OSINT Resource Classification System
This site is (hopefully) where a bunch of people will get together and create an OSINT Resource Classification System that can be used to systematically organize and refer to types of resources used in OSINT work.
If you look around the internet, you will see many resources showing links to a variety of web sites, tools, and documents that can be useful in OSINT/ThreatIntel/Recon work. The problem is that each site owner makes their own names for the categories. An example would be the https://start.me/p/b56G5Q/search-engines has 15 different types of search engines whereas http://osintframework.com/ has about 10...and they do not overlap. So comparing "apples-to-apples" and looking for similar sites across these bookmark sites is extremely challenging.
I'm hoping that this site will serve as a central place for many of us to come together and begin making OSINT simpler by agreeing on standard categories and subcats for our resources.
If this happens, sites like https://yoga.osint.ninja will be extremely powerful as it could link directly to each person's bookmark site at a specific category.
I need help with this. I need those people that have bookmark sites, PDFs, and other resources to join up and make their voices heard (in a positive way). Participate and let's make something great together.
I imagine using this Github project for this work...at least initially. The Wiki https://github.com/WebBreacher/orcs/wiki and Projects features can help organize and publish our content.
We have a private channel in the Rocket Chat https://osint.team server for discussions.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.