This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 21, 2023. It is now read-only.
This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 21, 2023. It is now read-only.
This attribute can be used to decorate -Tag
parameters to automatically rewrite the tag using Add-VSTag.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Management.Automation;
public class TransformTagAttribute : ArgumentTransformationAttribute {
private EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics;
private IEnumerable<PSObject> InvokeAddVSTag(object key, object value)
var tags = this.engineIntrinsics.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript(
String.Format("Add-VSTag -Key '{0}' -Value '{1}'", key, value)
foreach (PSObject tag in tags)
yield return tag;
private IEnumerable<PSObject> TransformHashtable(IDictionary inputData)
foreach (string key in inputData.Keys)
foreach (PSObject tag in this.InvokeAddVSTag(key, inputData[key]))
yield return tag;
private IEnumerable<PSObject> TransformPSObject(PSObject inputData)
foreach (var property in inputData.Properties)
foreach (PSObject tag in this.InvokeAddVSTag(property.Name, property.Value))
yield return tag;
private object TransformData(object inputData)
if (inputData is Array)
foreach (object item in inputData as object[])
return this.TransformData(item);
else if (inputData is IDictionary)
return this.TransformHashtable(inputData as IDictionary);
else if (inputData is PSObject)
PSObject psObject = inputData as PSObject;
if (psObject.TypeNames.Contains("Vaporshell.Resource.Tag"))
return inputData;
else if (psObject.TypeNames.Contains("System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject"))
return this.TransformPSObject(psObject);
return inputData;
public override object Transform(EngineIntrinsics engineIntrinsics, object inputData)
this.engineIntrinsics = engineIntrinsics;
return this.TransformData(inputData);
It will convert any of the following (including mix-and-match):
Test-TagBinding -Tags @{ one = 1; two = 2 }
Test-TagBinding -Tags @{ one = 1 }, @{ two = 2 }
Test-TagBinding -Tags ([PSCustomobject]@{ one = 1; two = 2 })
Test-TagBinding -Tags @(
Add-VSTag -Key one -Value '1'
Test-TagBinding -Tags (Add-VSTag -Key one -Value '1')
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