Testing, detecting bugs and their causes, have been a passion of mine for a long time. In order to develop these abilities, I decided to take an intensive "Software Tester" course. According to the results of the Thomas PPA test, I am a thorough person who pays a lot of attention to detail, which makes me excel in my new role.
I am a former Motoparagliding National Team competitor, winner of the Polish Championship title three times, and team bronze medal at the European Championships and the World Championships.
- Locales.pl
- Eko Pasieka Wędrowna
- website-html-css-js-adam-cegielka
- my-shop-automationpractice-pl
- playwright-cucumber-bdd-typescript
- sql-order-management
- api-testing-with-postman
- AutomationExercise-Playwright
- Guru99 Bank
- GoIT - QA Marathon
- SEO i Pozycjonowanie Stron WWW w Google + SEO w WordPress Udemy
- Build eCommerce websites with WordPress & WooCommerce Udemy
- Google Maps dla Biznesu: Wizytówka Firmy i Reklama Online Udemy
- Make a Responsive Portfolio Website: JavaScript and HTML Udemy
- Rest API Testing (Automation) with Playwright & TypeScript Udemy
- Playwright Cucumber (BDD) - Typescript Udemy
- Automated Software Testing with Playwright Udemy
- CI/CD Jenkins dla testera/programisty w praktyce! Udemy
- Tester Oprogramowania SDAcademy
- Podstawy manualnego testowania oprogramowania Udemy
- Praktyczny kurs testowania oprogramowania Udemy
- Postman od podstaw - testowanie REST API Udemy
- Kurs SQL od podstaw | MySQL Udemy
- MySQL tworzenie i zarządzanie bazami danych Udemy
- Kurs Jira od podstaw - zarządzanie projektami Udemy
- DevTools
- Kurs Javascript dla superbohaterów
- Playwright with JavaScript
- Playwright End To End Testing
- Cypress JavaScript Tutorial
- Cypress with TypeScript
- Creating test cases
- Bug reporting
- Theoretical knowledge from the ISTQB
- Agile methodologies, Scrum
- SQL / MySQL database basics
- API testing
- Playwright
- Java basics
- Git
- DevTools
- Basics of automation tests
- Basics of performance testing
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Selenium WebDriver w Javie. Praktyczne wprowadzenie do tworzenia testów systemowych - Boni García
- Certyfikowany Tester ISTQB Poziom Podstawowy - Adam Roman i Lucjan Stapp
- Zawód Tester - Radosław Smilgin
- Ścieżka Testera - Rafał Podraza
- Testowanie Oprogramowania - Rafał Pawlak
- Bezpieczeństwo Aplikacji Webowych - Securitum