This repository contains the code for Shawnee Mission East Robotics Two #21692 INTO THE DEEP (2024-2025) competition season.
requires Android Studio 2024.2.1 Ladybug + Java 21
TeleOp at TeamCode/src/main/java/com.technodot.ftc.twentyfour/
Auto at TeamCode/src/main/java/com.technodot.ftc.twentyfour/
in order of usefulness specifically people who have actually done stuff and have been useful, seeeed.
- @akwatson the head builder/thinker
- @technodot the programmer/unbuilder/unthinker/major problem
- @silentrunner101 the designer/builder
- @gavinlasky the builder/thinker without discord
- @sheeparmy the silly builder/thinker
- @somethin_999 the builder/thinker
- @safire1k the builder/thinker
- @PumkinCat-Java the other programmer/builder (the one that isn't a problem)
- @cargarzarwild the experienced yet missing sophomore
- Left Joystick - Movement (depends on selected modes)
- Right Joystick - Movement (depends on selected modes)
- Left Trigger - Precise Mode
- Right Trigger - Raise Claw Arm (Force)
- Left Bumper - Extend Slide
- Right Bumper - Retract Slide
- A Button - Open Claw
- B Button - Close Claw
- X Button - Lower Claw Arm
- Y Button - Raise Claw Arm
- D-Pad Up - Extend Slide (Override)
- D-Pad Down - Lower Slide (Override)
- D-Pad Left - Enable Camera Processing
- D-Pad Right - Disable Camera Processing
League: KCW
| Date | Name of Event | Team Members | Rankings and Statistics |
| 11/09 | F.L. Schlagle | AK AJ CR MM YW | 8th 8th (0.40 0.80 3.00 84 2-4-0 6) |
| 11/09 | Post-Competition | | 14th (0.40 0.80 3.00 84 2-4-0 6) |
| 11/16 | Gardner Edgerton | AK GL MM YW | 7th 9th (0.70 3.80 4.80 84 3-8-1 12) |
| 11/16 | Post-Competition | | 13th (0.70 3.80 4.80 84 3-8-1 12) |