periph_rtt: rtt_set_alarm() blocks IRQ for 80 plus usec on STM32 #19520
When the ztimer_msec
module is enabled and backed by periph_rtt
on a STM32 CPU I noticed jitter in my ISRs of 100-200 usec. Digging into the issue I see the implementation of rtt in all STM32 (STM32F1 being the exception I believe, but it may have similar problems) busy waits inside of a critical section of code where IRQs are disabled. This happens inside the rtt_set_alarm()
function. I thought to move the busy wait out of the critical section, but I believe ztimer
is calling this function from an ISR anyway.
Steps to reproduce the issue
Here is the simplest program I can think of to demonstrate the issue:
APPLICATION = periph_rtt_bug
BOARD ?= nucleo-f767zi
RIOTBASE ?= ../../lib/RIOT
USEMODULE += ztimer_usec
USEMODULE += ztimer_stopwatch
# uncomment this line to demonstrate bug indirectly via ztimer rather than directly via rtt
#USEMODULE += ztimer_msec
include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.include
#include <periph/rtt.h>
#include <ztimer.h>
#include <ztimer/stopwatch.h>
static void _cb(void* arg)
int main(void)
unsigned max = 0;
ztimer_stopwatch_t stopwatch;
ztimer_t timer = { .callback = &_cb };
// Normally ZTIMER_MSEC is backed by rtt, but if ZTIMER_MSEC isn't used,
// we'll need to init rtt ourselves.
ztimer_stopwatch_init(ZTIMER_USEC, &stopwatch);
while (1)
// Demonstrate that setting a timer on ZTIMER_MSEC (when backed by rtt)
// can take more time than we might expect. This is espesially bad when
// timers are set from an ISR.
ztimer_set(ZTIMER_MSEC, &timer, 100);
// silence unsused variable compiler warning
// Demonstate that we spend an unexpectedly long amount of time in this
// call (with IRQs disabled).
rtt_set_alarm(100, &_cb, NULL);
const unsigned time = ztimer_stopwatch_measure(&stopwatch);
if (time > max)
max = time;
printf("max: %u\n", max);
return 0;
Expected results
Output-ed max values from sample code above should be very small.
Actual results
Output-ed max values from sample code above are 80-90 usec. When the line USEMODULE += ztimer_msec
is uncomment in the Makefile, that increases to as much as 183 usec.
RIOT Version 2023.04