import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def legen(n,x): p0 = 1; p1 = x ; i=2 if n == 0: return p0 elif n==1: return p1 else: while i<=n: r = (((2*i-1)*x*p1)-((i-1)*p0))/i p0 = p1 p1 = r i = i+1 return p1 x1 = float(input("Give the lower limit of x = ")) x2 = float(input("Give the upper limit of x = ")) X = np.arange(x1,x2,0.01) n = int(input("Give the value of n = ")) plt.plot(X,legen(n,X),c='red',label='n = %d'%n) plt.title("Legendre Polynomial") plt.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':12}) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("Legendre")