This simple search engine uses a simplified version of the well-known algorithm (Weighted) PageRank.
We will build a graph structure and calculate Weighted PageRanks, and rank pages based on these values. This will be done using a collection of "web pages" in an easy to use format. Each page has two sections:
- Section-1 contains URLs representing outgoing links. URLs are separated by one or more blanks, across multiple lines.
- Section-2 contains selected words extracted from the URL. Words are separated by one or more spaces, spread across multiple lines.
Here is an example of one of these files:
// Example file url31.txt
#start Section-1
url2 url34 url1 url26
url52 url21
url74 url6 url82
#end Section-1
#start Section-2
Mars has long been the subject of human interest. Early telescopic observations
revealed color changes on the surface that were attributed to seasonal vegetation
and apparent linear features were ascribed to intelligent design.
#end Section-2
In Part-2: Search Engine : Graph structure-based search engine.
In Part-3: Rank Aggregation (Hybrid search engine), you need to combine multiple ranks (for example, PageRank and tf-idf values) in order to rank pages.
Additional files: You can submit additional supporting files, *.cand *.h, for this assignment. For example, you may implement your graph adt in files graph.c and graph.h and submit these two files along with other required files as mentioned below.
Here, we create a graph structure that represents a hyperlink structure of given collection of "web pages" and for each page (node in your graph) calculate Weighted PageRank and other graph properties.
In the file pagerank.c
, we read data from a given collection of pages in the file collection.txt
and builds a graph structure using Adjacency Matrix or List Representation. Using the algorithm described below, we calculate Weighted PageRank for every URL in the file collection.txt
. In this file, URLs are separated by one or more spaces or/and new line character. Add suffix .txt
to a URL to obtain file name of the corresponding "web page". For example, file url24.txt contains the required information for url24.
// Example file collection.txt
url25 url31 url2
url102 url78
url32 url98 url33
Here is the simplified version of the Weighted PageRank Algorithm we will implement:
**PageRankW(d, diffPR, maxIterations)**
Read "web pages" from the collection in file "collection.txt"
and build a graph structure using Adjacency List or Matrix Representation
N = number of urls in the collection For each url pi in the collection
For each url p_i in the collection
PR(p_i;0) = 1/N
End For
iteration = 0;
diff = diffPR; // to enter the following loop
While (iteration < maxIteration AND diff >= diffPR)
For each url p_i in the collection
PR(p_i;t+1) = (1-d)/N + d * sum(p_j ∈ M(p_i), PR(p_j;t) * WIn_(p_j,p_i) * WOut(p_j,p_i))
End For
diff = sum(i=1..N, Abs(PR(p_i;t+1) - PR(p_i;t)))
End While
- M(p_i_ is a set containing nodes (urls) with outgoing links to p_i (ignore self-loops and parallel edges).
- WIn_(p_j,p_i) and WOut(p_j,p_i) are defined above (see "Weighted PageRank").
- t and (t+1) orrespond to values of "iteration".
- For calculating WOut(p_j,p_i), if a node k has zero out degree (zero outlink), O_k should be 0.5 (and not 0). THis will avoid the issues related to division by 0.
takes three arguments (d
- damping factor, diffPR
- difference in PageRank sum, maxIterations
- maximum iterations) and using the algorithm described in this section, calculates the Weighted PageRank for every URL.
For example,
% ./pagerank 0.85 0.00001 1000
This program outputs a list of URLs in descending order of Weighted PageRank values (use format string "%.7f") to a file named pagerankList.txt
. The list should also include degrees (number of out going links) for each url, along with its Weighted PageRank value. The values in the list should be comma separated. For example, pagerankList.txt
may contain the following:
url31, 3, 0.2623546
url21, 1, 0.1843112
url34, 6, 0.1576851
url22, 4, 0.1520093
url32, 6, 0.0925755
url23, 4, 0.0776758
url11, 3, 0.0733884
Using data available in invertedIndex.txt
and pagerankList.txt
, our program will derive result from them.
contains one line per word, words are alphabetically ordered, using ascending order. Each list of URLs (for a single word) are alphabetically ordered, using ascending order.
We will read the file invertedIndex.txt
line by line, assuming a max. line length of 1,000 chars, and will then tokenise words.
We will assume that there will be no duplicates for search terms, so "mars mars" is not possible.
// Example file invertedIndex.txt
design url2 url25 url31
mars url101 url25 url31
vegetation url31 url61
In searchPagerank.c
, we will write a simple search engine that given search terms (words) as command-line arguments, finds pages with one or more search terms and outputs (to stdout) top 30 pages in descending order of number of search terms found and then within each group, descending order of Weighted PageRank. If number of matches are less than 30, we output all of them.
% ./searchPagerank mars design
Here, we combine search results (ranks) from multiple sources using the "Scaled Footrule Rank Aggregation" method, described below.
Let T1
and T2
be search results (ranks) obtained using two different criteria. Note that we could use any suitable criteria, including manually generated rank lists.
A weighted bipartite graph for scaled footrule optimization (C,P,W)
is defined as,
= set of nodes to be ranked (say a union ofT1
= set of positions available (say{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
is the scaled-footrule distance (fromT1
) of a ranking that places element'c'
at position'p'
, given byW(c,p) = sum(i=1..k, |ø_i(c)/|ø_i|-p/n|
, where:n
is the cardinality (size) ofC
is the cardinality (size) ofT1
is the cardinality (size) ofT2
is the position ofx3
is number of rank lists.
The final ranking is derived by finding possible values of position 'P'
such that the scaled-footrule distance is minimum. There are many different ways to assign possible values for 'P'
. In the above example P = [1, 3, 2, 5, 4]
. Some other possible values are, P = [1, 2, 4, 3, 5], P = [5, 2, 1, 4, 3], P = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], etc
. For n = 5
, possible alternatives are 5!
For n = 10
, possible alternatives would be 10!
that is 3,628,800
alternatives. A very simple and obviously inefficient approach could use brute-force search and generate all possible alternatives, calculate scaled-footrule distance for each alternative, and find the alternative with minimum scaled-footrule distance.
Write a program scaledFootrule.c
that aggregates ranks from files given as commandline arguments, and output aggregated rank list with minimum scaled footrule distance.
// Example, file rankA.txt
// Example, file rankD.txt
The following command will read ranks from files "rankA.txt" and "rankD.txt" and outputs minimum scaled footrule distance (using format %.6f) on the first line, followed by the corresponding aggregated rank list.
% ./scaledFootrule rankA.txt rankD.txt
For the above example, there are two possible answers, with minimum distance of 1.400000
Two possible values of P
with minimum distance are:
C = [url1, url2, url3, url4, url5]
P = [1, 4, 2, 5, 3] and
P = [1, 5, 2, 4, 3]
By the way, we need to select any one of the possible values of P
that has minium distance, so there could be multiple possible answers. Note that we need to output only one such list.
One possible answer for the above example, for P = [1, 4, 2, 5, 3]
Another possible answer for the above example, P = [1, 5, 2, 4, 3]
This program also handles multiple rank files, for example:
% ./scaledFootrule rankA.txt rankD.txt newSearchRank.txt myRank.txt