require 'rspec/core/rake_task' # syntax/lint checks: RuboCop & Foodcritic namespace :lint do require 'rubocop/rake_task' require 'foodcritic' desc 'Run Ruby syntax/lint checks' desc 'Run Chef syntax/lint checks' do |task| task.options = { :fail_tags => ['any'] } end end desc 'Run all syntax/lint checks' task :lint => ['lint:ruby', 'lint:chef'] # unit testing: ChefSpec desc 'Run RSpec and ChefSpec unit tests' # integration testing: Test Kitchen namespace :integration do require 'kitchen' desc 'Run Test Kitchen integration tests with Vagrant' task :vagrant do Kitchen.logger = Kitchen.default_file_logger do |instance| instance.test(:always) end end end desc 'Run all integration tests' task :integration => ['integration:vagrant'] # Travic CI desc 'Run tests on Travis CI' task :travis => [:lint, :unit] # the default rake task should just run it all task :default => [:lint, :unit, :integration]