How to Install core GTAS in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine Running CentOS 7
A video deomonstrating how to install core GTAS is available on YouTube at the link below.
- VirtualBox
- CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso ( ) . This .iso file is 4GB
- Modern web browser (No Internet Explorer)
Additional Hardware Requirements for Virtual Machine (Minimum)
- 4 GB RAM for core GTAS application. More RAM is needed for ELK stack and Neo4j
- 14 GB disk space
- The open internet
Step 1: Create Virtual Machine and Install CentOS 7
- Download the CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso if you haven't already
- Start VirtualBox application
- Click "New" in Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
- Name your virtual machine. If you include CentOS it will automatically change to RedHat Linux (64-bit). It is probably the best choice since CentOS was derived from RHEL
- Click Continue
- Adjust RAM greater than or equal to 4GB and click "Continue"
- Select "Create virtual hard disk now" (default) and click "Create"
- Select "VDI (VirtualBox Disk Images)" and click Continue
- Select "Fixed size" (this is a preference, not a requirement) and click "Continue"
- Adjust disk space greater than or equal to 14GB and click "Create"
- Click "Settings" in the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
- Click "Display" and increase Video Memory to the maximum
- Click "Storage" and select the "Empty" disk under "Controller: IDE"
- Click the disk icon on the right of "Optical Drive:" under "Attributes"
- Select "choose a disk file" from the dropdown menu and select CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso and click "OK"
- Click "Start" in Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager to start virtual machine
- Wizard should default to the .iso selected previously. Click "Start"
- Select Install CentOS7 and press return
- Adjust screen size in menubar if necessary View>Virtual Screen 1>
- in "Base Environment" select "GNOME Desktop" (other Add-Ons for Selected Environment are preferences, not requirements) and click "Done"
- Select "INSTALLATION DESTINATION" and click "Done"
- Select "NETWORK & HOST NAME" and click toggle next to "Ethernet" and click "Done"
- Click "Begin Installation"
- Click "ROOT PASSWORD" to set root password and click "Done"
- Click "USER CREATION" to create other users and click "Done"
- Wait for installation to complete and click "Reboot"
- Accept the License and click "Done"
Step 2: Install VirtualBox Guest Additions and Enable File Sharing
- Login as root under "Not listed?"
- Click "Devices>Insert Guest Additions CD Image" in menubar of Host Machine
- Click Run in wizard window to run installation script
- When prompted, press Return to close the window
- Devices>Shard Folders>Shared Folder Settings
- Click the "Add a folder" icon and select a path to the folder you want to share between your Host and your Virtual Machine. Select "Auto-mount" and "Make Permanent" and click "OK". Then Click "OK" on the next window
- The "sf_Desktop" drive should be visible on your Virtual Machine desktop
- Select Devices>Shared Clipboard>Bidirectional (preference, not requirement)
- Select Devices>Drag and Drop>Bidirectional (preference, not requirement)
- On the Oracle VirtualBox Manager, right click the VM and select close>Power Off and click "Power Off" in the popup.
- On the Oracle VirtualBox Manager, right click the VM and select Start>Normal Start (for bidirectional clipboard/drag and drop changes to take effect)
Step 3 : Install Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8u202
This will require registering as a user with Oracle. It's free.
Open FireFox and copy this link into the address bar to navigate to Oracle's download page. -
Download the jdk-8u202-linux-x64.rpm
you will need to be logged in as root or use sudo to install java
move it to the /opt directory by opening Terminal (right click on desktop) and running
mv ~/Downloads/jdk-8u202-linux-x64.rpm /opt
Go to /opt directory
cd /opt/
Run local install command
yum localinstall jdk-8u202-linux-x64.rpm
Type "y" when prompted in the installation wizard
Run alternatives command
alternatives --config java
Select the correct number option for 8u202
Check version by running the command
java -version
Step 4: Install Apache Maven
- In the terminal, use the wget command to download Apache Maven
- Expand and install
tar -xzvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz
- Give ownership to the user
chown -R root:root /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/
- Add Maven to your paths
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile
- Refresh profile to enforce changes
cd /etc/
. profile
- Change working directory back to /opt and check version to confirm installation and
cd /opt/
mvn -version
- Check paths to ensure /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin is there
echo $PATH
Step 5: Install Apache ActiveMQ
- In the terminal, use the wget command to download Apache ActiveMQ
- Expand and install
tar -xzvf apache-activemq-5.16.0-bin.tar.gz
- Start ActiveMQ
./apache-activemq-5.16.0/bin/activemq start
- Confirm installation and status by viewing in web browser
user: admin
password: admin
Step 6: Install Apache Tomcat
- In the terminal, use the wget command to download Apache Tomcat
- Expand and install
tar -xzvf apache-tomcat-9.0.37.tar.gz
Step 7: Install MariaDB Client and Server
- update yum repositories
sudo yum -y update
- modify MariaDB repo to select correct versions for GTAS use
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo<<EOF
- Copy and paste all of this text into the document editor and press "return"
name = MariaDB
baseurl =
- Update the cache
sudo yum makecache fast
- Download and install MariaDB server and client software
sudo yum -y install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
- Enable MariaDB as a service
sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb
- Configure MariaDB installation
sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Follow the prompts. Configure to suit your preferences
Step 8: Install GTAS from Source Code on GitHub
Download the source code
git clone --branch dev --single-branch
To create the GTAS database, navigate to gtas-commons
cd GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-commons/
Run the following command
mvn clean install
Run each of these commands sequentially, after the previous is successful
mvn hibernate:update
mvn hibernate:drop
mvn hibernate:create
check for creation of database and table population
mysql -u root -p
enter password from MaraiDB configuration
Select GTAS database
use gtas;
check tables
show tables;
check user table
select * from user;
To compile .war files from source code, navigate to the gtas-parent directory
cd /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/
Run clean install command
mvn clean install
Copy .war files and application.configuration file to the tomcat server
cp /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-job-scheduler-war/target/gtas-job-scheduler.war /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/webapps/
cp /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-webapp/target/gtas.war /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/webapps/
cp /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-commons/src/main/resources/ /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/conf/
Create directories for messages. The best place for them is in the Host/Virutal Machine shared directory
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/in
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/working
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/out
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/error
Change the directory addresses in "" for the file loader to match the directories made
vim /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/conf/
press "i" to insert
make required edits to the doc
press "esc" to stop
press ":" to enter prompt
type "wq" and press "enter" to write and quit
- change the directory addresses for the file loader to match the directories made (i.e. message.dir.origin=/media/sf_Desktop/in )
- To start the server, enter the command
/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/bin/ run
- You can now access the GTAS webapp by opening a browser and navigating to:
username: admin
password: password
Step 9 Optional: Forward ports to access GTAS on Host Machine
In the CentOS user interface, in the menu bar, go to firewall settings: Applications>Sundry>Firewall
configuration permanent add 8080
configuration runtime add 8080
on Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager go to the menu bar on the Host Machine: Network>Advanced>Port Forwarding
Add a rule
Name: webapp
Protocol: TCP
Host IP:
Host Port: 8080
Guest IP:
Guest Port: 8080
- Access the web application on your host machine at the address:
username: admin
password: password