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Implementation of the key recovery attack against GEA-1 keys (Eurocrypt 2021)


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This tool implements the attack against the GEA-1 described in Cryptanalysis of the GPRS Encryption Algorithms GEA-1 and GEA-2. GEA-1 is one of the GPRS native algorithms and does not provide a sufficient level of security, being easily breakable using simple COTS computer hardware.

Table of content

  1. Compiling
  2. Usage
  3. Howto
  4. Performance
  5. Optimization
  6. Authors & contributions


First, install the libm4ri development package on your favorite Linux distribution and then type:



$ ./gea1_break --help
Usage: gea1_break [OPTION...] 

Implementation of the attack described in
to recover GEA-1 keys.

  -a, --all                  prevent an early exit in stage #2
  -b, --bench                Run the benchmarks mode
  -c, --core=nr_cores        The number of cores to use (default is maximum
  -d, --dir=dir              The directoring storing the results of the
  -f, --flag=dir_flag {0,1}  The direction flag
  -i, --iv=iv (hex)          The IV
  -k, --keystream=keystream (hex)
                             The keystream
  -l, --length=keystream length (bits)
                             The keystream length (must be >= 48 && <= 64)
  -p, --precomputation       Run the precomputation sage (stage #1)
  -r, --reverse              Return the key based on the IV and dir_flag (stage
  -s, --state=recovered_state (hex)
                             The S recovered in stage #2
  -t, --tests                Run in test mode
  -v, --verbose              Increase the verbosity level (default: 0)
  -x, --bruteforce           Run the key recovery stage (stage #2)
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

Report bugs to roderick.asselineau@{__no_spam__}


You can (and you should) test all internal algorithms using the (default) -t command:

$ ./gea1_break -t
[+] Satety tests
        -> OK [0.01s]

If an assert() is triggered, it probably implies that you found a bug and that you won't be able to correctly run the program (for now).

To recover the secret key used to generate some known keystream, you need to first generate a set of tables using -p:

$ ./gea1_break -p --dir mytables

This precomputes tables within the ./mytables/ directory. This operation only needs to be done once and should only take a couple of minutes on recent computer hardware. Please notice that there is a set of tables for each of the two backends. Selecting the backend is done at compilation time by assigning OPTIM_LOOKUP either to OPTIM_LKUP_CUCKOO (default) or to OPTIM_LKUP_BSEARCH (much slower in general).

The second step is to recover the internal state S for a given bitstream using the -x option. gea1_break comes in two flavors: single mode and batch mode, depending on the compilation flag OPTIM_BATCH (0 or 1).

In single mode, gea1_break is optimized to break a unique key. However it is possible that you may actually need to recover two (or even more) keys in which case using the batch mode would definitely be better for you since the computation is mutualized.

Single mode

$ make clean && make EXT="-DOPTIM_BATCH=0"
$ ./gea1_break -V
GEA1_break v0.3 - cuckoo/single/high
$ ./gea1_break -x --dir ./mytables --keystream 14b36a6fb803c7bb -l 64
[+] State found in 24663.00s [411.05m]!
 UB = 38740ac2
 V = ac
 T = da2e48
 S = 243c504a2733bce6

Batch mode

$ make clean && make EXT="-DOPTIM_BATCH=1"
$ ./gea1_break -V
GEA1_break v0.3 - cuckoo/batch/high
$ ./gea1_break -x --dir ./mytables --batch 14b36a6fb803c7bb:64,88a63c9dad536a11:64
[+] Batch mode! Attempting to crack:
        -> [b00] 14b36a6fb803c7bb (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
        -> [b01] 88a63c9dad536a11 (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
[+] State found for b01 in 24210.00s [403.50m]!
 S = 713ed89153b804f0
[+] State found for b00 in 42702.00s [711.70m]!
 S = 243c504a2733bce6

Recovering K

Once S is recovered, K can be computed by providing the IV (as an uint32_t) and the direction flag f (0 or 1):

$ ./gea1_break -r --iv 88d64f69 --state 713ed89153b804f0 -f 1
K = 78b1bfcfe3ca4b65

K is returned as an uint64_t integer as well. In that regard, please understand that uint{32,64}_t types are used as convenient storage areas. K's ith bit should be retrieved using the classic (K >> i)&1. The same logic applies to IV and S.

A few observations

In the last mode, the key recovery process accelerates each time a key is recovered and asymptotically converges toward the speed of the single mode.

In Cryptanalysis of the GPRS Encryption Algorithms GEA-1 and GEA-2, the authors recover each secret key using 65 bits of keystream. According to our practical observations though, 64 bits of keystream are enough. As a result, it is convenient to store the keystream as an uint64_t with a maximum size of 64 bits (by definition). This is comfortable for a number of reasons including saving memory and speeding up computations.

The default behavior of the program is to stop the computation whenever a key candidate has been found for each specified keystream. However there are two exceptions:

  • If one of the keystreams is smaller than 64 bits (for example 61 bits long using the -l option of the single mode) then by definition multiple candidates per keystream pop up and the program cannot tell which ones are the false positives. For this reason gea1_break computes all the candidates and only stops when the computation is over.
  • If the --all option is set then the early exit is disabled no matter the size of the keystream.


It is difficult to accurately measure the performance difference between the original paper and this implementation, since hardware configurations are typically different, and also some design choices are obviously different. However, you may be able to roughly estimate the running time on your computer based on the tests that we made.

All the following tests were performed on a DELL server with the following characteristics:

  • 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v2 @ 2.00GHz
  • cache size: 20480 KB
  • 8x physical cores / CPU, 16x virtual cores / CPU (HT)
  • 64 GB of RAM

Note: The code is not currently designed to run on a cluster. This may change in the future should the need occur.

Generating the tables

Generating the cuckoo tables:

$ make clean && make EXT="-DOPTIM_LOOKUP=OPTIM_LKUP_CUCKOO" -j`nproc`
$ time ./gea1_break -p --dir ./tables_cuckoo

Or generating the bsearch tables (not recommended):

$ make clean && make EXT="-DOPTIM_LOOKUP=OPTIM_LKUP_BSEARCH" -j`nproc`
$ time ./gea1_break -p --dir ./tables_bsearch

Cracking a key (cuckoo/single)

Searching through the whole key space takes us between 12h and 13h as demonstrated below:

$ time ./gea1_break -v -x --dir ./table24_cuck04 --keystream 14b36a6fb803c7bb -l 64 --all
[+] Preparing V, B, TAC basis
        -> OK [0.32 ms]
[+] Preparing MA, MB, MC
        -> OK [0.36 ms]
[+] Preparing the v elements for all the cores
        -> OK [0.37 ms]
[+] Loading hash tables [0,127] from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [31s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^32) [Full]
        -> using 32 cores
        -> All LP have terminated
        -> OK [24953s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [3s]
[+] Loading hash tables [128,255] from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [54s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^32) [Full]
        -> using 32 cores
[+] State found in 26229.00s [437.15m]!
        UB = 38740ac2
        V = ac
        T = da2e48
        S = 243c504a2733bce6
        -> All LP have terminated
        -> OK [21554s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [1s]

real    776m36.133s
user    23213m50.278s
sys     286m23.211s

One can observe that, during this run, our first round completed within 6h when the second one took a 1 hour penalty (while doing the same amount of computation) which may be because of other jobs running on the server. With such results, we can expect to recover a single key in half that time on average thus with ~6.5h of computation.

$ (time stdbuf -oL ./gea1_break -v -x --dir ./table24_cuck04 --keystream 14b36a6fb803c7bb -l 64 2>&1) 2>&1 | tee single_14b36a6fb803c7bb.txt
[+] Preparing V, B, TAC basis
        -> OK [0.29 ms]
[+] Preparing MA, MB, MC
        -> OK [0.35 ms]
[+] Preparing the v elements for all the cores
        -> OK [0.37 ms]
[+] Loading hash tables [0,127] from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [17s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^32) [Full]
        -> using 32 cores
        -> All LP have terminated
        -> OK [22232s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [2s]
[+] Loading hash tables [128,255] from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [31s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^32) [Full]
        -> using 32 cores
[+] State found in 23435.00s [390.58m]!
        UB = 38740ac2
        V = ac
        T = da2e48
        S = 243c504a2733bce6
        -> All LP have terminated
        -> OK [1154s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./table24_cuck04/
        -> OK [1s]

real    390m36.541s
user    11898m11.818s
sys     123m3.758s

The RAM requirement to complete this stage is ~23 GB (OPTIM_MEM_HIGH) and ~12 GB (OPTIM_MEM_LOW).

Cracking multiple keys (cuckoo/batch)

The running time is tied to the number of keys. Attempting to break five testvectors from this file gives us:

$ time ./gea1_break -v -x --dir ./table24_cuck04/ --batch 8ac31421ab98a11f:64,14b36a6fb803c7bb:64,88a63c9dad536a11:64,c725804289b920d2:64,8ac45e0f6419395a:64,3ff638812ee23296:64
[+] Batch mode! Attempting to crack:
	-> [b00] 8ac31421ab98a11f (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
	-> [b01] 14b36a6fb803c7bb (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
	-> [b02] 88a63c9dad536a11 (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
	-> [b03] c725804289b920d2 (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
	-> [b04] 8ac45e0f6419395a (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
	-> [b05] 3ff638812ee23296 (64) [mask:ffffffffffffffff]
[+] Preparing V, B, TAC basis
	-> OK [1.68 ms]
[+] Preparing MA, MB, MC
	-> OK [1.72 ms]
[+] Preparing the v elements for all the cores
	-> OK [1.72 ms]
[+] Loading hash tables [0,127] from ./table24_cuck04//
	-> OK [29s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^32) [Full]
	-> using 32 cores
[+] State found for b02 in 24210.00s [403.50m]!
	UB = 94e9e91c
	V = d
	T = becfe1
	S = 713ed89153b804f0
[+] State found for b03 in 37807.00s [630.12m]!
	UB = 67685e4e
	V = 6c
	T = 2fac34
	S = 43c43be610d42616
	-> All LP have terminated
	-> OK [40507s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./table24_cuck04//
	-> OK [0s]
[+] Loading hash tables [128,255] from ./table24_cuck04//
	-> OK [42s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^32) [Full]
	-> using 32 cores
[+] State found for b01 in 42702.00s [711.70m]!
	UB = 38740ac2
	V = ac
	T = da2e48
	S = 243c504a2733bce6
[+] State found for b05 in 57419.00s [956.98m]!
	UB = a437ea66
	V = c5
	T = 250c10
	S = 51dc282bfb0479f3
	-> All LP have terminated
	-> OK [28720s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./table24_cuck04//
	-> OK [1s]

real 1154m59.552s
user 34861m59.565s
sys  361m49.503s

Observe that the state corresponding to the first testvector (which is in fact quite special) and is not recovered and neither is the 4th candidate forcing the program to continue until the very end.

Practically speaking, in 956.98m (~16h) we recovered 4 different states thus four different keys, so the benefit of this mode is obvious. The RAM requirement during this stage is also ~23 GB (OPTIM_MEM_HIGH) and ~12 GB (OPTIM_MEM_LOW).


You may want to play with a couple of flags within exploit.h:

Optimization name Default value Description
OPTIM_BATCH 0 If enabled, compiles a special version of the program able to handle multiple keystreams.
OPTIM_LIN_ALG 1 Use a linear algebra trick to skip expensive matrix operations
OPTIM_LOOKUP OPTIM_LKUP_CUCKOO Select the hash table backend, the slowest being OPTIM_LKUP_BSEARCH
OPTIM_MEM OPTIM_MEM_HIGH Select the memory requirements policy. OPTIM_MEM_HIGH expects 64 GB of RAM.
OPTIM_SCHED 1 Change the scheduling policy to the most interesting depending on the current task
OPTIM_SKIP_COLLISIONS 1 Skip handling collisions within the hash table (some keys may not be broken as a result).

Generally speaking, unless you know what you do, we recommend to keep the default flag values for the best performances.

Note: OPTIM_SKIP_COLLISIONS is the default behavior, and handling collisions, thus 100% of the keys, is currently not implemented.


Q: What will be the next features?

Handling the collisions is likely to appear within a couple of days.

A major modification of the cli in order to integrate bitmasks and arbitrary long keystreams. While we have not tested it, it seems likely that, in some cases, you may have difficulties to extract 64 consecutive bits of keystream. As a result it makes sense to provide a mask and to extend the bitstream size since otherwise this would increase the number of false positives. This is meant to be addressed in the short term as well.

A full memory version with extended precomputed tables is an option and likely to be one of our priorities (when we get time though).

Modifying the program to allow it to run on a (heterogeneous) cluster is another option.

None of these options takes time to implement but testing does.

Q: Will there be a gea2_break?

Perhaps! If enough people sign the petition ;>

Q: Can you give me an advice to estimate the average/worst running time on my machine?

Edit exploit.h and set NR_BITS_UB to 24 then recompile the binary. Note the demo tag appearing the version:

$ ./gea1_break -V
GEA1_break v0.3 - cuckoo/batch/high/demo

Now run:

$ time ./gea1_break -v -x --dir ./tables25_round_cuckoo4 --keystream d93922ae6ccba015 -l 64 --all
[+] Preparing V, B, TAC basis
 -> OK [0.24 ms]
[+] Preparing MA, MB, MC
 -> OK [0.28 ms]
[+] Preparing the v elements for all the cores
 -> OK [0.29 ms]
[+] Loading hash tables [0,127] from ./tables25_round_cuckoo4/
 -> OK [17s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^24) to crack 0xd93922ae6ccba015 [Demo]
 -> using 32 cores
[+] State found in 17.00s [0.28m]!
 UB = e
 V = 5d
 T = 15
 S = 3807cf4fdb121506
 -> All LP have terminated
 -> OK [106s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./tables25_round_cuckoo4/
 -> OK [2s]
[+] Loading hash tables [128,255] from ./tables25_round_cuckoo4/
 -> OK [45s]
[+] Generating RegA+RegC keystreams (2^24) to crack 0xd93922ae6ccba015 [Demo]
 -> using 32 cores
 -> All LP have terminated
 -> OK [92s]
[+] Unloading hash tables from ./tables25_round_cuckoo4/
 -> OK [1s]

real 4m23.091s
user 89m31.224s
sys  5m24.429s

So, basically, what does that tell us? Loading the memory takes a couple of seconds. Since it is only done twice and is independent from the complexity of the attack, it is negligible.

On the other hand, the keystream generation took, respectively, 106s and 92s to perform each 2^23 (similar) operations.


  • The full run should take less than 15.08h in the worst case. In fact since the measurement is polluted by the creation/destruction of child processes, 13.08h is a much better approximation and generally speaking you may consider the lowest measure, unless you intend to have your cores parasites with other loads.
  • On average a key should break within half that time thus 6.5h.

Q: The memory requirements are way above what I have currently, is there any hope?

Well yes, you could recompile with -DOPTIM_MEM=OPTIM_MEM_LOW which was meant for configurations with 16 GB of RAM.

Q: Using all the cores is too much load on my laptop, how I can use a subset of the available cores?

Use the -c option to specify the maximum amount of cores that you want to use. Running the program without that option is obviously equivalent to -c`nproc` .

Authors & contributions

Roderick ASSELINEAU (main author), Erik-Oliver BLASS (cuckoo backend)

The authors would like to thank:

  • Gaëtan LEURENT for gently taking the time to answer to our questions;
  • Luc ROUDE and Alexandre GAZET for helping with tests and suggestions;
  • Guillaume SYLVAND for sharing a bit of his HP computing knowledge;
  • The Airbus' VCE/VCX teams (#rollercoaster).

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Implementation of the key recovery attack against GEA-1 keys (Eurocrypt 2021)







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