The reset button on ColorGradientSettingsDropdown doesn't close the popover #68469
Closed as not planned
Closed as not planned
When you use the reset button on ColorGradientSettingsDropdown, the popover doesn't close and the popovers may overlap.
Step-by-step reproduction instructions
- Go to Block editor
- Set Background color or Text color
- Reset the Color from the ColorGradientSettingsDropdown.
Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet
Environment info
- WordPress Version 6.7.1
- Gutenberg Version 19.9.0
- Twenty Twenty-Five 1.0
Please confirm that you have searched existing issues in the repo.
- Yes
Please confirm that you have tested with all plugins deactivated except Gutenberg.
- Yes
Please confirm which theme type you used for testing.
- Block
- Classic
- Hybrid (e.g. classic with theme.json)
- Not sure