if WANT_JANSSON JANSSON_INCLUDES= -I$(top_srcdir)/compat/jansson else JANSSON_INCLUDES= endif EXTRA_DIST = example-cfg.json nomacro.pl SUBDIRS = compat ALL_INCLUDES = @PTHREAD_FLAGS@ -fno-strict-aliasing $(JANSSON_INCLUDES) -I. bin_PROGRAMS = cpuminer dist_man_MANS = cpuminer.1 cpuminer_SOURCES = \ cpu-miner.c \ util.c \ api.c \ sysinfos.c \ algo-gate-api.c \ virtual_memory.c \ msr_mod.cpp \ crypto/c_keccak.c \ algo/blake/sph_blake.c \ algo/blake/blake512-hash-4way.c \ algo/bmw/sph_bmw.c \ algo/bmw/bmw512-hash-4way.c \ algo/cubehash/cubehash_sse2.c\ algo/cubehash/cube-hash-2way.c \ algo/echo/sph_echo.c \ algo/echo/echo-hash-4way.c \ algo/echo/aes_ni/hash.c \ algo/fugue/fugue-aesni.c \ algo/fugue/sph_fugue.c \ algo/gr/gr-gate.c \ algo/gr/gr.cpp \ algo/gr/gr-4way.cpp \ algo/groestl/groestl512-hash-4way.c \ algo/groestl/sph_groestl.c \ algo/groestl/aes_ni/hash-groestl.c \ algo/groestl/aes_ni/hash-groestl256.c \ algo/hamsi/sph_hamsi.c \ algo/hamsi/hamsi-hash-4way.c \ algo/jh/sph_jh.c \ algo/jh/jh-hash-4way.c \ algo/keccak/sph_keccak.c \ algo/keccak/keccak-hash-4way.c \ algo/luffa/luffa_for_sse2.c \ algo/luffa/luffa-hash-2way.c \ algo/sha/sha256d.c \ algo/sha/sha256-hash.c \ algo/sha/sha256-hash-opt.c \ algo/sha/sha2.c \ algo/sha/sph_sha2.c \ algo/sha/sha256-hash-2way-ni.c \ algo/sha/sha256-hash-4way.c \ algo/shabal/sph_shabal.c \ algo/shabal/shabal-hash-4way.c \ algo/shavite/sph_shavite.c \ algo/shavite/sph-shavite-aesni.c \ algo/shavite/shavite-hash-2way.c \ algo/shavite/shavite-hash-4way.c \ algo/simd/nist.c \ algo/simd/simd-hash-2way.c \ algo/simd/vector.c \ algo/skein/sph_skein.c \ algo/skein/skein-hash-4way.c \ algo/whirlpool/sph_whirlpool.c \ algo/whirlpool/whirlpool-hash-4way.c disable_flags = if USE_ASM cpuminer_SOURCES += asm/neoscrypt_asm.S if ARCH_x86 cpuminer_SOURCES += asm/sha2-x86.S asm/scrypt-x86.S asm/aesb-x86.S endif if ARCH_x86_64 cpuminer_SOURCES += asm/sha2-x64.S asm/scrypt-x64.S asm/aesb-x64.S endif if ARCH_ARM cpuminer_SOURCES += asm/sha2-arm.S asm/scrypt-arm.S endif else disable_flags += -DNOASM endif if HAVE_WINDOWS cpuminer_SOURCES += compat/winansi.c endif cpuminer_LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ cpuminer_LDADD = @LIBCURL@ @JANSSON_LIBS@ @PTHREAD_LIBS@ @WS2_LIBS@ @NUMA_LIBS@ -lssl -lcrypto #cpuminer_LDADD = @LIBCURL@ @PTHREAD_LIBS@ @WS2_LIBS@ -lssl -lcrypto \ # /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjansson.a cpuminer_CPPFLAGS = @LIBCURL_CPPFLAGS@ $(ALL_INCLUDES) cpuminer_CFLAGS = -Wno-pointer-sign $(disable_flags) if HAVE_WINDOWS cpuminer_CFLAGS += -Wl,--stack,10485760 -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast else #cpuminer_LDADD += /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnuma.a endif if HAVE_WINDOWS # use to profile an object # gprof_cflags = -pg -g3 # cpuminer_LDFLAGS += -pg # cpuminer_CFLAGS += -fno-inline-functions -static # copy/paste from generated Makefile common_ccflags = $(DEFS) $(ALL_INCLUDES) $(cpuminer_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(cpuminer_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) # special CFLAGS (if you find a simpler way to do that tell me ;) cpuminer-neoscrypt.o: neoscrypt.c @echo "CUSTOM ${@}: ${filter %.o,${^}} ${filter %.c,${^}}" $(CC) $(common_ccflags) -g -O3 $(gprof_cflags) -MT $@ -MD -MP -c -o $@ $< endif