# Used by "mix format" and to export configuration.
export_locals_without_parens = [
plug: 1,
plug: 2,
forward: 2,
forward: 3,
forward: 4,
match: 2,
match: 3,
get: 2,
get: 3,
head: 2,
head: 3,
post: 2,
post: 3,
put: 2,
put: 3,
patch: 2,
patch: 3,
delete: 2,
delete: 3,
options: 2,
options: 3
inputs: ["{mix,.formatter}.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"],
locals_without_parens: export_locals_without_parens,
export: [locals_without_parens: export_locals_without_parens]