Fast and simple Instagram hashtag scraper.
For a more powerful scraper, try Instamancer
git clone
cd instaphyte
pip3 install -e .
pip install instaphyte
$ instaphyte
usage: instaphyte [-h] [--count COUNT] [--download] [--silent]
[--waitDownload] [--filename FILENAME]
[--filetype {csv,json,both}] [--downdir DOWNDIR]
{hashtag,location} id
Scrape Instagram hashtag and location feeds
positional arguments:
{hashtag,location} The type of feed to scrape posts from
id The id of the feed to scrape posts from
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--count COUNT, -c COUNT
Number for posts to download. 0 to download all
--download, -d Save images from posts
--silent Disable progress output
--waitDownload, -w Only download media once scraping is finished
--filename FILENAME, --file FILENAME, -f FILENAME
Name of the output file
--filetype {csv,json,both}, --type {csv,json,both}, -t {csv,json,both}
Type of output file
--downdir DOWNDIR Directory to save media
instaphyte hashtag selfie --count=1000 -d
from instaphyte import Instagram
api = Instagram()
# Get 1000 posts from #selfie
for post in api.hashtag("selfie", 1000):
# Get all posts tagged as being in London
for post in api.location("213385402"):