#!/usr/bin/env groovy dgl_linux_libs = 'build/libdgl.so, build/runUnitTests, python/dgl/_ffi/_cy3/core.cpython-*-x86_64-linux-gnu.so, build/tensoradapter/pytorch/*.so' // Currently DGL on Windows is not working with Cython yet dgl_win64_libs = "build\\dgl.dll, build\\runUnitTests.exe, build\\tensoradapter\\pytorch\\*.dll" def init_git() { sh 'rm -rf *' checkout scm sh 'git submodule update --recursive --init' } def init_git_win64() { checkout scm bat 'git submodule update --recursive --init' } // pack libraries for later use def pack_lib(name, libs) { echo "Packing ${libs} into ${name}" stash includes: libs, name: name } // unpack libraries saved before def unpack_lib(name, libs) { unstash name echo "Unpacked ${libs} from ${name}" } def build_dgl_linux(dev) { init_git() sh "bash tests/scripts/build_dgl.sh ${dev}" sh 'ls -lh /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' pack_lib("dgl-${dev}-linux", dgl_linux_libs) } def build_dgl_win64(dev) { /* Assuming that Windows slaves are already configured with MSBuild VS2017, * CMake and Python/pip/setuptools etc. */ init_git_win64() bat "CALL tests\\scripts\\build_dgl.bat" pack_lib("dgl-${dev}-win64", dgl_win64_libs) } def cpp_unit_test_linux(dev) { init_git() unpack_lib("dgl-${dev}-linux", dgl_linux_libs) sh 'bash tests/scripts/task_cpp_unit_test.sh' } def cpp_unit_test_win64() { init_git_win64() unpack_lib('dgl-cpu-win64', dgl_win64_libs) bat "CALL tests\\scripts\\task_cpp_unit_test.bat" } def unit_test_linux(backend, dev) { init_git() unpack_lib("dgl-${dev}-linux", dgl_linux_libs) timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "bash tests/scripts/task_unit_test.sh ${backend} ${dev}" } } def unit_distributed_linux(backend, dev) { init_git() unpack_lib("dgl-${dev}-linux", dgl_linux_libs) timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "bash tests/scripts/task_distributed_test.sh ${backend} ${dev}" } } def unit_test_cugraph(backend, dev) { init_git() unpack_lib("dgl-${dev}-linux", dgl_linux_libs) timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "bash tests/scripts/cugraph_unit_test.sh ${backend}" } } def unit_test_win64(backend, dev) { init_git_win64() unpack_lib("dgl-${dev}-win64", dgl_win64_libs) timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') { bat "CALL tests\\scripts\\task_unit_test.bat ${backend}" } } def example_test_linux(backend, dev) { init_git() unpack_lib("dgl-${dev}-linux", dgl_linux_libs) timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "bash tests/scripts/task_example_test.sh ${dev}" } } def example_test_win64(backend, dev) { init_git_win64() unpack_lib("dgl-${dev}-win64", dgl_win64_libs) timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { bat "CALL tests\\scripts\\task_example_test.bat ${dev}" } } def tutorial_test_linux(backend) { init_git() unpack_lib('dgl-cpu-linux', dgl_linux_libs) timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "bash tests/scripts/task_${backend}_tutorial_test.sh" } } def go_test_linux() { init_git() unpack_lib('dgl-cpu-linux', dgl_linux_libs) timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh "bash tests/scripts/task_go_test.sh" } } def is_authorized(name) { def devs = ['dgl-bot', 'noreply', 'Rhett-Ying', 'BarclayII', 'jermainewang', 'mufeili', 'isratnisa', 'rudongyu', 'classicsong', 'HuXiangkun', 'hetong007', 'kylasa', 'frozenbugs', 'peizhou001', 'zheng-da', 'czkkkkkk', 'nv-dlasalle', 'yaox12', 'chang-l', 'Kh4L', 'VibhuJawa', 'VoVAllen', ] return (name in devs) } def is_admin(name) { def admins = ['dgl-bot', 'Rhett-Ying', 'BarclayII', 'jermainewang'] return (name in admins) } pipeline { agent any triggers { issueCommentTrigger('@dgl-bot.*') } stages { // Below 2 stages are to authenticate the change/comment author. // Only core developers are allowed to trigger CI. // Such authentication protects CI from malicious code which may bring CI instances down. stage('Authentication') { agent { docker { label 'linux-benchmark-node' image 'dgllib/dgl-ci-lint' alwaysPull true } } when { not { triggeredBy 'IssueCommentCause' } } steps { script { def author = env.CHANGE_AUTHOR def prOpenTriggerCause = currentBuild.getBuildCauses('jenkins.branch.BranchEventCause') def first_run = prOpenTriggerCause && env.BUILD_ID == '1' if (author && !is_authorized(author)) { pullRequest.comment("Not authorized to trigger CI. Please ask core developer to help trigger via issuing comment: \n - `@dgl-bot`") error("Authentication failed.") } if (first_run) { pullRequest.comment('To trigger regression tests: \n - `@dgl-bot run [instance-type] [which tests] [compare-with-branch]`; \n For example: `@dgl-bot run g4dn.4xlarge all dmlc/master` or `@dgl-bot run c5.9xlarge kernel,api dmlc/master`') } } } } stage('AuthenticationComment') { agent { docker { label 'linux-benchmark-node' image 'dgllib/dgl-ci-lint' alwaysPull true } } when { triggeredBy 'IssueCommentCause' } steps { script { def author = env.GITHUB_COMMENT_AUTHOR if (!is_authorized(author)) { pullRequest.comment("Not authorized to trigger CI via issuing comment.") error("Authentication failed.") } } } } stage('Regression Test') { agent { docker { label 'linux-benchmark-node' image 'dgllib/dgl-ci-lint' alwaysPull true } } when { triggeredBy 'IssueCommentCause' } steps { // container('dgl-ci-lint') { checkout scm script { def comment = env.GITHUB_COMMENT def command_lists = comment.split(' ') if (command_lists.size() == 1) { // CI command, not for regression return } if (command_lists.size() != 5) { pullRequest.comment('Cannot run the regression test due to unknown command') error('Unknown command') } def author = env.GITHUB_COMMENT_AUTHOR echo("${env.GIT_URL}") echo("${env}") if (!is_admin(author)) { error('Not authorized to launch regression tests') } dir('benchmark_scripts_repo') { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'github', url: 'https://github.com/dglai/DGL_scripts.git']]]) } sh('cp benchmark_scripts_repo/benchmark/* benchmarks/scripts/') def instance_type = command_lists[2].replace('.', '') pullRequest.comment("Start the Regression test. View at ${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}") def prNumber = env.BRANCH_NAME.replace('PR-', '') dir('benchmarks/scripts') { sh('python3 -m pip install boto3') sh("PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 GIT_PR_ID=${prNumber} GIT_URL=${env.GIT_URL} GIT_BRANCH=${env.CHANGE_BRANCH} python3 run_reg_test.py --data-folder ${env.GIT_COMMIT}_${instance_type} --run-cmd '${comment}'") } pullRequest.comment("Finished the Regression test. Result table is at https://dgl-asv-data.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/${env.GIT_COMMIT}_${instance_type}/results/result.csv. Jenkins job link is ${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}. ") currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS' return } // } } } stage('CI') { stages { stage('Lint Check') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-lint" alwaysPull true } } steps { init_git() sh 'bash tests/scripts/task_lint.sh' } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('Build') { parallel { stage('CPU Build') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-cpu:v220816" args "-u root" alwaysPull true } } steps { build_dgl_linux('cpu') } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('GPU Build') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-gpu:cu101_v220816" args "-u root" alwaysPull true } } steps { // sh "nvidia-smi" build_dgl_linux('gpu') } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('PyTorch Cugraph GPU Build') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "rapidsai/cugraph_nightly_torch-cuda:11.5-base-ubuntu18.04-py3.9-pytorch1.12.0-rapids22.10" args "-u root" alwaysPull true } } steps { build_dgl_linux('cugraph') } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('CPU Build (Win64)') { // Windows build machines are manually added to Jenkins master with // "windows" label as permanent agents. agent { label 'windows' } steps { build_dgl_win64('cpu') } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } // Currently we don't have Windows GPU build machines } } stage('Test') { parallel { stage('C++ CPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-cpu:v220816" alwaysPull true } } steps { cpp_unit_test_linux('cpu') } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('C++ GPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-gpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-gpu:cu101_v220816" args "--runtime nvidia" alwaysPull true } } steps { cpp_unit_test_linux('gpu') } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('C++ CPU (Win64)') { agent { label 'windows' } steps { cpp_unit_test_win64() } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('Tensorflow CPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-cpu:v220816" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('Tensorflow CPU Unit test') { steps { unit_test_linux('tensorflow', 'cpu') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('Tensorflow GPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-gpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-gpu:cu101_v220816" args "--runtime nvidia" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('Tensorflow GPU Unit test') { steps { unit_test_linux('tensorflow', 'gpu') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('Torch CPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-cpu:v220816" args "--shm-size=4gb" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('Torch CPU Unit test') { steps { unit_test_linux('pytorch', 'cpu') } } stage('Torch CPU Example test') { steps { example_test_linux('pytorch', 'cpu') } } stage('Torch CPU Tutorial test') { steps { tutorial_test_linux('pytorch') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('Torch CPU (Win64)') { agent { label 'windows' } stages { stage('Torch CPU (Win64) Unit test') { steps { unit_test_win64('pytorch', 'cpu') } } stage('Torch CPU (Win64) Example test') { steps { example_test_win64('pytorch', 'cpu') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('Torch GPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-gpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-gpu:cu101_v220816" args "--runtime nvidia --shm-size=8gb" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('Torch GPU Unit test') { steps { sh 'nvidia-smi' unit_test_linux('pytorch', 'gpu') } } stage('Torch GPU Example test') { steps { example_test_linux('pytorch', 'gpu') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('Distributed') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-cpu:ssh_v220818" args "--shm-size=4gb" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('Distributed Torch CPU Unit test') { steps { unit_distributed_linux('pytorch', 'cpu') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('PyTorch Cugraph GPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-gpu-node" image "rapidsai/cugraph_nightly_torch-cuda:11.5-base-ubuntu18.04-py3.9-pytorch1.12.0-rapids22.10" args "--runtime nvidia --shm-size=8gb" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('PyTorch Cugraph GPU Unit test') { steps { sh 'nvidia-smi' unit_test_cugraph('pytorch', 'cugraph') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('MXNet CPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-cpu:cu101_v220629" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('MXNet CPU Unit test') { steps { unit_test_linux('mxnet', 'cpu') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('MXNet GPU') { agent { docker { label "linux-gpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-gpu:cu101_v220816" args "--runtime nvidia" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('MXNet GPU Unit test') { steps { sh 'nvidia-smi' unit_test_linux('mxnet', 'gpu') } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } stage('DGL-Go') { agent { docker { label "linux-cpu-node" image "dgllib/dgl-ci-cpu:v220816" alwaysPull true } } stages { stage('DGL-Go CPU test') { steps { go_test_linux() } } } post { always { cleanWs disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true } } } } } } } } post { always { script { node("dglci-post-linux") { docker.image('dgllib/dgl-ci-awscli:v220418').inside("--pull always --entrypoint=''") { sh("rm -rf ci_tmp") dir('ci_tmp') { sh("curl -k -o cireport.log ${BUILD_URL}consoleText") sh("curl -o report.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmlc/dgl/master/tests/scripts/ci_report/report.py") sh("curl -o status.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmlc/dgl/master/tests/scripts/ci_report/status.py") sh("curl -k -L ${BUILD_URL}wfapi") sh("cat status.py") sh("pytest --html=report.html --self-contained-html report.py || true") sh("aws s3 sync ./ s3://dgl-ci-result/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${BUILD_ID}/logs/ --exclude '*' --include '*.log' --acl public-read --content-type text/plain") sh("aws s3 sync ./ s3://dgl-ci-result/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/${BUILD_ID}/logs/ --exclude '*.log' --acl public-read") def comment = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "python3 status.py").trim() echo(comment) if ((env.BRANCH_NAME).startsWith('PR-')) { pullRequest.comment(comment) } } } } node('windows') { bat(script: "rmvirtualenv ${BUILD_TAG}", returnStatus: true) } } } } }