#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import unicode_literals try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup long_description = ( 'Autosub is a utility for automatic speech recognition and subtitle generation. ' 'It takes a video or an audio file as input, performs voice activity detection ' 'to find speech regions, makes parallel requests to Google Web Speech API to ' 'generate transcriptions for those regions, (optionally) translates them to a ' 'different language, and finally saves the resulting subtitles to disk. ' 'It supports a variety of input and output languages (to see which, run the ' 'utility with --list-src-languages and --list-dst-languages as arguments ' 'respectively) and can currently produce subtitles in either the SRT format or ' 'simple JSON.' ) setup( name='autosub', version='0.4.0', description='Auto-generates subtitles for any video or audio file', long_description=long_description, author='Anastasis Germanidis', author_email='agermanidis@gmail.com', url='https://github.com/agermanidis/autosub', packages=['autosub'], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'autosub = autosub:main', ], }, install_requires=[ 'google-api-python-client>=1.4.2', 'requests>=2.3.0', 'pysrt>=1.0.1', 'progressbar2>=3.34.3', 'six>=1.11.0', ], license=open("LICENSE").read() )