> let addr = (let index = expr builder i in lookup_at_index array_name index builder) and value = expr builder v in ignore(L.build_store value addr builder); value | A.Array2DAssign(array_name, i,j,v) -> let addr = (let index1 = expr builder i and index2 = expr builder j in lookup_at_2d_index array_name index1 index2 builder) and value = expr builder v in ignore(L.build_store value addr builder); value |A.Id s ->ignore (L.build_store e2' (lookup s) builder); e2' |A.Dotop (e1, field) -> let e' = expr builder e1 in (match e1 with A.Id s -> let e1typ = (match s with "newNode" -> A.StructType ("GenericPiece") | _ -> fst( try List.find (fun t -> snd(t) = s) fdecl.A.locals with Not_found -> try List.find (fun t -> snd(t) = s) fdecl.A.formals with Not_found -> try let sval = lookup s in let llvm_type = L.type_of sval in let player_type = ltype_of_typ (A.StructType "Player") in (match llvm_type with player_type -> (A.PlayerType,s) | _ -> let struct_name = Hashtbl.find struct_names llvm_type in (A.StructType(struct_name),s)) with Not_found -> raise(Failure ("unable to find" ^ s ^ "in structure assignment")) )) in (match e1typ with A.StructType t -> (try let index_number_list = StringMap.find t struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let struct_llvalue = lookup s in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep struct_llvalue index_number field builder in (try (ignore(L.build_store e2' access_llvalue builder);e2') with Not_found -> raise (Failure("unable to store " ^ t )) ) with Not_found -> raise (Failure("unable to find" ^ s)) ) | A.PointerType _ -> let e_loaded = L.build_load e' "loaded_deref" builder in let e1'_lltype = L.type_of e_loaded in let e1'_struct_name_string_option = L.struct_name e1'_lltype in let e1'_struct_name_string = string_option_to_string e1'_struct_name_string_option in let index_number_list = StringMap.find e1'_struct_name_string struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep e' index_number field builder in (try (ignore(L.build_store e2' access_llvalue builder);e2') with Not_found -> raise (Failure("unable to store error" )) ) | A.PlayerType -> let t = "Player" in (try let index_number_list = StringMap.find t struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let struct_llvalue = lookup s in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep struct_llvalue index_number field builder in (try (ignore(L.build_store e2' access_llvalue builder);e2') with Not_found -> raise (Failure("unable to store " ^ t )) ) with Not_found -> raise (Failure("unable to find" ^ s)) ) | _ -> raise (Failure("StructType not found.")) ) |_ as e1_expr -> let e1'_llvalue = llvalue_expr_getter builder e1_expr in let loaded_e1' = expr builder e1_expr in let e1'_lltype = L.type_of loaded_e1' in let e1'_struct_name_string_option = L.struct_name e1'_lltype in let e1'_struct_name_string = string_option_to_string e1'_struct_name_string_option in let index_number_list = StringMap.find e1'_struct_name_string struct_field_index_list in let index_number = StringMap.find field index_number_list in let access_llvalue = L.build_struct_gep e1'_llvalue index_number "gep_in_Sassign" builder in let _ = L.build_store e2' access_llvalue builder in e2' ) |A.Unop(op, e) -> (match op with A.Deref -> let e_llvalue = (llvalue_expr_getter builder e) in let e_loaded = L.build_load e_llvalue "loaded_deref" builder in let _ = L.build_store e2' e_loaded builder in e2' |_ -> raise (Failure("Invalid unary operation")) ) |_ -> raise (Failure("can't match in assign")) ) | A.Array1DAssign (array_name, i, v) -> let addr = (let index = expr builder i in lookup_at_index array_name index builder) and value = expr builder v in ignore(L.build_store value addr builder); value | A.Array2DAssign(array_name, i,j,v) -> let addr = (let index1 = expr builder i and index2 = expr builder j in lookup_at_2d_index array_name index1 index2 builder) and value = expr builder v in ignore(L.build_store value addr builder); value | A.String_Lit(s) -> L.build_global_stringptr s "name" builder | A.Array1DAccess (s, e) -> let index = expr builder e in L.build_load (lookup_at_index s index builder) "name" builder | A.Array2DAccess(s,e1,e2) -> let index1 = expr builder e1 and index2 = expr builder e2 in L.build_load(lookup_at_2d_index s index1 index2 builder) "name" builder | A.ArrayLiteral (params) -> let val_zero = expr builder (List.hd params) in let val_type = L.type_of val_zero in L.const_array val_type (Array.of_list ( (expr builder) params)) | A.Binop (e1, op, e2) -> (* Construct code for an expression; return its value *) let e1' = expr builder e1 and e2' = expr builder e2 in (match op with A.Add -> L.build_add | A.Sub -> L.build_sub | A.Mult -> L.build_mul | A.Div -> L.build_sdiv | A.And -> L.build_and | A.Or -> L.build_or | A.Modulo -> L.build_urem | A.Equal -> L.build_icmp L.Icmp.Eq | A.Neq -> L.build_icmp L.Icmp.Ne | A.Less -> L.build_icmp L.Icmp.Slt | A.Leq -> L.build_icmp L.Icmp.Sle | A.Greater -> L.build_icmp L.Icmp.Sgt | A.Geq -> L.build_icmp L.Icmp.Sge ) e1' e2' "tmp" builder | A.Unop(op, e) -> let e' = expr builder e in (match op with A.Neg -> L.build_neg e' "tmp" builder | A.Not -> L.build_not e' "tmp" builder | A.Ref -> llvalue_expr_getter builder e | A.Deref -> L.build_load e' "tmp" builder ) | A.Call ("print", [e]) -> let e' = expr builder e in if (L.type_of e' = i32_t || L.type_of e' = i1_t) then L.build_call printf_func [| int_format_str ; (expr builder e) |] "printf" builder else L.build_call printf_func [| str_format_str ; (expr builder e) |] "printf" builder | A.Call ("prompt", [e]) -> L.build_call prompt_func [|expr builder e|] "prompt" builder | A.Call ("abs", [e]) -> L.build_call abs_func [|expr builder e|] "absl" builder | A.Call ("print_endline", []) -> L.build_call print_endline_func [||] "print_endline" builder | A.Call ("print_sameline", [e]) -> L.build_call print_sameline_func [| expr builder e |] "print_sameline" builder | A.Call ("diceThrow", []) -> L.build_call diceThrow_num_gen_func [||] "diceThrow" builder | A.Call("getLen",[e]) -> L.build_call getLen_func [|expr builder e|] "getLen" builder | A.Call("print_int_sameline",[e]) -> L.build_call print_int_sameline_func [|expr builder e|] "print_int_sameline" builder | A.Call (f, act) -> let map_arguments actual = (match actual with A.Id s -> (match s with "newNode" -> expr builder actual |_ -> let etype = fst( try List.find (fun t->snd(t)=s) fdecl.A.locals with |Not_found -> List.find (fun t->snd(t)=s) fdecl.A.formals |Not_found -> try let sval = lookup s in let llvm_type = L.type_of sval in let player_type = ltype_of_typ (A.StructType "Player") in (match llvm_type with player_type -> (A.PlayerType,s) | i32_t -> (A.Int, s) | _ -> let struct_name = Hashtbl.find struct_names llvm_type in (A.StructType(struct_name),s)) with Not_found -> raise (Failure("Unable to find" ^ s ^ "in map_arguments ID"))) in (match etype with A.Array1DType (_,_)-> llvalue_expr_getter builder (actual) | A.Array2DType (_, _, _) -> llvalue_expr_getter builder (actual) | A.StructType _ -> llvalue_expr_getter builder (actual) | _ -> expr builder actual)) | _ -> expr builder actual) in (match f with |_ -> let (fdef, fdecl_called) = try StringMap.find f function_decls with Not_found -> StringMap.find f struct_function_decls in let actuals = List.rev ( map_arguments (List.rev act)) in let result = (match fdecl_called.A.typ with A.Void -> "" | _ -> f ^ "_result") in L.build_call fdef (Array.of_list actuals) result builder) | _ -> raise(Failure("Expr builder failed")) (* Build the code for the given statement; return the builder for the statement's successor *) and stmt builder arg_to_match = let builder = if !internal_if_flag = 1 then !new_global_builder else builder in ignore(internal_if_flag := 0); match arg_to_match with A.Block sl -> List.fold_left stmt builder sl | A.Expr e -> ignore (expr builder e); builder | A.If (predicate, then_stmt, else_stmt) -> let bool_val = expr builder predicate in let merge_bb = L.append_block context "merge" the_function in let then_bb = L.append_block context "then" the_function in add_terminal (stmt (L.builder_at_end context then_bb) then_stmt) (L.build_br merge_bb); let else_bb = L.append_block context "else" the_function in add_terminal (stmt (L.builder_at_end context else_bb) else_stmt) (L.build_br merge_bb); ignore (L.build_cond_br bool_val then_bb else_bb builder); L.builder_at_end context merge_bb | A.While (predicate, body) -> let pred_bb = L.append_block context "while" the_function in ignore (L.build_br pred_bb builder); let body_bb = L.append_block context "while_body" the_function in add_terminal (stmt (L.builder_at_end context body_bb) body) (L.build_br pred_bb); let pred_builder = L.builder_at_end context pred_bb in let bool_val = expr pred_builder predicate in let merge_bb = L.append_block context "merge" the_function in ignore (L.build_cond_br bool_val body_bb merge_bb pred_builder); L.builder_at_end context merge_bb | A.For (e1, e2, e3, body) -> stmt builder ( A.Block [A.Expr e1 ; A.While (e2, A.Block [body ; A.Expr e3]) ] ) | A.Return e -> if (fdecl.A.fname = "gameloop") then ignore(expr builder (A.Assign(A.Id("repeat"),A.Call ("checkGameEnd", [])))) else ignore (match fdecl.A.typ with A.Void -> L.build_ret_void builder | _ -> L.build_ret (expr builder e) builder); builder in (* Build the code for each statement in the function *) let builder = if (fdecl.A.fname = "gameloop") then let _ = ignore(expr builder (A.Assign(A.Id("repeat"),A.Literal(0)))) in let _ = ignore (expr builder ( A.Assign(A.Id("currentPlayerIndex"), A.Literal(0)))) in let add_op = A.Binop(A.Id("currentPlayerIndex"),A.Add,A.Literal(1)) in let assign_this = A.Binop(add_op, A.Modulo, A.Id("playerOrderSize")) in let bodyWithIndex = fdecl.A.body @ [ A.Expr ( A.Assign(A.Id("currentPlayerIndex"), assign_this)) ] in stmt builder (A.While(A.Binop(A.Id("repeat"),A.Equal,A.Literal(0)), A.Block bodyWithIndex)) else stmt builder (A.Block fdecl.A.body) in (* Add a return if the last block falls off the end *) add_terminal builder (match fdecl.A.typ with A.Void -> L.build_ret_void | t -> L.build_ret (L.const_int (ltype_of_typ t) 0)) in (*Build the function bodies for struct functions*) let the_struct_function_list = let get_struct_func_decls sdecl = let fdecl = sdecl.A.sfunc in let (the_function, _) = StringMap.find (sdecl.A.sname ^ fdecl.A.fname) struct_function_decls in the_function in get_struct_func_decls structs in List.iter2 build_function_body the_struct_function_list ( (fun (sdecl) -> sdecl.A.sfunc) structs); (*Build the function bodies*) let the_function_list = let get_func_decls fdecl = let (the_function, _) = try StringMap.find fdecl.A.fname function_decls with Not_found -> StringMap.find "main" function_decls in the_function in get_func_decls functions in List.iter2 build_function_body the_function_list functions; the_module