# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import importlib.util import warnings def is_module_available(*modules: str) -> bool: """Returns if a top-level module with :attr:`name` exists *without** importing it. This is generally safer than try-catch block around a `import X`. It avoids third party libraries breaking assumptions of some of our tests, e.g., setting multiprocessing start method when imported (see librosa/#747, torchvision/#544). """ return all(importlib.util.find_spec(m) is not None for m in modules) def _init_extension(): if not is_module_available("torchrl._torchrl"): warnings.warn("torchrl C++ extension is not available.") return EXTENSION_WARNING = ( "Failed to import torchrl C++ binaries. Some modules (eg, prioritized replay buffers) may not work with your installation. " "If you installed TorchRL from PyPI, please report the bug on TorchRL github. " "If you installed TorchRL locally and/or in development mode, check that you have all the required compiling packages." )