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Darwin Core short names

eightysteele edited this page Sep 8, 2011 · 5 revisions


Darwin Core names are sometimes verbose. Consider maximumdistanceabovesurfaceinmeters which is 35 characters long! In an effort to trim that down a bit, we've created the following list of Darwin Core short names that can used in the Prototype Search API.

All of the following queries are valid:


Here's the table that maps names to short names:

name short name
acceptednameusage anu
acceptednameusageid anuid
accessrights ar
associatedmedia am
associatedoccurrences ao
associatedreferences ar
associatedsequences as
associatedtaxa at
basisofrecord br
bed bd
behavior b
bibliographiccitation bc
catalognumber cat
class cl
collectioncode cc
collectionid cid
continent ct
coordinateprecision cp
coordinateuncertaintyinmeters cu
country cn
countrycode cnc
county co
datageneralizations dg
datasetid did
datasetname dn
dateidentified di
day d
decimallatitude dlat
decimallongitude dlng
disposition dsp
dynamicproperties dp
earliestageorloweststage eage
earliesteonorlowesteonothem eeon
earliestepochorlowestseries eep
earliesteraorlowesterathem eera
earliestperiodorlowestsystem ep
enddayofyear edy
establishmentmeans em
eventdate ed
eventid eid
eventremarks er
eventtime et
family fm
fieldnotes fnt
fieldnumber fnm
footprintspatialfit fpsf
footprintsrs fps
footprintwkt fp
formation frm
genus g
geodeticdatum gd
geologicalcontextid gid
georeferencedby gb
georeferenceprotocol gp
georeferenceremarks gr
georeferencesources gs
georeferenceverificationstatus gvs
group grp
habitat h
higherclassification hc
highergeography hg
highergeographyid hgid
highestbiostratigraphiczone hbz
identificationid idid
identificationqualifier iq
identificationreferences irf
identificationremarks irm
identifiedby ib
individualcount ic
individualid indid
informationwithheld iw
infraspecificepithet ise
institutioncode ic
institutionid iid
island i
islandgroup ig
kingdom k
language ln
latestageorhigheststage lage
latesteonorhighesteonothem leon
latestepochorhighestseries lep
latesteraorhighesterathem lera
latestperiodorhighestsystem lp
lifestage ls
lithostratigraphicterms lt
locality l
locationaccordingto lcat
locationid lid
locationremarks lr
lowestbiostratigraphiczone lbz
maximumdepthinmeters mxd
maximumdistanceabovesurfaceinmeters mxa
maximumelevationinmeters mxe
member mem
minimumdepthinmeters mnd
minimumdistanceabovesurfaceinmeters mna
minimumelevationinmeters mne
modified md
month m
municipality mn
nameaccordingto nat
nameaccordingtoid natid
namepublishedin np
namepublishedinid npid
nomenclaturalcode nc
nomenclaturalstatus ns
occurrencedetails od
occurrenceid oid
occurrenceremarks or
occurrencestatus os
order ord
originalnameusage onu
originalnameusageid onuid
othercatalognumbers ocn
ownerinstitutioncode oic
parentnameusage pnu
parentnameusageid pnuid
phylum ph
pointradiusspatialfit prsf
preparations p
previousidentifications pi
recordedby rb
recordnumber rn
reproductivecondition rc
rights r
rightsholder rh
samplingeffort sme
samplingprotocol smp
scientificname sn
scientificnameauthorship sna
scientificnameid sid
sex sx
specificepithet se
startdayofyear sdy
stateprovince sp
subgenus sg
taxonconceptid tcid
taxonid tid
taxonomicstatus ts
taxonrank tr
taxonremarks trm
type t
typestatus ts
verbatimcoordinates vc
verbatimcoordinatesystem vcs
verbatimdepth vd
verbatimelevation ve
verbatimeventdate ved
verbatimlatitude vlat
verbatimlocality vl
verbatimlongitude vlng
verbatimsrs vs
verbatimtaxonrank vtr
vernacularname vn
waterbody w
year y
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