Training Team meetings start at 00:00 UTC weekly on Thursdays. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the meeting by commenting in Slack threads during the meeting and throughout the following days. Meeting notes will be published by the following Tuesday to also incorporate these asynchronous conversations.
This week’s meeting will be hosted by @digitalchild
1. News
- July 4 – @Zeel Thakkar
- July 11 – @Kruti
- July 18 – looking for volunteer
- July 25 - looking for volunteer
2. Looking for feedback
@lada7042 set up a GatherPress test site and needs help testing! Please Click the RSVP button and create a login to test RSVPing to the event!
A plan for retiring the Faculty Program has been posted – as previously discussed and agreed by the team – with steps laid out from July 18, 2024 through September 12, 2024.
3. Looking for volunteers
- We are looking for folks to review tutorials and determine if we keep, update, or deprecate them.
- The Thumbnail Creation Project also requires volunteers to help make thumbnails for the new Learn site
4. Updates from last week's dev-squad triage session
- No dev squad last week
5. Other news
- It was reported that one of the lessons in the beginner developer pathway was replaced with a translated version
The original version seems to have been placed into draft mode, and the original content lost somehow. Feedback on ensuring processes are followed to ensure this is caught in the future before publishing. - The second course cohort wrapped and the recap post is up, including feedback survey results from participants and next steps:
- Thumbnail Creation Project
- The Thumbnail-a-thon online event on the 26th of June, with 18 participants working on creating thumbnails for the project.
- A total of 21 thumbnails were created for the project
2. Come and Contribute
- See Guidelines for reviewing content when reviewing content.
- We have 13 issues ready for review
- See Validating and Applying Content Feedback for step-by-step guidance on validating feedback.
- We have 28 issues that require validation
- See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
- We have 4 issues that require vetting
Good first issues for developers
- See Developing Learn WordPress for instructions on contributing to the Learn WordPress code.
- We have # issues requiring development
Validated feedback awaiting fix
- Faculty Editors, see Validating and Applying Content Feedback for step-by-step guidance on applying feedback that has been validated.
- We have # issues awaiting a fix
3. Contribution Acknowledgement
- Props:
4. Project updates
Project Thread: Learning Pathways on Learn WordPress
- The Beginner developer learning pathway was published on the 23rd of June.
- The Intermediate user learning pathway was published on the 3rd of July.
- Other updates can be found on the Project Thread
Update on Learn WP site remake:
- Heads-up that the site is nearly ready for formal QA/testing, and a post will be going up soon on the Training team p2 with instructions on what to test, and where to report bugs.
- In the meantime everyone is welcome to preview the new theme here:
5. Open Discussions
If you have topics you’d like discussed in the meeting, please leave them as a comment on this issue.
You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.