To pull together the initial iteration of the blocks page, I'm gathering feedback here with what's known to update for a quick iteration:
- Ensuring links are updated to work better with locale updates.
- Some light copy changes thanks to some editorial help from Peter Rubin.
- Update the code example to what was kindly provided previously and ensure it aligns with accessibility feedback.
- Remove alt text from block icons. Completed by @ryelle.
- Update labels of links based on feedback.
- Wrap arrows for links in
. @ryelle can you handle?
For design:
- Consider list arrangement for block section/improve accessibility there based on design and a11y feedback.
- Ensure visuals and illustrations are language neutral to better hold up across languages.
- Add some sort of a visual(s) that better represents the connection between blocks > patterns > themes (rough mockup), including an updated hero image.
For dev/other:
- Consider enabling the code syntax block plugin that is used on the developer redesign and porting over the "copy" button functionality (like this example).
- Bring back a section that emphasizes user friendliness (insert, transform, style, etc) and ensure it establishes the user friendliness closer to the top. Context.
- Consider how best to use WP Sandbox to have folks try out more of what’s discussed here.
- Integrate something like the blockbook project into the experience, perhaps using WP Sandbox.
- Connect broader use of blocks to the Showcase work to highlight what's been done with blocks.
- Consider how best to include (and whether to include) this newest gutenberg as a framework doc site: Bootstrap a documentation website tailored towards the usage of Gutenberg outside WordPress gutenberg#54375