Kerning Adjustment interface for variable EFO. The interface is served through NodeJS, alongside a Flask server. The Flask server is communicating over with the NodeJS interface.
- Colaborative, Flask is multi-threaded so you can work on multiple EFOs at the same time.
- Interface Font rendering is done though fragments for faster result.
- Each Master can have it's own set of kerning adjustments.
- Your kerning gets stored in LocalStorage.
- Class Kerning, so you can kern all letters of a class.
- Snap Kerning, take screens of your kerning so you can verify it passing after saving and compiling.
On save, the data is transfered to efo/kerning/adjustments.json
And on
on that EFO, you get new PLIST and FEA files.
- to compile with fontmake, clearing the browser cache data and reload - the interface mirrors the changes.
Working on integrating those last steps and making it easier.
flask, flask_socketio, flask_session, flask_cors, ufoLib, lxml
body-parser, express, express-handlebars, handlebars, minimist, python-shell,, cors
jquery, domtoimage,
cd "/kerning_adjust"
npm install
node app --source (source EFO)
Once the Node server is running, you can visit: http://localhost:8008/
NodeJS is also starting the Flask server, which logs all the threads visit: http://localhost:5000/