# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
All unit tests for the newspaper library should be contained in this file.
import sys
import os
import unittest
import time
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import concurrent.futures
TEST_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
PARENT_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, '..')
# newspaper's unit tests are in their own separate module, so
# insert the parent directory manually to gain scope of the
# core module
sys.path.insert(0, PARENT_DIR)
TEXT_FN = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'data', 'text')
HTML_FN = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'data', 'html')
URLS_FILE = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'data', 'fulltext_url_list.txt')
import newspaper
from newspaper import Article, fulltext, Source, ArticleException, news_pool
from newspaper.configuration import Configuration
from newspaper.urls import get_domain
def print_test(method):
Utility method for print verbalizing test suite, prints out
time taken for test and functions name, and status
def run(*args, **kw):
ts = time.time()
print('\ttesting function %r' % method.__name__)
method(*args, **kw)
te = time.time()
print('\t[OK] in %r %2.2f sec' % (method.__name__, te - ts))
return run
def mock_resource_with(filename, resource_type):
Mocks an HTTP request by pulling text from a pre-downloaded file
VALID_RESOURCES = ['html', 'txt']
if resource_type not in VALID_RESOURCES:
raise Exception('Mocked resource must be one of: %s' %
subfolder = 'text' if resource_type == 'txt' else 'html'
resource_path = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "data/%s/%s.%s" %
(subfolder, filename, resource_type))
with open(resource_path, 'r') as f:
return f.read()
def get_base_domain(url):
For example, the base url of uk.reuters.com => reuters.com
domain = get_domain(url)
tld = '.'.join(domain.split('.')[-2:])
if tld in ['co.uk', 'com.au', 'au.com']: # edge cases
end_chunks = domain.split('.')[-3:]
end_chunks = domain.split('.')[-2:]
base_domain = '.'.join(end_chunks)
return base_domain
def check_url(*args, **kwargs):
return ExhaustiveFullTextCase.check_url(*args, **kwargs)
@unittest.skipIf('fulltext' not in sys.argv, 'Skipping fulltext tests')
class ExhaustiveFullTextCase(unittest.TestCase):
def check_url(args):
:param (basestr, basestr) url, res_filename:
:return: (pubdate_failed, fulltext_failed)
url, res_filename = args
pubdate_failed, fulltext_failed = False, False
html = mock_resource_with(res_filename, 'html')
a = Article(url)
if a.publish_date is None:
pubdate_failed = True
except Exception:
print('<< URL: %s parse ERROR >>' % url)
pubdate_failed, fulltext_failed = True, True
correct_text = mock_resource_with(res_filename, 'txt')
if not (a.text == correct_text):
# print('Diff: ', simplediff.diff(correct_text, a.text))
# `correct_text` holds the reason of failure if failure
print('%s -- %s -- %s' %
('Fulltext failed',
res_filename, correct_text.strip()))
fulltext_failed = True
# TODO: assert statements are commented out for full-text
# extraction tests because we are constantly tweaking the
# algorithm and improving
# assert a.text == correct_text
return pubdate_failed, fulltext_failed
def test_exhaustive(self):
with open(URLS_FILE, 'r') as f:
urls = [d.strip() for d in f.readlines() if d.strip()]
domain_counters = {}
def get_filename(url):
domain = get_base_domain(url)
domain_counters[domain] = domain_counters.get(domain, 0) + 1
return '{}{}'.format(domain, domain_counters[domain])
filenames = map(get_filename, urls)
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
test_results = list(executor.map(check_url, zip(urls, filenames)))
total_pubdates_failed, total_fulltext_failed = \
list(map(sum, zip(*test_results)))
print('%s fulltext extractions failed out of %s' %
(total_fulltext_failed, len(urls)))
print('%s pubdate extractions failed out of %s' %
(total_pubdates_failed, len(urls)))
self.assertGreaterEqual(47, total_pubdates_failed)
self.assertGreaterEqual(20, total_fulltext_failed)
class ArticleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setup_stage(self, stage_name):
stages = OrderedDict([
('initial', lambda: None),
('download', lambda: self.article.download(
mock_resource_with('cnn_article', 'html'))),
('parse', lambda: self.article.parse()),
('meta', lambda: None), # Alias for nlp
('nlp', lambda: self.article.nlp())
assert stage_name in stages
for name, action in stages.items():
if name == stage_name:
def setUp(self):
"""Called before the first test case of this unit begins
self.article = Article(
def test_url(self):
def test_download_html(self):
html = mock_resource_with('cnn_article', 'html')
self.assertEqual(75406, len(self.article.html))
def test_meta_refresh_redirect(self):
# TODO: We actually hit example.com in this unit test ... which is bad
# Figure out how to mock an actual redirect
config = Configuration()
config.follow_meta_refresh = True
article = Article(
'', config=config)
html = mock_resource_with('google_meta_refresh', 'html')
self.assertEqual(article.title, 'Example Domain')
def test_meta_refresh_no_url_redirect(self):
config = Configuration()
config.follow_meta_refresh = True
article = Article(
'', config=config)
html = mock_resource_with('ap_meta_refresh', 'html')
self.assertEqual(article.title, 'News from The Associated Press')
def test_pre_download_parse(self):
"""Calling `parse()` before `download()` should yield an error
article = Article(self.article.url)
self.assertRaises(ArticleException, article.parse)
def test_parse_html(self):
AUTHORS = ['Chien-Ming Wang', 'Dana A. Ford', 'James S.A. Corey',
'Tom Watkins']
TITLE = 'After storm, forecasters see smooth sailing for Thanksgiving'
META_LANG = 'en'
text = mock_resource_with('cnn', 'txt')
self.assertEqual(text, self.article.text)
self.assertEqual(text, fulltext(self.article.html))
# NOTE: top_img extraction requires an internet connection
# unlike the rest of this test file
TOP_IMG = ('http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/131129200805-'
self.assertEqual(TOP_IMG, self.article.top_img)
self.assertCountEqual(AUTHORS, self.article.authors)
self.assertEqual(TITLE, self.article.title)
self.assertEqual(LEN_IMGS, len(self.article.imgs))
self.assertEqual(META_LANG, self.article.meta_lang)
self.assertEqual('2013-11-27 00:00:00', str(self.article.publish_date))
def test_meta_type_extraction(self):
meta_type = self.article.extractor.get_meta_type(
self.assertEqual('article', meta_type)
def test_meta_extraction(self):
meta = self.article.extractor.get_meta_data(self.article.clean_doc)
META_DATA = defaultdict(dict, {
'medium': 'news',
'googlebot': 'noarchive',
'pubdate': '2013-11-27T08:36:32Z',
'title': 'After storm, forecasters see smooth sailing for Thanksgiving - CNN.com',
'og': {'site_name': 'CNN',
'description': 'A strong storm struck much of the eastern United States on Wednesday, complicating holiday plans for many of the 43 million Americans expected to travel.',
'title': 'After storm, forecasters see smooth sailing for Thanksgiving',
'url': 'http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/27/travel/weather-thanksgiving/index.html',
'image': 'http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/131129200805-01-weather-1128-story-top.jpg',
'type': 'article'},
'section': 'travel',
'author': 'Dana A. Ford, James S.A. Corey, Chien-Ming Wang, and Tom Watkins, CNN',
'robots': 'index,follow',
'vr': {
'canonical': 'http://edition.cnn.com/2013/11/27/travel/weather-thanksgiving/index.html'},
'source': 'CNN',
'fb': {'page_id': 18793419640, 'app_id': 80401312489},
'keywords': 'winter storm,holiday travel,Thanksgiving storm,Thanksgiving winter storm',
'article': {
'publisher': 'https://www.facebook.com/cnninternational'},
'lastmod': '2013-11-28T02:03:23Z',
'twitter': {'site': {'identifier': '@CNNI', 'id': 2097571},
'card': 'summary',
'creator': {'identifier': '@cnntravel',
'id': 174377718}},
'viewport': 'width=1024',
'news_keywords': 'winter storm,holiday travel,Thanksgiving storm,Thanksgiving winter storm'
self.assertDictEqual(META_DATA, meta)
# if the value for a meta key is another dict, that dict ought to be
# filled with keys and values
dict_values = [v for v in list(meta.values()) if isinstance(v, dict)]
self.assertTrue(all([len(d) > 0 for d in dict_values]))
# there are exactly 5 top-level "og:type" type keys
is_dict = lambda v: isinstance(v, dict)
self.assertEqual(5, len([i for i in meta.values() if is_dict(i)]))
# there are exactly 12 top-level "pubdate" type keys
is_string = lambda v: isinstance(v, str)
self.assertEqual(12, len([i for i in meta.values() if is_string(i)]))
def test_pre_download_nlp(self):
"""Test running NLP algos before even downloading the article
new_article = Article(self.article.url)
self.assertRaises(ArticleException, new_article.nlp)
def test_pre_parse_nlp(self):
"""Test running NLP algos before parsing the article
self.assertRaises(ArticleException, self.article.nlp)
def test_nlp_body(self):
KEYWORDS = ['balloons', 'delays', 'flight', 'forecasters',
'good', 'sailing', 'smooth', 'storm', 'thanksgiving',
'travel', 'weather', 'winds', 'york']
SUMMARY = mock_resource_with('cnn_summary', 'txt')
self.assertEqual(SUMMARY, self.article.summary)
self.assertCountEqual(KEYWORDS, self.article.keywords)
class ContentExtractorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test specific element extraction cases"""
def setUp(self):
self.extractor = newspaper.extractors.ContentExtractor(Configuration())
self.parser = newspaper.parsers.Parser
def _get_title(self, html):
doc = self.parser.fromstring(html)
return self.extractor.get_title(doc)
def test_get_title_basic(self):
html = 'Test title'
self.assertEqual(self._get_title(html), 'Test title')
def test_get_title_split(self):
html = 'Test page » Test title'
self.assertEqual(self._get_title(html), 'Test title')
def test_get_title_split_escaped(self):
html = 'Test page » Test title'
self.assertEqual(self._get_title(html), 'Test title')
def test_get_title_quotes(self):
title = 'Test page and «something in quotes»'
html = '{}'.format(title)
self.assertEqual(self._get_title(html), title)
def _get_canonical_link(self, article_url, html):
doc = self.parser.fromstring(html)
return self.extractor.get_canonical_link(article_url, doc)
def test_get_canonical_link_rel_canonical(self):
url = 'http://www.example.com/article.html'
html = ''.format(url)
self.assertEqual(self._get_canonical_link('', html), url)
def test_get_canonical_link_rel_canonical_absolute_url(self):
url = 'http://www.example.com/article.html'
html = ''
article_url = 'http://www.example.com/article?foo=bar'
self.assertEqual(self._get_canonical_link(article_url, html), url)
def test_get_canonical_link_og_url_absolute_url(self):
url = 'http://www.example.com/article.html'
html = ''
article_url = 'http://www.example.com/article?foo=bar'
self.assertEqual(self._get_canonical_link(article_url, html), url)
def test_get_canonical_link_hostname_og_url_absolute_url(self):
url = 'http://www.example.com/article.html'
html = ''
article_url = 'http://www.example.com/article?foo=bar'
self.assertEqual(self._get_canonical_link(article_url, html), url)
class SourceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_source_url_input_none(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception):
@unittest.skip("Need to mock download")
def test_source_build(self):
builds a source object, validates it has no errors, prints out
all valid categories and feed urls
DESC = ('CNN.com International delivers breaking news from across '
'the globe and information on the latest top stories, '
'business, sports and entertainment headlines. Follow the '
'news as it happens through: special reports, videos, '
'audio, photo galleries plus interactive maps and timelines.')
'http://cnn.com/ASIA', 'http://connecttheworld.blogs.cnn.com',
'http://cnn.com/HLN', 'http://cnn.com/MIDDLEEAST',
'http://cnn.com', 'http://ireport.cnn.com',
'http://cnn.com/video', 'http://transcripts.cnn.com',
'http://partners.cnn.com', 'http://www.cnn.com',
'http://cnn.com/US', 'http://cnn.com/EUROPE',
'http://cnn.com/TRAVEL', 'http://cnn.com/cnni',
'http://cnn.com/SPORT', 'http://cnn.com/mostpopular',
'http://arabic.cnn.com', 'http://cnn.com/WORLD',
'http://cnn.com/LATINAMERICA', 'http://us.cnn.com',
'http://travel.cnn.com', 'http://mexico.cnn.com',
'http://cnn.com/SHOWBIZ', 'http://edition.cnn.com',
'http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com', 'http://money.cnn.com',
'http://cnn.com/tools/index.html', 'http://cnnespanol.cnn.com',
'http://cnn.com/CNNI', 'http://business.blogs.cnn.com',
'http://cnn.com/AFRICA', 'http://cnn.com/TECH',
FEEDS = ['http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss']
BRAND = 'cnn'
s = Source('http://cnn.com', verbose=False, memoize_articles=False)
# html = mock_resource_with('http://cnn.com', 'cnn_main_site')
# TODO: The rest of the source extraction features will be fully tested
# after I figure out a way to sensibly mock the HTTP requests for all
# of the category and feeed URLs
# assert s.brand == BRAND
# assert s.description == DESC
# assert s.size() == 266
# assert s.category_urls() == CATEGORY_URLS
# TODO: A lot of the feed extraction is NOT being tested because feeds
# are primarly extracted from the HTML of category URLs. We lose this
# effect by just mocking CNN's main page HTML. Warning: tedious fix.
# assert s.feed_urls() == FEEDS
@unittest.skip("Need to mock download")
def test_cache_categories(self):
"""Builds two same source objects in a row examines speeds of both
url = 'http://uk.yahoo.com'
html = mock_resource_with('yahoo_main_site', 'html')
s = Source(url)
saved_urls = s.category_urls()
s.categories = []
self.assertCountEqual(saved_urls, s.category_urls())
class UrlTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_valid_urls(self):
"""Prints out a list of urls with our heuristic guess if it is a
valid news url purely based on the url
from newspaper.urls import valid_url
with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'data/test_urls.txt'), 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
test_tuples = [tuple(l.strip().split(' ')) for l in lines]
# tuples are ('1', 'url_goes_here') form, '1' means valid,
# '0' otherwise
for lst, url in test_tuples:
truth_val = bool(int(lst))
self.assertEqual(truth_val, valid_url(url, test=True))
except AssertionError:
print('\t\turl: %s is supposed to be %s' % (url, truth_val))
@unittest.skip("Need to write an actual test")
def test_prepare_url(self):
"""Normalizes a url, removes arguments, hashtags. If a relative url, it
merges it with the source domain to make an abs url, etc
class APITestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_hot_trending(self):
"""Grab google trending, just make sure this runs
def test_popular_urls(self):
"""Just make sure this method runs
@unittest.skip("Need to mock download")
class MThreadingTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_download_works(self):
config = Configuration()
config.memoize_articles = False
slate_paper = newspaper.build('http://slate.com', config=config)
tc_paper = newspaper.build('http://techcrunch.com', config=config)
espn_paper = newspaper.build('http://espn.com', config=config)
print(('Slate has %d articles TC has %d articles ESPN has %d articles'
% (slate_paper.size(), tc_paper.size(), espn_paper.size())))
papers = [slate_paper, tc_paper, espn_paper]
news_pool.set(papers, threads_per_source=2)
print('Downloaded Slate mthread len',
print('Downloaded ESPN mthread len',
print('Downloaded TC mthread len',
class ConfigBuildTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test if our **kwargs to config building setup actually works.
NOTE: No need to mock responses as we are just initializing the
objects, not actually calling download(..)
def test_article_default_params(self):
a = Article(url='http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/27/'
self.assertEqual('en', a.config.language)
def test_article_custom_params(self):
a = Article(url='http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/27/travel/'
language='zh', memoize_articles=False)
self.assertEqual('zh', a.config.language)
def test_source_default_params(self):
s = Source(url='http://cnn.com')
self.assertEqual('en', s.config.language)
self.assertEqual(20000, s.config.MAX_FILE_MEMO)
def test_source_custom_params(self):
s = Source(url="http://cnn.com", memoize_articles=False,
MAX_FILE_MEMO=10000, language='en')
self.assertEqual(10000, s.config.MAX_FILE_MEMO)
self.assertEqual('en', s.config.language)
class MultiLanguageTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_chinese_fulltext_extract(self):
url = 'http://news.sohu.com/20050601/n225789219.shtml'
article = Article(url=url, language='zh')
html = mock_resource_with('chinese_article', 'html')
text = mock_resource_with('chinese', 'txt')
self.assertEqual(text, article.text)
self.assertEqual(text, fulltext(article.html, 'zh'))
def test_arabic_fulltext_extract(self):
url = 'http://arabic.cnn.com/2013/middle_east/8/3/syria.clashes/' \
article = Article(url=url)
html = mock_resource_with('arabic_article', 'html')
self.assertEqual('ar', article.meta_lang)
text = mock_resource_with('arabic', 'txt')
self.assertEqual(text, article.text)
self.assertEqual(text, fulltext(article.html, 'ar'))
def test_spanish_fulltext_extract(self):
url = 'http://ultimahora.es/mallorca/noticia/noticias/local/fiscal' \
article = Article(url=url, language='es')
html = mock_resource_with('spanish_article', 'html')
text = mock_resource_with('spanish', 'txt')
self.assertEqual(text, article.text)
self.assertEqual(text, fulltext(article.html, 'es'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
argv = list(sys.argv)
if 'fulltext' in argv:
argv.remove('fulltext') # remove it here, so it doesn't pass to unittest
unittest.main(verbosity=0, argv=argv)