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A simple popup display that provides breadcrumbs feature using LSP server


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πŸ—ΊοΈ nvim-navbuddy

A simple popup display that provides breadcrumbs like navigation feature but in keyboard centric manner inspired by ranger file manager.


⚑️ Requirements

πŸ“¦ Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

use {
    requires = {
        "numToStr/Comment.nvim",        -- Optional
        "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" -- Optional
Plug "neovim/nvim-lspconfig"
Plug "SmiteshP/nvim-navic"
Plug "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim"
Plug "numToStr/Comment.nvim",        " Optional
Plug "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" " Optional
Plug "SmiteshP/nvim-navbuddy"

Lazy Loading

If you want to lazy load navbuddy you need to load it before your Lsp related Stuff.

For Example with Lazy and lspconfig

return {
    dependencies = {
            dependencies = {
            opts = { lsp = { auto_attach = true } }
    -- your lsp config or other stuff

βš™οΈ Setup

nvim-navbuddy needs to be attached to lsp servers of the buffer to work. You can pass the navbuddy's attach function as on_attach while setting up the lsp server. You can skip this step if you have enabled auto_attach option in setup function.


local navbuddy = require("nvim-navbuddy")

require("lspconfig").clangd.setup {
    on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
        navbuddy.attach(client, bufnr)

πŸͺ„ Customise

Use setup to override any of the default options

  • icons : Indicate the type of symbol captured. Default icons assume you have nerd-fonts.
  • node_markers : Indicate whether a node is a leaf or branch node. Default icons assume you have nerd-fonts.
  • window : Set options related to window's "border", "size", "position".
  • use_default_mappings: If set to false, only mappings set by user are set. Else default mappings are used for keys that are not set by user.
  • mappings : Actions to be triggered for specified keybindings. For each keybinding it takes a table of format { callback = <function_to_be_called>, description = "string"}. The callback function takes the "display" object as an argument.
  • lsp :
    • auto_attach : Enable to have Navbuddy automatically attach to every LSP for current buffer. Its disabled by default.
    • preference : Table ranking lsp_servers. Lower the index, higher the priority of the server. If there are more than one server attached to a buffer, navbuddy will refer to this list to make a decision on which one to use. for example - In case a buffer is attached to clangd and ccls both and the preference list is { "clangd", "pyright" }. Then clangd will be prefered.
  • source_buffer :
    • follow_node : Keep the current node in focus on the source buffer
    • highlight : Highlight the currently focused node
    • reorient: Reorient buffer after changing nodes. options are "smart", "top", "mid" or "none"
local navbuddy = require("nvim-navbuddy")
local actions = require("nvim-navbuddy.actions")

navbuddy.setup {
    window = {
        border = "single",  -- "rounded", "double", "solid", "none"
                            -- or an array with eight chars building up the border in a clockwise fashion
                            -- starting with the top-left corner. eg: { "β•”", "═" ,"β•—", "β•‘", "╝", "═", "β•š", "β•‘" }.
        size = "60%",       -- Or table format example: { height = "40%", width = "100%"}
        position = "50%",   -- Or table format example: { row = "100%", col = "0%"}
        scrolloff = nil,    -- scrolloff value within navbuddy window
        sections = {
            left = {
                size = "20%",
                border = nil, -- You can set border style for each section individually as well.
            mid = {
                size = "40%",
                border = nil,
            right = {
                -- No size option for right most section. It fills to
                -- remaining area.
                border = nil,
                preview = "leaf",  -- Right section can show previews too.
                                   -- Options: "leaf", "always" or "never"
    node_markers = {
        enabled = true,
        icons = {
            leaf = "  ",
            leaf_selected = " β†’ ",
            branch = " ο‘ ",
    icons = {
        File          = "σ°ˆ™ ",
        Module        = " ",
        Namespace     = "σ°Œ— ",
        Package       = " ",
        Class         = "σ°Œ— ",
        Method        = "󰆧 ",
        Property      = "ξž› ",
        Field         = "ξœ– ",
        Constructor   = "ο₯ ",
        Enum          = "σ°•˜",
        Interface     = "σ°•˜",
        Function      = "σ°Š• ",
        Variable      = "󰆧 ",
        Constant      = "󰏿 ",
        String        = "ο”« ",
        Number        = "󰎠 ",
        Boolean       = "β—© ",
        Array         = "σ°…ͺ ",
        Object        = "σ°…© ",
        Key           = "σ°Œ‹ ",
        Null          = "󰟒 ",
        EnumMember    = " ",
        Struct        = "σ°Œ— ",
        Event         = " ",
        Operator      = "󰆕 ",
        TypeParameter = "σ°Š„ ",
    use_default_mappings = true,            -- If set to false, only mappings set
                                            -- by user are set. Else default
                                            -- mappings are used for keys
                                            -- that are not set by user
    mappings = {
        ["<esc>"] = actions.close(),        -- Close and cursor to original location
        ["q"] = actions.close(),

        ["j"] = actions.next_sibling(),     -- down
        ["k"] = actions.previous_sibling(), -- up

        ["h"] = actions.parent(),           -- Move to left panel
        ["l"] = actions.children(),         -- Move to right panel
        ["0"] = actions.root(),             -- Move to first panel

        ["v"] = actions.visual_name(),      -- Visual selection of name
        ["V"] = actions.visual_scope(),     -- Visual selection of scope

        ["y"] = actions.yank_name(),        -- Yank the name to system clipboard "+
        ["Y"] = actions.yank_scope(),       -- Yank the scope to system clipboard "+

        ["i"] = actions.insert_name(),      -- Insert at start of name
        ["I"] = actions.insert_scope(),     -- Insert at start of scope

        ["a"] = actions.append_name(),      -- Insert at end of name
        ["A"] = actions.append_scope(),     -- Insert at end of scope

        ["r"] = actions.rename(),           -- Rename currently focused symbol

        ["d"] = actions.delete(),           -- Delete scope

        ["f"] = actions.fold_create(),      -- Create fold of current scope
        ["F"] = actions.fold_delete(),      -- Delete fold of current scope

        ["c"] = actions.comment(),          -- Comment out current scope

        ["<enter>"] =,     -- Goto selected symbol
        ["o"] =,

        ["J"] = actions.move_down(),        -- Move focused node down
        ["K"] = actions.move_up(),          -- Move focused node up

        ["s"] = actions.toggle_preview(),   -- Show preview of current node

        ["<C-v>"] = actions.vsplit(),       -- Open selected node in a vertical split
        ["<C-s>"] = actions.hsplit(),       -- Open selected node in a horizontal split

        ["t"] = actions.telescope({         -- Fuzzy finder at current level.
            layout_config = {               -- All options that can be
                height = 0.60,              -- passed to telescope.nvim's
                width = 0.60,               -- default can be passed here.
                prompt_position = "top",
                preview_width = 0.50
            layout_strategy = "horizontal"

        ["g?"] =,            -- Open mappings help window
    lsp = {
        auto_attach = false,   -- If set to true, you don't need to manually use attach function
        preference = nil,      -- list of lsp server names in order of preference
    source_buffer = {
        follow_node = true,    -- Keep the current node in focus on the source buffer
        highlight = true,      -- Highlight the currently focused node
        reorient = "smart",    -- "smart", "top", "mid" or "none"
        scrolloff = nil        -- scrolloff value when navbuddy is open
	custom_hl_group = nil,     -- "Visual" or any other hl group to use instead of inverted colors

πŸš€ Usage

Navbuddy command can be used to open navbuddy.


And alternatively lua function open can also be used to open navbuddy.

:lua require("nvim-navbuddy").open()


A simple popup display that provides breadcrumbs feature using LSP server








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