This repository contains links to various GitHub repositories storing patent drafts and research papers related to different Data Science topics and domains.
The purpose of this repository is to showcase some of the innovative and cutting-edge ideas that I have been working on or exploring in my spare time. I hope to inspire other researchers and inventors to pursue their own passions and contribute to the advancement of science and technology.
Each repository contains a README file that provides a brief overview of the filed patent, along with a link to the GitHub repository where the full document can be found.
The filed patents are as follows:
- Method and System for Product Recommendation Based on User Interaction
- RAG(Retrieval-Augmentation-Generation) powered system for vocabulary acquisition through adaptive learning
Please feel free to checkout my published articles on renowned Data Science learning platform called Analytics Vidhya with 3M+ community.
- Build a Face mask Detector using RetinaNet Model
- Introduction to Market-Mix-Model using Robyn from Meta
- Introduction to ANOVA test using real time COVID-19 Data
- Beginners guide to Focal Loss in Object detection
- Web-scrapping using Selenium with Python
You can also checkout my personal website for other published articles- Towards Machine Learning
This repository is subject to a confidentiality agreement between the inventor and the viewers of this repository. The files in this repository are not to be disclosed, copied, or distributed without the prior written consent of the inventor. See the Confidentiality Agreement file for more information.
For questions or inquiries, feel free to contact me on Linkedin.
I’m a seasoned Data Scientist and founder of TowardsMachineLearning.Org. I've worked on various Machine Learning, NLP, and cutting-edge deep learning frameworks to solve numerous business problems.