#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import io import re import csv import sys import codecs import argparse import binascii import collections ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_RE = re.compile(r''' ( \\U........ # 8-digit hex escapes | \\u.... # 4-digit hex escapes | \\x.. # 2-digit hex escapes | \\[0-7]{1,3} # Octal escapes | \\N\{[^}]+\} # Unicode characters by name | \\[\\'"abfnrtv] # Single-character escapes )''', re.UNICODE | re.VERBOSE) re_float = re.compile(r'^(-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(e[-+]?[0-9]+)?|nan|[+-]?inf)$', re.I) # re_int = re.compile(r'^(0|-?[1-9][0-9]*)$') re_int = re.compile(r'^-?[0-9]+$') re_null = re.compile(r'^(|null|\\N)$', re.I) re_null2 = re.compile(r'^( |-|\.|none|na|n/a)$', re.I) re_null3 = re.compile(r'^(|null|\\N| |-|\.|none|na|n/a)$', re.I) re_nonp = re.compile(r'[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037]') geom_types = sorted(( 'POINT', 'POINT Z', 'POINT M', 'POINT ZM', 'LINESTRING', 'LINESTRING Z', 'LINESTRING M', 'LINESTRING ZM', 'POLYGON', 'POLYGON Z', 'POLYGON M', 'POLYGON ZM', 'MULTIPOINT', 'MULTIPOINT Z', 'MULTIPOINT M', 'MULTIPOINT ZM', 'MULTILINESTRING', 'MULTILINESTRING Z', 'MULTILINESTRING M', 'MULTILINESTRING ZM', 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'MULTIPOLYGON Z', 'MULTIPOLYGON M', 'MULTIPOLYGON ZM', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Z', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ZM', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ZM', 'GEOMETRY', 'GEOMETRY Z', 'GEOMETRY M', 'GEOMETRY ZM'), key=len, reverse=1) # SMALLINT < INTEGER < BIGINT < DECIMAL < DOUBLE < GEOM < TEXT < BLOB # We don't detect BOOLEAN TYPES = {v:k for k, v in enumerate(( 'SMALLINT', 'INTEGER', 'BIGINT', 'DECIMAL', 'DOUBLE', 'GEOM', 'TEXT', 'BLOB'))} BIGINT_MIN = -9223372036854775808 BIGINT_MAX = 9223372036854775807 INT_MIN = -2147483648 INT_MAX = 2147483647 # be conservative SMALLINT_MIN = -128 SMALLINT_MAX = 127 class CustumDialect(csv.Dialect): pass def decode_escapes(s): def decode_match(match): return codecs.decode(match.group(0), 'unicode-escape') return ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_RE.sub(decode_match, s) def check_wkt(s): gtype = dimension = None s = s.upper() for cmd in geom_types: if s.startswith(cmd): gtype_a = cmd.split(' ') gtype = gtype_a[0] if len(gtype_a) == 1: dimension = 2 elif gtype_a[1] == 'Z': dimension = 3 elif gtype_a[1] == 'ZM': dimension = 4 else: dimension = 'XY' + gtype_a[1] break return gtype, dimension def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate SQL definition from CSV files. Automagically determines field type.", epilog="--delimiter accepts c-style escaped string, eg. '\\t' for tabs.\nThe generated SQL is supposed to be manually checked first.") parser.add_argument("-d", "--delimeter", help="A one-character string used to separate fields, defaults to ','.", default=",", metavar="CHAR") parser.add_argument("-e", "--escapechar", help="The escapechar removes any special meaning from the following character.", metavar="CHAR") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quotechar", help="A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters.", default='"', metavar="CHAR") parser.add_argument("-s", "--skipinitialspace", help="When used, whitespace immediately following the delimiter is ignored.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-t", "--strict", help="When used, exit on bad CSV input.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-D", "--no-doublequote", help="The escapechar is used as a prefix to the quotechar.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-c", "--encoding", help="CSV encoding to validate.", default='utf-8') parser.add_argument("-n", "--tablename", help="Table name to import into. (default: filename)") parser.add_argument("-r", "--rowno", help="Add an integer primary key row number column", metavar="COLNAME", nargs="?", const='id') parser.add_argument("-i", "--insert", help="Output inserts.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-I", "--insert-only", help="Output inserts without CREATE TABLE statements.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--begin", help="Command to start a transaction, defaults to BEGIN", default='BEGIN') parser.add_argument("--wkt", help="Identify Geometry column (WKT) for SpatiaLite/PostGIS.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--spindex", help="Create spatial index on Geometry columns. (SpatiaLite only)", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-H", "--no-header", help="First row is not header.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("file", help="Input file") args = parser.parse_args() dialect = CustumDialect dialect.delimiter = decode_escapes(args.delimeter) dialect.doublequote = not args.no_doublequote dialect.escapechar = args.escapechar dialect.lineterminator = '\r\n' dialect.quotechar = args.quotechar dialect.quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL dialect.skipinitialspace = args.skipinitialspace dialect.strict = args.strict with open(args.file, 'rb') as fb: f = io.TextIOWrapper(fb, encoding='latin1', newline='') reader = csv.reader(f, dialect) columns = row = next(reader) if args.no_header: columns = ('c%d' % i for i in range(len(row))) f.seek(0) header = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(columns) ids = collections.OrderedDict((x, set()) for x in header if 'id' in x.lower()) geom_cols = collections.OrderedDict() for rowcount, row in enumerate(reader, 1): for key, col in zip(header, row): coltype = header[key] if re_null.match(col): if key in ids: del ids[key] elif (coltype and TYPES[coltype] < TYPES['TEXT'] and re_null2.match(col)): if key in ids: del ids[key] elif re_int.match(col): if coltype and TYPES[coltype] > TYPES['DECIMAL']: continue intval = int(col) if intval != 0 and col.startswith('0'): dtype = 'TEXT' elif intval > BIGINT_MAX or intval < BIGINT_MIN: dtype = 'DECIMAL' elif intval > INT_MAX or intval < INT_MIN: dtype = 'BIGINT' # be conservative, don't use <= elif SMALLINT_MIN < intval < SMALLINT_MAX: dtype = 'SMALLINT' else: dtype = 'INTEGER' if not coltype or TYPES[coltype] < TYPES[dtype]: header[key] = dtype if key in ids: if col in ids[key]: del ids[key] else: ids[key].add(col) elif re_float.match(col): if coltype and TYPES[coltype] > TYPES['DOUBLE']: continue elif key in ids: del ids[key] header[key] = 'DOUBLE' elif coltype != 'BLOB': if key in ids: del ids[key] if re_nonp.search(col): header[key] = 'BLOB' continue else: try: col.encode('latin1').decode(args.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: header[key] = 'BLOB' continue if coltype == 'TEXT': continue if args.wkt: gtype_dimension = check_wkt(col) else: header[key] = 'TEXT' continue if gtype_dimension[0]: if coltype == 'GEOM': if geom_cols[key] != gtype_dimension: header[key] = 'TEXT' del geom_cols[key] else: header[key] = 'GEOM' geom_cols[key] = gtype_dimension else: header[key] = 'TEXT' tablename = args.tablename or os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(fb.name)[0]) if not tablename.isidentifier(): tablename = '"%s"' % tablename pkey = tuple(ids.keys())[0] if ids else None result = [] result.append('CREATE TABLE %s (' % tablename) if args.rowno: result.append('%s %s PRIMARY KEY,' % ( args.rowno if args.rowno.isidentifier() else '"%s"' % args.rowno, 'BIGINT' if rowcount > INT_MAX else 'INTEGER' )) for k, v in header.items(): if v == 'GEOM': continue elif v is None: v = header[k] = 'TEXT' result.append('%s %s%s,' % ( k if k.isidentifier() else '"%s"' % k, v if v != 'DOUBLE' else 'DOUBLE PRECISION', ' PRIMARY KEY' if k == pkey and not args.rowno else '' )) result[-1] = result[-1][:-1] result.append(');') for k, v in geom_cols.items(): gtype, dimension = v result.append( "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('%s', '%s', 4326, '%s', %r);" % (tablename.strip('"'), k, gtype, dimension) ) if args.spindex: result.append("SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('%s', '%s');" % (tablename.strip('"'), k)) if not args.insert_only: print('\n'.join(result)) if not (args.insert or args.insert_only): return header_idx = tuple(header.values()) header_name_idx = {v:k for k,v in enumerate(header.keys())} print(args.begin + ';') with open(args.file, 'rb') as fb: f = io.TextIOWrapper(fb, encoding='latin1', newline='') reader = csv.reader(f, dialect) if not args.no_header: next(reader) for rowcount, row in enumerate(reader, 1): if args.rowno: vals = [str(rowcount)] else: vals = [] for k, v in enumerate(row): if k >= len(header_idx): continue coltype = header_idx[k] if coltype == 'GEOM': pass elif TYPES[coltype] < TYPES['GEOM']: if re_null3.match(v): vals.append('null') else: vals.append(v) elif coltype == 'TEXT': text = v.encode('latin1').decode(args.encoding) vals.append("'%s'" % text.replace("'", "''")) # .replace('\r', "'||char(13)||'").replace('\n', "'||char(10)||'")) else: vals.append("X'%s'" % binascii.b2a_hex(v.encode('latin1')).decode('ascii')) for k in geom_cols: v = row[header_name_idx[k]] if re_null3.match(v): vals.append('null') else: vals.append("ST_GeomFromText('%s',4326)" % v.replace("'", "''")) print('INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s);' % ( tablename, ','.join(vals))) print('COMMIT;') if __name__ == '__main__': main()