Themes In Memory Default JSON Q Q Tree Game Of Life


This element is a custom Polymer web component that is a demonstration of a simple subclass of the fin-hypergrid-behavior-default. It demonstrates live high frequency updating of data, variable width columns, alternate cell renderers, and alternate cell editors(double click in various cells of column 'J'). Press Alt/Option to toggle the column picker. Also, Take note that hypergrid supports polymer themes and one can be selected from the top left menu. The data permute interval is the rate that the data is being randomly changed. Keep in mind the CPU utilization is from this and NOT hypergrid overhead.
Data Permute Interval


This element is a custom Polymer web component that is the base class for the GridBehavior role in the design of the OpenFin hypergrid. Not only does it accomodate the interface getValue(x,y) and setValue(x,y) of a traditional table model, it encapsulates the behavior that allows its implementation to determine what happens on various user events. This allows for external data analytics tools to do sorting, drilling down, aggregation etc. With this example the getValue function is defined to simply return a string of the passed in x and y modulo 26 alpha character. Notice the number of rows is set to a quadrillion. Press Alt/Option to toggle the column picker.


This element is a custom Polymer web component that manages data sets within javascript. You can sort on any column, with the sort being stable hence previous sorts are maintained. The data is "pushed" into the behavior object with the call to setData at anytime after the polymer ready event is fired, see (standalone json hypergrid project) for an encapsulated version of this example.


This element is a custom Polymer web component that demonstrates a simple interface to Q/KDB+ by kx systems. In order for this to work you need to run a hypergrid compatible Q program on your machine. The provided example sorttable.q script is a true in memory million row table that allows you to sort on any column. This hypergrid example can also be used with a rdbms of moderate size. See the rdbms directory for instructions.

To setup q for this demo

  1. Install Q 32bit free version
  2. download sorttable.q and place it into a directory somewhere(myqdir for this example)
  3. make sure port 5000 is available
  4. start sorttable.q at the command line
    ~/myqdir>q sortable.q
  5. refresh your browser and reselect this tab

To point this example to your data

load hypergrid-support.q into your running q process and modify the url, table name, then press reconnect.
url:  table:


This element is a custom Polymer web component that demonstrates a more complex interface to Q/KDB+ by kx systems. In order for this to work you need to git clone and run Stevan Apter's hypertree server. This Hypertree + Hypergrid example allows you to define an on-the-fly custom drill-down hierarchy while supporting interactive grouping, custom aggregation, and high-performance sorting in realtime. The current example demonstrates 20MM updates/second. The default aggregations available are sum, min, max, first, last, average, weighted average, and standard deviation. Press options/alt to drag-and-drop visible columns and the drill-down hierarchy.


This element is another custom Polymer web component grid behavior showing Conway's Game of Life. The performance difference in the javascript execution environment between various browsers is very apparent with this example. For the best performance try resizing your browser window to the grid x by y size (75 X 45)