Hello there 👋, My name's Samuel I'm a programmer just for hobbie. I'm currently studing a degree in mathematics at UNEAL (University of Alagoas) and tecnical degree in Electro-eletronics at IFAL (Federal Institute of education, science and technology of Alagoas) and someday I'd like to be a teacher of math and robotics. In my Github profile I publish my projects that I hope useful for everyone and I make everything here as my personal portfolio.
workingInCompanny = True
whichCompanny = "PopularAlimentos"
OcuppationInCompanny = "I.T. Assistent"
country = 'Brazil'
state = 'Alagoas'
age = 20
myMainPage = 'https://samuel-de-oliveira.github.io'
programingLanguges = ['Python',
languages = {'Portuguese': 'Native language',
'English': 'Intermediate',
'French': 'Learning...'}
local contact = {}
-- Send me a email:
function contact.email()
local email = {
to = 'samwolfg12@gmail.com',
title = 'I saw your Github profile'
return email
-- My LinkedIn profile
function contact.linkedin()
return 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/samuel-de-oliveira-b10284203/'
return contact